Notes, or a clue
Note 1
And God said: Let there be vault/firmament/expanse: that is how differently translate the Hebrew word raqiya, because religious figures finally understood that the word raqiya doesnt mean vault of heaven as written in the Torah or firmament of heaven as written in the Bible but the expanse of heaven as written in geography school textbook.
Note 2
Guided by the quotes from the Torah, the Bible and the Quran, Orthodox religious confessions have been persecuting homosexuals for many centuries. What we read in the Torah and in the Bible about it:
And when a man lies down with a male the same as one lies down with a woman, both of them have done a detestable thing. They should be put to death without fail. Their own blood is upon them (Wayiqra/Leviticus 20: 13):
And the history of Sodom and Gomorrah (Surah The Moon: 33-38), (Surah The Poets: 160-168), (Surah Hud 81-83) were copied in the Quran from the Book of the Messenger of Musa (from the Torah/Taurat):
Although the leaders of orthodox religious confessions also contributed to the development of same-sex conduct by separating men from women in all spheres of human activities for thousands of years.
By the way, same-sex couples fight for their rights only in Christian countries and Israel; but they will be stoned to death for such action in Muslim countries, although they don't have less lesbians, masculine women and effeminate men than in any country of the world, who also make love but secretly from their Muslim brothers.
Countries like China and India with the majority confessing Buddhism and Hinduism havent such problems at all, as they dont study the Bible and the Quran, and thats why no one of them persecute the same-sex couples.
There is another thing. In some regions of India and Africa people freely walk around naked, but for some reason the civilized people call the behavior of such people Ethnography, i.e. they dont see any shame in it.
And in some regions of Europe and America nudists walk around naked as well, but they call the behavior of such people Pornography, i.e. they see shame and disgrace in it, although many nudist families do not cheat each other, and girls retain their virginity until marriage.
Unlike them many Muslims, Christians and Jewish wives cheat their husbands as ever they can, to prevent themselves from knowing about their cheating, Muslims women cover themselves behind decent paranja or hijab or yashmak, Christians behind monk robes, and Jewish behind religious clothes. Same way many pious and faithful husbands cheat their wives.
And there is another thing. Before the laws and commandments of Moses many people without any clothing walked outside and hunted for prey, and in the Roman Empire Olympic athletes ran around the stadium in Adams clothes.
They were not embarrassed at that time, like people do it in our day when they see their own or somebody elses nakedness. Such state of affairs continued until the laws and commandments of Moses turned natural beauty and dignity of human body into a shame and disgrace.
The followers of this teaching began to teach their children since childhood that its a shame and disgrace to walk naked in front of other people. And they began to hide their shame and disgrace under many clothes, and thats why many people knowing that clothing will hide their shortcomings they stopped looking after their bodies. And people gradually become a pile of ugly meat, as is the case in many countries of the world, and this trend will continue throughout the globe.
Many people sink into long-term depression due to slightest departure from Christian morality in the field of sexual relations, reproaching himself that in the heat of love they committed a deadly sin, and for their immoral act they will to have to answer before the upcoming judgment of God, where they will be imposed a severe sentence: Send to the underworld for eternal burning in hellfire because of a perverted sexual intercourse.
If statesmen and religious figures dont take any measures on this matter, it is terrible to think about how all this can end.
Note 3
A huge number of Gods creatures move and fly across the planet Earth. If Noah and his sons were able to collect a pair from every kind living creatures, there wouldnt be enough room for them not only aboard the ark but also aboard all modern ships on earth.
Firstly, the great flood lasted for one year and ten days, zoo keepers calculated that the amount of food consumed by each Gods creature for such time exceeds their own weigh by hundreds of times.
Secondly, worlds largest zoos collected only a tiny fraction of the total number of their varieties. And how many species disappeared from the face of the earth since the time of Noah, including creatures like dinosaurs, mammoths and their unknown relatives.
Over a million species of insects and even more of their subspecies move and fly across the earth. If we collect a pair of every kind of creature, from dinosaurs to insects, and prepare hundreds of thousands tons of feed for such crowd, by conservative estimate, they would require an ark at least the size of the island of Madagascar.
There is an interesting thing. In order to collect rare Gods creatures, such as kangaroos from Australia, polar bears from the North Pole, penguins from the South Pole and other similar creatures, Noah and his sons would require an Ark with atomic ice-breaker and several decades to search and collect them together on the board of the ark.
So there is a quite reasonable question. Why the Creator did not write in the Bible about the existence of the above-mentioned rare creatures? Because Moses wrote in his book about those animals which lived in the territories located from Egypt to Mesopotamia. In the days of Moses, his people and he were sure that Egypt and Mesopotamia were the ends of the earth. What we read in the Pentateuch about the flood (Torah - Bereshit, and Genesis according to the Bible : 12-17):
And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights. In the selfsame day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noahs wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into the ark;
They, and every beast after his kind, and all the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind, and every fowl after his kind, every bird of every sort.
And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life. And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: And the Lord shut him in. The flood was forty days upon the earth.
Dear reader, by order of God only eight people entered Noahs ark, and they had to feed and water a large number of Gods creatures three times a day, every day for one year and ten days, and moreover, they had to clean their feces in order to, heaven forbid, do not drown in them.
The above-mentioned raises a reasonable question: why the Almighty Creator needed the ideas, such as the flood and Noahs ark, when God could destroy everything He created on earth in a blink of an eye and create again a sinless man and all living creatures? Or maybe after six days of hard work, the Creator exhausted His power?
And if something was left, that power was only enough to count sins committed by each person from the moment of his birth to the moment of his death and to define who must go to Paradise and who must go to Hell.
Now, dear reader, I will tell you a little secret: if Moses wrote the Bible according the word of God, the Bible would describe the animals which lived not only in the territories located from Egypt to Mesopotamia, but throughout the earth, as well as living creatures which live on other planets, because according to the Bible, the Creator made not only the earth but also the whole Universe.