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This book has been inspired by so many people. People who have touched my life with the way they live theirs. People who move with such courage and grace as they pursue their callings. When you show up in the world you are poetry in motion, and I am so grateful for you.
To my mentors, thank you, Eve Ensler, Gail Staub, David Gershon, MaryKay Penn, Barbara Huson, Queen Afua, Lisa Nichols, Susie Carder, John DAquila, Lynne Twist, Bob Proctor, Jay Abraham, Charlee Sutton, Rosemary Blake, Dr. Devika Singh, and Brendon Burchard. To my lifetime collaborators and co-creators, Lori Hanau, Raphael Bemporad, Nathalie Molina Nio, Jodie Evans, Reshma Saujani, Claudia Chan, Gabrielle Bernstein, and Paula Abreu, I am inspired every day by you and all that you are bringing to this world.
To my soul sisters, Kimberly Greene (biological), Ghana Imani Hylton (BFF), Kyung-Ji Rhee, and Brooke Emery. To my beloved Move The Crowd clients and all those who have engaged in our trainings, it has been such an honor to serve you!!! To our rock-star leadership circle: Heather Box, Anurag Gupta, Phakiso Collins, Amina AlTei, Jesse Johnson, Anasa Troutman, Randi Zinn, Michelle Maros, Barb Schmidt, Eren Ozmen, Deepa Purushothaman, Anna Claussen, Rodney Lopez, Ella Turenne, Diana Gasperoni, Taij Moteelall, Cheryl Derricotte, Z Griss, Anna Glass, Theresa Coleman Wash, and Piper Andersonthank you, for all you do to change the game!
To my beloved Move The Crowd team both past and present, there is no way that I could have ever done this without you, Rolando Brown, Eve Smith, Dana Balicki, Joselina Fay, Danny Skinz, Lillian Koenig, Marisol Ybarra, JLove Caldern, Monika Moss-Gransberry, Josh Van Vliet, Nikki Orzel, Ursula Burden, Barry Girsh, Ben Gruber, Micah BlackLight, Shalonda Ingram, Pat Manuel, Stacy Pobatschnig, Dana Podgurski, Annette Naif, Regina Dowdell, Katrina Frye, Chris Kazi Rolle, Karen Dellaripa, Sue Freeman, Connie Vanderzanden, Calgary Brown, and Anietie Ekanem, thank you, for all the ways youve helped me every day to Empower the Dream!
To my brilliant agents, Celeste Fine and Jaidree Braddix, and the awesome team at Park & Fine Literary and Media, thank you, for your genius always. To my awesome attorney, Nancy Wolff, and the team at Cowan, DeBaets, Abrahams & Sheppard LLP. To my phenomenal copy editor, Kristina, say it plain, sister! Grish, thank you, for all the love and dedication you brought to these words.
To my wonderful editor at St. Martins Press, Monique Pattersonthank you so much, for seeing the vision and helping me usher it in.
To my beloved family, the Greene, Fletcher, Bell, Butler, Davis, Allen, Kupfer, and OLeary clans. Thank you, for loving me and encouraging me to always keep it real!
Last but never, ever least, to my phenomenal husband, Corey S. Kupfer, you are my rock and my reason. Thank you, for being my partner in all things and for helping me create such an amazing life. Your love encourages me every day to answer the call.
Some of the stories in this book describe the life circumstances and experiences of individuals I have worked with who have chosen to be identified by their real name. Some stories are inspired by the circumstances and experiences of individuals who chose not to be identified. I have changed identifying details and events and given them fictitious names.
Finally, some of the stories in this book are composite accounts based on the circumstances and experiences of a number of individuals who had similar challenges. For these composites, any resemblance to any real person or persons with similar names and/or circumstances is purely coincidental and unintentional.
I believe that God works through people. I believe that were guided to the people who will support us in our development and were guided to them exactly when we need their help. This has happened many times in my own life, but one in particular stands out. Thats the story of how I met Rha Goddess.
In 2008 I was struggling big-time with codependence. Id been in an unfulfilling relationship, jumping through hoops for my boyfriends attention. I was terrified of losing him and of being alone. Finally, I hit bottom. I was desperate for relief, so I stopped pouring all my effort into making him interested in me. Instead, I started praying.
The more I asked for guidance, the more I received. I was led to many helpful resources, from books and meditations to a group for women healing codependent patterns. I began experiencing a lot of beautiful synchronicities that blew me away.
One day my neighbor suggested I set up a business meeting with a woman named Rha Goddess, who, like me, worked to empower young women. A week later, another friend independently suggested I meet Rha Goddess. I accepted the universal memo and emailed Rha to schedule a meeting. She responded to my email by saying that she couldnt meet right away because she was going on a spiritual retreat. I was shocked, because it turned out I was going on the same retreat! I flipped out over this synchronicity, but it didnt seem to faze her.
We didnt end up meeting at the retreat. But on my flight home, I connected with the woman sitting next to me on the plane. I told her about my work and that I lived in New York City. She said, You must meet this woman. And then she handed me Rha Goddesss business card! I laughed as the universe hit me over the head yet again.
The next week I traveled to New Orleans for an event for Eve Enslers V-Day, a global movement to stop violence against women and girls. When I got there, I looked over the lineup for the first day. Following talks by Rosario Dawson and Jane Fonda was a performance by guess who? Rha Goddess! Clearly I needed to meet this woman. The guidance was so apparent that I felt overwhelmed with joy.
Finally, we met. I was moved by her powerful energy and her loving presence. After her performance, we gave each other a big hug and laughed about how a power greater than ourselves was working hard to get us together. We agreed to set up our long-awaited meeting later that month.
The day when I was set to meet Rha for a dinner meeting in Brooklyn was dark and rainy. The gloomy weather mirrored my state of mind: I was tripped up about my romantic relationship again, experiencing a lot of fear around being alone and feeling like I wasnt good enough. But I wasnt about to miss my dinner with the woman the universe so clearly wanted me to know, so I pulled myself together and went to Brooklyn.
Even though wed set up the meeting to discuss business, Rha and I began talking about our personal lives from the moment we sat down. She told me about her spiritual beliefs and her coaching practice. She also told me about her magnificent husband and how she had manifested the relationship. She explained how shed gotten over her negative relationship patterns and become clear about what she wanted in order to free up space to call in her man. Rha exuded light when she spoke about her husband and their relationship. As she spoke, I heard an intuitive voice say: