Table of Contents
A Prayer for Justice
Prayers for the downfall of the wicked uphold Gods righteousness.
Psalm 35 is a song of prayer against evil. Psalms with this theme are called imprecatory psalms, and they serve a dual purpose: to uphold Gods righteousness and to annihilate evil. Since the song was sung in public, those committing the evil might hear it, be warned, and turn to God themselves. David composed Psalm 35.
Singing in Tune
Davids enemies are more than he can handle; he is in desperate need of Gods help to battle not only the enemy but also the temptation to doubt (vv. 13). We might be inclined to skip over much of his songthe prayer for the destruction of his enemiesbecause it just seems to go against everything we know about godly character. But since the Bible is where we find these hard words, it cant be wrong. Davids prayer is not only right; it is also realistic, because in order for God to protect his people, those who harm them must be stopped. Underlying Davids prayer was Gods long - range plan to enfold enemy outsiders into the community of his people, and in Davids day, military victory was the way in which God accomplished that purpose. Ultimately, God desires all his enemies to be conquered by conversion. David ends on a note of praise, rejoicing that God delights in the welfare of his people, which God himself ensures, and in that God is glorified (vv. 2728).
Musical Notes
Gods Grace
People in high positions, such as King David, are not the only ones who deal with enemy threats on a regular basis. We all do. Our enemies are likely not covert military operatives (although for some of us, they might be). More often than not, the threats we endure are more spiritual and emotional than physical. But the truth is, our greatest enemiessin and Satanthreaten our complete destruction, and its with those enemies in mind that we can sing this song with passion. At the cross, Jesus defeated sin and Satan so that those who put their trust in him will surely be delivered. So we stay in the fight, confident that he has already provided all we need for victory. If God is for us, who can be against us? (Rom. 8:31).
Gods Attributes
- conquering
- protecting
- saving
- vindicating
Sing the Song
Ponder Romans 12:1721.
Wait for the Lord
When oppressed by powerful people, we can turn to God for help and rely on God for deliverance.
David composed Psalm 62 to express confidence in Gods care and protection, no matter what threatens. For that reason, such songs are called confidence psalms.
Singing in Tune
God always hears the prayers of his people, and he can be trusted to answer in his perfect way and time. We have no need to latch on to worldly ways or to seek security in material blessings or powerful people (vv. 910). God alone can provide what we truly need, and we will never regret waiting for his provision (vv. 12, 8). Gods provision is always personal my rock, my salvation, my fortress (vv. 2, 67). When our cry for help seems to go unanswered, the only safe thing to do is wait (vv. 1, 5). But waiting on God is no nail - biting exercise in self -management; it involves active trust, reminding ourselves of all he has promised to be for his people.
Musical Notes
Gods Grace
Godly confidence is rooted not only in what God does for us but in who he is for us. Trusting him means knowing we can be real with him, that we can tell him exactly how we feel and what we hope for. Such honesty, that unself - conscious realness, is the hallmark of any healthy relationship, including our relationship with God, and weve been brought into it through Jesus Christ, in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in him (Eph. 3:12).
Gods Attributes
- listening
- protecting
- providing
- saving
- trustworthy
Sing the Song
Meditate on Romans 8:2627 and Hebrews 4:1416.
A Path through Injustice
When the threat of evil wearies the soul, remembering Gods love strengthens and provides hope to persevere.
Hunted and wearied, David composed Psalm 59 as a song of lament. He pours out in prayer the injustice hes suffering, and as he does, he prays not only for deliverance but also for the destruction of his enemies. This was no personal vendetta on Davids part; his request was driven for the triumph of righteousness over evil. For that reason, songs like Psalm 59 show us how to pray when evil of any sort threatens us. The background for Psalm 59 is 1 Samuel 19:1112.
Singing in Tune
Sauls pursuit of David was relentless. He was determined to end Davids life. Hunted and in hiding, David cries out to God for protection and an end to the ordeal. He knows hes not sinless, but in this case, hes suffering for no sin of his own (vv. 14). Awake, come to meet me, and see! he prays. He pleads for God to do something, as Saul and his men plot new strategies of attack every night (vv. 67). Although God has not yet acted, he sees and knows every injustice David has suffered (v. 8). David cant see God at work, but he vows to watch for him, trusting that God will get him out of his plight (vv. 910). He also prays for the downfall of the evildoers and for the failure of their plans in order that they may know that God rules over Jacob (v. 13). In conquering evil, God draws souls. So David waits. God has proven himself faithful in times past, and no doubt he will do so again because he loves his people (vv. 1617).
Musical Notes
Gods Grace
Suffering injustice for our faith is actually a privilege. As we wait in hope for deliverance, we are blessed with a grace - fueled strength we wouldnt know any other way. On top of that, we have an opportunity to reflect Christ in how we handle our suffering, enabling others to see and marvel and ask us to give the reason for our hope. Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for righteousness sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled (1 Pet. 3:1314 ).
Gods Attributes
- defending
- delivering
- loving
- protecting
- strong
Sing the Song
Describe how 2 Corinthians 12:710 helps you to apply Psalm 59.
Safe in Our King
When overwhelmed by difficulty, Gods people can appeal to him for relief.
Psalm 61 is a prayerful song concerning the well - being of the kingnot just David but the whole line of kings to come after him. Gods people sang this song with great feeling, knowing that their welfare hinged on God blessing the king. Psalm 61 and other psalms like it were included in the Psalter as a way to seek Gods purposes in the lives of all Gods people.
Singing in Tune
Trouble is unavoidable, which is why David sets a pattern for prayer when it comes. We are invited to cry out to God, even when our faith is weak and doubts tempt (vv. 12). At such times, deliverance is surely needed, but more vital still is Gods comforting, strengthening presence (vv. 34). Davids focus shifts as he prays specifically for Gods protective blessing to cover the king, because Gods blessings of protection and provision came to everyone through the king (vv. 68).
Musical Notes
Gods Grace
Davids prayer for an eternally reigning king wasnt answered in his lifetime. He died, as did the kings who came after him. Not for a thousand more years would the answer come. It came in Jesus , Davids descendant, the King of kings, who sits enthroned at Gods right hand. Through him comes the fullness of all Gods blessings.
Gods Attributes
- attentive
- faithful
- listening