As a teacher of deliberate creation, author, and coach I amalways excited to hear new voices in the field of human growth and potential.Especially when that voice is intelligent, articulate, and brings fresh andinsightful perspectives! Greg Kuhn's voice is just that voice destined to helpthousands of people to not only lose weight, but to expand and grow in any areaof their lives. This is why I can guarantee that you are going to love andbenefit greatly from Why Quantum Physicists Don't Get Fat.
When I first met Greg he explained that he is a futurist whohelps people transform difficult challenges by re-framing their paradigmsthrough the science of quantum physics. I was lucky enough to get an early copyof this manuscript and the more I read the more I realized he'd sold himselfway short. After actually finishing the book I knew that Greg was going to endup becoming one of the growing body of teachers helping to usher in a newgolden age of human growth. That's why I have been eagerly encouraging Greg toget this book into your hands ever since!
Greg's teachings about how to create a better, moredesirable body are unique and truly transformational. Greg teaches that, withsimple changes to the way you see the world, based on the super-accurate (andsuper-strange) science of quantum physics, your ideal body is a lot easier toachieve than you've probably thought previously.
Greg's writing is profound, yet it is also accessible, fun,and easy to read. I have read a lot about quantum physics and I can honestlysay that Greg's explanation was the easiest to comprehend that I have comeacross. What is more important to me than Greg's ability to relate thisinformation, however, is his loving spirit and genuine desire to help you.Trust me, you won't be able to not feel this desire coming off every page andthat's exactly what makes this book so powerful.
The great news is that Greg is far from done! He has told methat this is the first in a series of self-help books which use quantum physicsto solve many difficult challenges you may encounter. Please join me inencouraging Greg not to hold back! After reading, Why Quantum Physicists Don'tGet Fat I trust you'll also join me in calling Greg an essential teacher as hehelps you finally find your elusive ideal body.
Since the mid 1990s, I have been working and writing with myfather, Clifford C. Kuhn, MD, a.k.a. the Laugh Doctor. Dr. Kuhn is a physician,medical school professor, comedian, and corporate trainer who helps peopleenhance their performance and health by creating a lighter attitude aboutthemselves. In addition to being Dr. Kuhns right-hand-man and most trustedcollaborator, Im a lifelong science geek who spent 15 years researchingquantum physics and applying its principles to shed unwanted pounds and achievemy ideal body. In this book, Ill show you how to do the same for yourself.
But first, a little about where I am now. I am 44 years oldand, in addition to my writing, I have a busy, full-time profession, I am ahusband, a step-father, and I am the primary caregiver for my three sons. Afterapplying the science of quantum physics to my own diet and exercise routine, Ican now wear the same pants size I wore in high school and, believe it or not,take my shirt off at the pool without feeling embarrassment. I often get peggedas being 10 years younger than I am because of my lack of body fat (althoughthe increasing salt-and-pepper color of my hair means that happens less oftennow). And while thats a description of how I look, its how I feel thatsreally most important to me.
So how do I feel? And how might you, too, feel when you usethe principles of quantum physics to reach your ideal weight? If youre likeme, youll feel:
Strong: Able to climb hills and stairs without losing yourbreath
Desirable: People give you second looks
Confident: You have a physical asset - your body - that faroutshines any expensive wardrobe
Penny-wise: No longer do you have to buy new clothes just toget a better fit for your expanding body
Excited: About buying new clothes to fit your shrinking body(dont worry, you can get them on sale)
Attractive: And often mistaken for someone 10 years youngerthan you are
Healthy: You look in the mirror and your belly is gone
Proud: Friends and family see you and exclaim, Wow! Howmuch have you lost?!
But I didnt always feel like this. When I left college, Istarted gaining weight little by little. You know how it works. My weight gainwas gradual and insidious. By the time I was 28 years old, I had a growingspare tire of flab around my gut and I was trying every trick and fad on the marketto shrink it - to no avail! In fact, had it not been for an innocent commentfrom my mother-in-law, I have no doubt I was headed for obesity.
On August 8th, 1996, I stepped onto some bathroom scalesholding my four-month-old son so I could weigh him. My mother-in-law talliedour combined weight, and then I handed my son to my wife. My mother-in-law nextrecorded my weight alone so she could subtract it from the first total to getmy sons. As she did so, she said, You weigh 194 pounds, Greg. Youve reallyput on some weight, havent you? (For reference, I am 511)
Her comment, while meaning no harm, really hurt; I wasoverly sensitive about my weight, because she was right. Just three yearsearlier, I had weighed in the vicinity of 160 pounds. And I had spent the lastthree years actively and purposefully trying to keep the expanding fat off me.Drinking water, starving myself, skipping meals, eating no fat, eating onlycertain types of food, taking vitamins, taking diet pills, punishing myself withexercise - you name it, Id done it.
And, yet, here I was: three years later and 30-some poundsheavier with a growing (and, now we know, dangerous) spare-tire of flab aroundmy midsection. My mother-in-law was right, and it seemed there was nothing Icould do to stop it! I was fat and getting fatter, despite my best efforts.Compounding the problem, my best efforts were not only failing to keep fat offof me, they were making me miserable too. I often felt like a total failure andcompletely defeated.
I could have resigned myself to the inevitable, tellingmyself that this is just what happens to people as they age. But, for somereason, I did not give up that day and seek comfort in a doughnut or two (aswas my habit at the time). For some reason, I was, instead, filled with resolveto change my life.
I resolved on that day to find a new way to live so that Iwould never have to diet again! I resolved to find a lifestyle that allowed meto feel good about myself and my body, so that I never had to look in themirror and feel shame or disgust again. And I have spent the last 16 yearscreating, refining, and fine-tuning that very lifestyle.
My resolve dovetailed perfectly with the research andwriting I was already doing for my father, exploring all the ways that humorcould help improve ones physical health and mental outlook. Shortly after Ibegan specific research on weight loss, I got a tip to check out the science ofquantum physics and immediately saw its potential to change my life on apersonal basis. I began to write about using quantum physics (and my fathersprescription for humor) to lose weight. But more importantly, I began topersonally practice using quantum physics to lose weight.