NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION New Spirit-Filled Life Bible 
Jack W. Hayford, Litt.D. ASSOCIATE EDITOR
Paul G. Chappell, Ph.D. ASSOCIATE EDITOR
Kenneth C. Ulmer, Ph.D., D.Min.
Judy Brown, Ed.D.
Jonathan David Huntzinger, Ph.D.
Gary Matsdorf, M.A.
NASHVILLE DALLAS MEXICO CITY RIO DE JANEIRO Spirit-Filled Life Mission Statement The mission of Spirit-Filled Life Bibles and reference products is to serve the body of Christ with a broad range of trustworthy products marked by Biblical soundness, balanced scholarship and a sense of honor toward the modern-day working of the Holy Spirit. These resources are designed to provide Biblical equipping for practical living in Gods kingdom and around the world. New Spirit-Filled LifeBible Copyright 2002, 2014 by Thomas Nelson, a division of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc. Holy Bible, New International VersionNIV copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.
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eISBN: 9781401679330
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The waves of successive seasons of revival blessing throughout church history have left recurring high-water marks. These signs of the Holy Spirits surgings across the earth and throughout time have, as a rule, been the result of Gods signal use of anointed men, whose leadership not only was the spearhead making a holy penetration in their world, but whose name became the designation of that revival era. Accordingly we note the strata of church history by the mention of names, such as Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, Knox, Huss, Wesley, Finney and Moody. But with the opening of the twentieth century, from out of the wellsprings of the holiness tradition, a revival broke forth, which is distinctive in two ways. First, the wave of renewal it gave rise to in the church internationally has not receded; rather, it has continued to roll forward and to engulf leaders and laity in every historic tradition and contemporary circle of Christianity. Second, this revival has not been characterized by the leadership of any primary personality to set its agenda or establish its style.
One historian has referred to the Pentecostal-Charismatic revival as a movement without a man, thereby noting the phenomenon that its broadening tide of influence is dynamically global and impacting in every sector of the church. No one can proscribe the movements boundaries, none can inscribe his name upon it, and who can describe it in any other way than by Peters words at Pentecost: This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: In the last days... I will pour out my Spirit on all people ()? As the waves of this renewal have spread, the common denominator of those it engulfs is not a doctrinal position as much as it is a mutual sharing in a new dynamic. This new is neither novel nor unprecedented, but simply a rekindling and release of the simplicity and power inherent in the New Testament churchthe life and ministry of Jesus continuing in his body today after the manner of the book of Acts. Because of this, it has characteristically been difficult to prepare a single study Bible to serve this broad community. Their convictions about the person of Jesus Christ, his virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death, literal resurrection and majestic ascension are essentially in agreement.
Their view of the authority of the Word of God and its divine inspiration is absolute and uniformly the same. And their experience of the contemporary operations of the Holy Spiritwhose fullness, fruit, gifts and works of power are welcomed and realized today as at the churchs inceptionis held in general accord. However, by reason of the breadth of their denominational backgrounds, a wide diversity characterizes this band. They will be found at all points of the spectrum on such issues as: (1) Calvinism contrasted with Arminianism; (2) Dispensational contrasted with covenant theology; (3) Premillennial, postmillennial and amillennial differences in prophetic interpretation; and (4) Views and practices on the place and purpose of speaking in tongues with reference to the believers initial infilling with the Holy Spirit. The striking fact, given this widely diverse group, is that their movement together reflects not a lack of conviction about those points wherein they view Scripture and experience differently, but a response to the Holy Spirits compulsion to give place to another overarching conviction. These leaders choose to let brotherly love prevail in the church, to seek peace and pursue it and to acknowledge the prayer of our Lord Jesus that they may be one as we are one.
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