Macrobiotics For Dummies
by Verne Varona
Macrobiotics For Dummies
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About the Author
Verne Varona has become known as one of the most energetic and dynamic health educators in the country. During the past thirty-five years, his lectures, workshops and media appearances have motivated thousands of people to take better and more conscious care of their health.
A nationally sought-after speaker, Verne is a frequent speaker at health expos, public institutions, educational foundations and in public seminars. Verne studied Oriental Medicine and Macrobiotics at Michio Kushis East West Foundation of Boston, Massachusetts (1970-1974) and with Herman Aihara at Vega Institute.
He is a frequent guest on a variety of media where his research expertise, humor, and entertaining teaching style make him a welcome and often repeat visitor. For five years, Verne was the nutritional consultant and cofounder of a popular Los Angeles medical group with a clientele that featured well known entertainment and athletic professionals.
Vernes first book, Natures Cancer-Fighting Foods, was published in June 2001 by Prentice Hall Press (now Penguin Books). It is currently in its twelfth printing and is used as a textbook in a number of academic health and wellness institutions.
In 2006 he created a production company, Exceptional Films, to make feature-length films on topics relating to health and wellness.
Verne divides his time between New York City and Miami. Please visit his Web site at
This book is thankfully dedicated to the inspirational teachers and exceptional clients Ive had the good fortune to counsel, both of whom contributed to the academic and experiential nature of this work. The wisdom of my teachers has given me a magnificent framework that helps to unify things when all seems fragmented; seeing them with greater trust, clarity and confidence.
Over the years, generous feedback from many clients has helped me to shape and refine this work; making it more adaptable, cohesive and of critical importance, FUN!
My deepest gratitude to influential teachers: Herman and Cornelia Aihara; Jacque Yvette Delangre; George and Lima Ohsawa; Michio and Aveline Kushi; and Duncan Sim, for their insight, dedication and commitment to elevating human health and happiness.
Authors Acknowledgments
The reward of counseling comes from the open feedback clients give about what seems to work and what doesnt. This validates the work, helping to make it personalized and more effective. Thank you for your faith and feedback.
I thank the following friends for seminar sponsoring and bringing me before their audiences. This teaching and counseling opportunity helped me shape the content of this book.
Sandy Aquila, Nebraska (Omaha Healing Arts Center)
Zlatko & Jadrenka Pejic, Croatia (Makronova Institute.)
Joao & Maria Borges, United Kingdom (One World Family)
Alvin Pettle, MD, Toronto, Canada
Diane Bradshaw, Salt Lake City, UT
Carol & Jim McElroy, Invermere, Canada
Ray & Marie Butler, Scotland
Ruska Porter, Los Angeles, CA (Tuesday Night Group)
Terry Rex Cady, Seattle
John Belleme & Sandy Pukel, Florida (Taste of Health Holiday Cruises)
Larry Cooper, Santa Barbara, CA (Health Classic)
Julie & David Greenhalgh, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Mark Scholtz, MD, Los Angeles, CA (Prostate Cancer Research Institute Conferences)
Carl Ferre, Chico, CA (GOMF Summer Camps)
Judy Grill, Washington, DC
Peter Temars, Amsterdam, Holland
Joel Huckins, San Francisco, CA