Jesus came and stood among them and said to them,
Peace be with you. The Lutheran Study Bible English Standard Version GENERAL EDITOR Rev. Edward A. Engelbrecht ASSOCIATE EDITORS Rev. Dr. Paul E.
Deterding Rev. Dr. Roland Cap Ehlke Rev. Dr. Jerald C. Mark W. Love Rev. Dr. Steven P. Steven P.
Mueller Rev. Dr. Scott R. Murray Rev. Dr. Daniel E.
Paavola Rev. Victor H. Prange Rev. Dr. Robert A. Michael P. Michael P.
Walther Whoever believes and holds to Christs Word, heaven stands open to him, hell is shut, the devil is imprisoned, sins are forgiven, and he is a child of eternal life. That is what this book teaches youthe Holy Scriptureand no other book on earth. Martin Luther (WA 48:155) Concordia Publishing House Saint Louis
Copyright 2009 Concordia Publishing House 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, MO 631183968 1-800-325-3040 All rights reserved. Except as noted below, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Concordia Publishing House.
This publication contains The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois. The ESV text appearing in this publication is reproduced and published in cooperation between Good News Publishers and Concordia Publishing House and by permission of Good News Publishers. Unauthorized reproduction of this publication is prohibited. The ESV text may be quoted (in written, visual, or electronic form) up to and inclusive of one thousand (1,000) verses without express written permission of the publisher, providing that the verses quoted do not amount to a complete book of the Bible nor do the verses quoted account for 50 percent or more of the total text of the work in which they are quoted. The ESV may be quoted for audio use (audio cassettes, CDs, audio television) up to two hundred fifty (250) verses without express written permission of the publisher, providing that the verses quoted do not amount to a complete book of the Bible nor do the verses quoted account for 50 percent or more of the total text of the work in which they are quoted.
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The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV) is adapted from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise noted, all other materials in The Lutheran Study Bible, including introductions, notes, maps, illustrations, and artwork, may not be used without the express written permission of Concordia Publishing House. Several articles were adapted from LifeLight and LifeLight Foundations 19982007 Concordia Publishing House. Charts were adapted from pages 37 and 496 of Leviticus, Concordia Commentary series by John W. Kleinig 2003 Concordia Publishing House.
Quotations marked AE Vols. 130 are from Luthers Works, American Edition Concordia Publishing House. All rights reserved. Quotations marked AE Vols. 3155 are from Luthers Works, American Edition Fortress Press. Used with permission of Augsburg Fortress.
All rights reserved. of Jesus by Douglas Fryer 2004 Concordia Publishing House. The quotations from the Lutheran Confessions are from Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions, second edition; edited by Paul McCain, et al., copyright 2006 Concordia Publishing House. All rights reserved. Brackets from Concordia. Catechism quotations are taken from Luthers Small Catechism with Explanation, copyright 1986, 1991 Concordia Publishing House.
All rights reserved. Some notes for Nu, 1Ki, 2Ki, 1Ch, 2Ch, Is, Jer, and Lm were adapted from The Concordia Self-Study Commentary, 1971, 1979 Concordia Publishing House. eISBN: 978-0-7586-2487-1 Table of Contents
Around 600 laypeople, church workers, and scholars contributed to the development of
The Lutheran Study Bible, including people from Lutheran churches in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, England, Ethiopia, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Haiti, India, Kenya, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, South Africa, Ukraine, and the United States. The editors wish to thank God for the service of each person. Because of the number of contributors, the material needed to be edited for consistency of content and presentation. The general editor finalized the text in consultation with colleagues and reviewers.
Grow in His Word Research Project The development team believed that it was most important to seek input from people who would actually use the Study Bible day-by-day. To begin development, we invited more than 400 laypeople and church workers to read portions of the ESV translation and submit their questions about the readings. We carefully studied the nearly 1,500 questions people submitted. Then we prepared our notes to answer the kinds of questions people asked. The result is a very thorough set of notes that presents both insight and application. Rev. Dr. David L. David L.
Adams Rev. Dr. Mark E. Braun Rev. Dr. Lane A.
Burgland Rev. William W. Carr Jr. Rev. Dr. Paul E.
Deterding Rev. Dr. Roland Cap Ehlke Rev. Dr. Daniel L. Dr. Charles A. Charles A.
Gieschen Rev. Adolph L. Harstad Rev. Dr. Horace D. Dr. Arthur A. Just Rev. Dr. Dr.
Jeffrey Kloha Rev. Dr. R. Reed Lessing Rev. David I. M.
Lewis Rev. Dr. Walter A. Maier III Rev. Dr. Christopher W.
Mitchell Rev. Dr. Timothy E. Saleska Rev. Dr. Peter J.
Scaer Rev. Dr. Vilson Scholz Rev. Dr. Bruce G. Charles R. Charles R.
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