![The Everything Jesus Book His Life His Teachings - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/444398/images/Cover.jpg)
His Life, His Teachings
Jon Kennedy
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Copyright 2006, F+W Publications, Inc.
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An Everything Series Book.
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Published by Adams Media, an F+W Publications Company 57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322 U.S.A. www.adamsmedia.com
ISBN 10: 1-59337-712-6
ISBN 13: 978-1-59337-712-0 (paperback)
ISBN 13: 978-1-60550-317-2 (EPUB)
Printed in the United States of America.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Kennedy, Jon.
The everything Jesus book / Jon Kennedy.
p. cm. (Everything series)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 13: 978-1-59337-712-0 (paperback)
ISBN 13: 978-1-60550-317-2 (EPUB)
ISBN-10: 1-59337-712-6
1. Jesus Christ. I. Title.
BT203.K46 2006
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Jesus Book
Dear Reader,
Like millions of children around the world, some of my earliest memories are of praying at bedtime and at mealtimes for the blessing and protection of Jesus. The earliest stories I heard were of him and his antecedents and descendants in the Jewish and Christian faiths. The moral to every story was: What would Jesus do, or what would Jesus have me do, in a similar situation? The main decision we make at every turning point depends on answering those questions, I was taught, and if something is displeasing to him, it becomes a barrier to his continued blessing. However, it was my choice as to how I lived my life, and he wouldn't interfere if I didn't ask him to.
To Christians, Jesus is the son of God and the giver of every good gift: life, a world of delight, love, meaning, and our intellects. The same questions what would Jesus do, what would Jesus have me do confront everyone who professes him as Savior and Lord regardless of station in life.
What follows is my quest for this Jesus in history, Holy Scriptures, and the church.
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This book is dedicated to my daughter, Chris; my sons, Michael and Kevin; and my grandchildren, Antony and Brandi; and their pursuit of Jesus.
Welcome to THE
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Welcome to the EVERYTHING Profiles line of books an extension of the bestselling EVERYTHING series!
These authoritative books help you learn everything you ever wanted to know about the lives, social context, and surrounding historical events of fascinating people who made or influenced history and religious thought. While reading this EVERYTHING book you will discover four useful boxes:
Factum: Definitions and additional information
Discussion Question: Questions and answers for deeper insights
Symbolism: Explains a concept or symbol
Fallacy: Refutes a commonly held misconception
Whether you are learning about a figure for the first time or are just brushing up on your knowledge, EVERYTHING Profiles help you on your journey toward a greater understanding of the individuals who have shaped and enriched our lives, culture, and history.
Visit the entire Everything series at www.everything.com
Top Ten Interesting Facts You'll Learn About Jesus
- Scholars generally agree that Jesus' life is better documented than that of any other figure of historical antiquity.
- The church at large did not celebrate the birth of Jesus, Christmas, until between three and five centuries after the church's beginning.
- The church does not teach that Jesus' date of birth was December 25.
- Scholars have concluded that Jesus was born about five years earlier than the beginning of the current general calendar, or about 5 B.C.
- After a replacement was found for Judas Iscariot, all but one of Jesus' closest disciples died martyrs' deaths after keeping the faith.
- Jesus was circumcised as all Jewish males are, as part of their covenant with God.
- Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, who was his second cousin.
- In most of the Christian world, Easter is known in the local language as the equivalent word for Passover.
- What Jesus considered the best and worst prayers are only one sentence each.
- Thousands of martyrdoms in the first three centuries of the church are generally considered the best evidence for the truthfulness of the Gospel and the biggest impetus for the church's growth.
I want to express heartfelt gratitude to Paula Munier, Director of Product Development; my editor, Lisa Laing; and everyone else at Adams Media involved in making this book possible.
Who was Jesus? What was the world that he was born into like? Who were his parents and ancestors? What did he teach? Who were his first followers, and how did they multiply in number to become the largest religious following in today's world?
What did Jesus mean when he told his followers they would be able to move a mountain? What did Jesus teach as necessary for salvation? Do his teachings contrast with or complement those of his apostles? How did we receive the Bible, and what causes orthodox Christians to believe it contains and is, in written form, the Word of God?
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