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Copyright 2001 James R. White
Published by Bethany House Publishers
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Ebook edition created 2012
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ISBN 978-1-4412-1164-4
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
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The great truth this book so ably proclaims, explains, and defends is the heart of the Christian faith. In a time when so many are fleeing our great heritage in the Protestant Reformation, James White has performed an admirable service in this thorough study of justification. If you do not understand this vital doctrine, you must read this book. If you do and are already persuaded, you will profit immensely by this faithful and uplifting exposition.
Richard D. Phillips , Minister of Preaching, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Certain doctrines are absolutely essential to genuine Christianity. One of those central theological truths, justification by faith, has been under concerted attack over the last decade. The God Who Justifies is a timely treatment of this crucial tenet of Christian faith. Basing his argument squarely on the Word of God, Dr. James White powerfully demonstrates that the historic position of Christian theology accurately expresses the teaching of the Bible. The God Who Justifies is an important contribution to the defense of the faith once delivered to the saints.
James M. Renihan , PhD, Dean of the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies and Associate Professor of Historical Theology
That God in grace justifies ungodly people through Jesus Christ and by faith alone is both the central theme of the Christian gospel and the whole ground of the believers hope. James White has done us a favor in providing a careful articulation of it biblically, theologically, and evangelically. It is a pleasure to recommend his new book as a reliable resource for deepening your understanding of this great theme.
Fred G. Zaspel , Pastor, Word of Life Baptist Church, Pottsville, Pennsylvania, Lecturer in Religious Studies, Pennsylvania State University, Schuylkill Campus
The doctrine of justification is a jewel in the crown of Christs gospel, which many hands have fought over. Where it is lost, churches and nations perish. We warmly welcome the up-to-date and orthodox treatment by Professor James R. White.
Maurice Roberts , Editor, Banner of Truth Magazine
This work is dedicated with Christian love and honor to some of my closest brothers in the Lord who have been so instrumental in encouraging me in the path of righteousness. Christian brothers are a gift from God, so with heartfelt thanks I dedicate this work to:
Brick Darrow,
a brother whose constancy in faith challenges and encourages me;
George Soto,
my truly powerful brother in Christ;
Michael Porter,
to whom I am often the student;
Warren Smith,
my long lost younger brother and dear friend;
Michael OFallon,
whose dedication and selfless service to Christ inspire all who know him;
David King,
my dear fellow minister in the gospel;
Colin Smith,
my British brother, Phil Keaggy fan, and everyday encourager;
My fellow elders Don Cross and Don Fry, with whom I share the call of the gospel at the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church.
A Neglected Yet Vital Issue
T hroughout the history of what is called the Christian church there has been a constant desire on the part of some to return to the simplicity and purity of the apostolic era. Many today seek to rid themselves of the trappings of the modern church and return to what they seem to believe was a golden age of the church, a time when apostles walked the earth and proclaimed with authority the truth of God in Jesus Christ.
Yet when we take time to consider the writings of those apostles, we discover that their ministry was hardly one of ease and simplicity. In fact, the letters they wrote, primarily preserved for us in the writings of Paul, reveal a situation that is hauntingly like what we experience today. They struggled with difficulties in the church that ran the gamut from personal bickering, gossiping, and slander, to sin in the camp, strife between parties, and jealousy among church leaders (what we would call today church politics). But most telling is the constant struggle the apostles themselves faced with false teachers. Heresy, a word that seemingly has fallen out of the modern church lexicon, was a constant concern for John, Peter, Luke, and Paul.
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