Also by Gary Zukav
The Dancing Wu Li Masters:
An Overview of the New Physics
The Seat of the Soul
Thoughts from the Seat of the Soul:
Meditations for Souls in Process
Soul Stories
Soul to Soul:
Communications from the Heart
With Linda Francis
The Heart of the Soul:
Emotional Awareness
Thoughts from the Heart of the Soul:
Meditations on Emotional Awareness
The Mind of the Soul:
Responsible Choice
Self-Empowerment Journal:
A Companion to the Mind of the Soul
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Copyright 2008 by Soul Friend LLC
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication
Zukav, Gary.
Soul to soul meditations: daily reflections for spiritual growth/Gary Zukav.
p. cm.
1. Meditations. 2. New Age movement. I. Title.
BP605.N48Z8537 2008
204'.32dc22 2007046201
ISBN-13: 978-1-4165-9372-0
ISBN-10: 1-4165-9372-1
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This book is dedicated with
love and appreciation to Linda Francis,
my spiritual partner, playmate,
and co-creator.
Welcome to this collection of soul-to-soul meditations. The book is small in size, but no soul-to-soul communication is small. What is more important than the purpose of your existence, and how you can use it to contribute to Life?
Each thought in this book invites your consideration, invokes your wisdom, and feeds your compassion. All soul-to-soul communications do this. How many of your communications are soul to soul? How many do you want to be? As you read the thoughts in this book, pay attention to your own. Allow your own wisdom to begin to guide you, and as you do, more and more of your thoughts and communications will become soul to soul.
I also encourage you to read the book these thoughts come from, Soul to Soul: Communications from the Heart, and visit Both will support you in living your life soul to soul.
Gary Zukav
Y our heart is your home and all roads lead to home.
A Soul Subject is not a mental creation. It is a perception that resonates with a deeper part of yourself than the intellect can reach.
A Soul Subject is a multisensory perception. It is an observation of physical circumstances plus a recognition of what they mean.
W e live in a world of meaning. That world is the Earth school, the physical arena of our personal and collective experiences. We are the students. Our experiences are the curriculum.
O ur personal and collective experiences constitute our Soul Subjects.
S ee how the sun moves from north to south and back again, and from low in the sky to high, and then down again as the seasons change. Live a complete cycle with nature.
W atch the grass in the meadows turn from green to brown, and then disappear under the snow. Watch the streams freeze, thaw, and run freely again with butterflies playing over them. Enrich yourself with every detail.
W hen you strive for balance, be gentle with yourself. How can you recognize balance without recognizing imbalance?
I f you strive only to avoid the darkness or to cling to the light, you cannot live in balance. Try striving to be conscious of all that you are.
I t is not only things going wrong that frighten us. It is also our lives going profoundly right. It is clarity piercing the armor of encrusted prejudicesabout others and ourselves.
T he birth of new life is as challenging as it is exhilarating, as frightening as it is liberating. Are you prepared to leave old fears, angers, and judgments behind?
S piritual growth is not an easy escape from the painful circumstances of your life. It begins with an eyes-open exploration of them and their cause. You are the cause. Every insight that brings you to this realization is a new beginning.
L etting go of your familiar propsyour righteous judgments, unchallenged beliefs, and feelings of superiority or inferiorityplaces you in new territory. The old is gone and everything that is emerging is new.
Y ou cannot grow spiritually and remain the same. Understanding that is knowledge. Seeing it is wisdom.
O ne special day in June the sun is higher in the sky than it is at any other time of the year. That day is also the longest day of the year. It is the summer solstice. Maximal potential has become maximal growth, as it has before and as it will again.
H onor the insights that appear to you.
A s the seasons of your life come and go, acknowledge the shifts that happen in you and allow them to mature in their own time.
T he fullness of your most noble and healthy aspirations will come, just as the fall harvest always comes.
F irst come the sprouts, then growth and maturation, and then the harvest. Let wisdom and love sprout and grow in you the same way.
I n the northern hemisphere the deepest moment of the winter comes not in January or February but in December, when the night is longest and the day is shortest. It is the winter solstice. The winter solstice is a very powerful time in the cycle of life and death, death and rebirth, disintegration and renewal that controls all Life on the Earth.
T he contraction of energy that the long nights and cold days reflect reaches its limit at the winter solstice and a cycle completes itself. From that moment forward, even though the winter remains to unfold as it must, the spring has been born, and the summer and the harvests of the summer that follow.
T he dark and trying season of winter is repeated in your life again and again. Each tragedy, loss, failure, and humiliation reaches its inmost movement, spends its energy, and from that long journey another beginsa journey toward warmth, light, and expansion.
T he arrival of winter, the coming of darkness and death, initiates the coming of light and life. This cycle controls the unfolding of your life and all within it.
Y ou cannot stop the death that comes in the winter nor the life that comes with the summer, but you can determine in the winter what will be born in the summer.
T his is the power of deep winterit challenges you, confronts you, and shows you what you must change in yourself.
D eep winter is your potential beckoning to you, disguised as an adversary, a tragedy, or a disaster.
W ill your fears overwhelm you, or will they show you new and different ways to respond to them?
L ife is like a buffalos breath on a cold winter day. It is there, and then its gone.