About the Author
Ambika Wauters writes about healing. Her work includes the realm of angels, colour and sound healing, and homeopathy. She is a practising homoeopath, workshop facilitator, principal of The School of Spiritual Homeopathy and The Institute of Life Energy Medicine. She founded The Heart of Peace Institute for children with autism and developmental delay which is a non-profit organization bringing healing to challenged children around the world. Ambika is the author of numerous successful books on angels and homeopathy including The Homeopathic Bible and Angel Blessings for Babies.
By the Same Author
Angel Blessings for Babies
The Angel Oracle
The Angelic Year
The Book of Chakras
The Chakra Oracle
Chakras and Their Archetypes
Healing with the Energy of The Chakras
Homeopathic Color and Sound Remedies
Homeopathic Medicine Chest
Inner Radiance/Outer Beauty
Lifechanges with the Chakras
Natures Healing Oracle
Healing Power
of Angels
How they Guide
& Protect Us
Ambika Wauters
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This edition first published in the UK and USA 2011 by Watkins Publishing, Sixth Floor, Castle House, 75-76 Wells Street, London W1T 3QH
Text Copyright Ambika Wauters 2011
Ambika Wauters has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission in writing from the Publishers.
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Designed and typeset by Jerry Goldie
Printed and bound by Imago in China
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Available
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Available
ISBN: 978-1-78028-190-2
This book is dedicated to my parents, William Israel Gerelick and Joyce Ferer Gerelick. My father taught me to work hard and love life. He gave me the moral underpinnings of my being and wonderful physical stamina. My mother brought spirit and intelligence to me and a great love of angels from an early age.
To my two sisters, Lynn Gerelick Bleecker, a gifted artist, now in spirit, and Nita Gerelick Steinberg, who has become a light in my life. To my beautiful niece, Jamie Amelia Steinberg, who brings so much love to the table.
To Nina Norell, gifted mystic, healer and teacher, whose love, support and emotional nourishment have kept me open through many initiations into the truth of love. I am deeply grateful.
Angels are with everyone
and lead us and provide that
whatever befalls us
shall turn to our good.
T his book has the capacity to connect you with the healing power of angels. Let it open your hearts and minds to this realm of possibility. It will bring you much joy in doing so. It offers you a practical, working model for engaging the angelic world for healing and rejuvenating. They can assist you with those things that have matter and significance to you through the power of their being and the love they generate to humanity.
The Healing Power of Angels describes how angels interface with us, stimulating and healing us as they work within our energy system. Our task is to speak to them through prayer, in meditation, with affirmative statements of intent and through reflection. They always respond, and as aspects of our own divinity, they link us directly with God, the living Source within us.
The angelic realm is made of nine unique layers of differentiated beings which are known as levels of divinity. These beings are categorized by their proximity to the Throne of God. Starting at the lowest level, which is closest to humanity, and moving higher towards the Throne of God, they are: Angels, Archangels, Archai, Dynamis, Dominions, Virtues, Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones.
These degrees of differentiation in the angelic world exist in three levels of heaven, known as the Heaven of Form, the Heaven of Creation and the Heaven of Paradise. Each level has three types of angelic beings residing within it.
The angelic realm responds to prayer and petition. They will never interfere with us, but if we ask for help they will provide instant assistance. They contact us in stillness, through our dreams and in reflective moments. They also work within the human energy system to balance our energy field.
Angels are an integral part of us. They work within us to stimulate the chakras, or energy power centers. They influence and inform the four subtle energy bodies. As part of their mission to assist us in awakening to the truth of ourselves they also bring us love and understanding along with divine blessings and the grace of the Holy Spirit.
They support our life force by keeping us strong, healthy and moving forward in life. They act as Gods agents, helping to make our lives fuller and happier. As we get to know the many ways in which they enhance the quality of our lives we become masterful in asking that our needs be met and our desires fulfilled. They are here to help us realize the truth of our spiritual perfection.
Angels talk to us by whispering in our ears. When we are comfortable with silence we can hear their wisdom clearly, and we are able to receive their encouragement and guidance. They want us to know the truth of ourselves, which is that we are one with all creation, never separate from it. They ask us to love ourselves, honor who we are, and, as much as possible, to follow the desires of our heart.
Angels can give us very simple and practical advice, along with spiritual guidance. They are always involved with what is going on in our daily life, from doing the laundry, paying our bills, to picking the children up from school. There is never a time they are not with us. They see us through the challenges and the joyful times.
Our job is to learn to listen carefully to their guidance and trust in their counsel. They see a far bigger picture of our lives than we will ever imagine. They work on our behalf constantly and are the trusted servants of God. They bring fulfillment and happiness to our lives.
They work deeply within our energy field to lift our spirits and balance our systems. They keep us moving forward in life till our tasks on this earth plane have been completed and our soul is ready to go home to God again. They build inner strength and moral fiber in us. They release doubt, build trust and they always, always, love us, no matter what we think or do. They help us face our destiny with courage, love, and consciousness.
The angelic realm supports our psychological growth and spiritual development. They encourage us to cultivate a real, working relationship with them. They can guide us through the obstacles that are on our path. They can help us overcome them, zigzag around them or jump over them. They take the high watch on our path through life.
The more we trust in their guidance and make it our own the better we are able to release the chronic patterns of victimhood, martyrdom and servility that have been grafted onto our consciousness by family, school and church. As we release these patterns that limit us we come into the power and truth of ourselves.