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You may not be aware of it, but there are recognized patterns that lead to lack of self-esteem. Habits become a part of your life but habits can be changed. This book covers the different ways in which you can easily change habits in order to change the course of your life. Everything that we do in life is as a result of what we have been taught, what we have experienced and what we expect from life. However, with all of these presuppositions or prerequisites, its hardly surprising that people are dissatisfied with what they get back from life.
The habits that are introduced in this book are deliberately simplified, so that anyone can achieve them. I have worked with people who have problems for a very long time and these steps have succeeded in making their lives more rewarding. You have a choice in the kind of life you experience and the power of your thoughts and actions is amazing. By incorporating these 30 small life changes into your life and they only take five minutes to try out your life can be considerably improved.
It is hoped that readers will be able to go forward in their lives with the knowledge given within the pages of this book and that they will find that the results are positive. If some of them seem a little hard, dont worry. Changes take a little while to become automatic, but all of your bad habits have now become automatic. Good habits can also become the norm, so that your attitude toward life changes, as well as your attitude toward others.
Step through the pages and feel your life improve. It can and it will if you decide to take each of the steps given in this book a little of your attention. Life is waiting for you. It wont wait forever. With each passing day of discontent, your road becomes shorter. By taking action now, you can improve your life and find that the path that lies ahead is one that will be a happier place than the place you find yourself in right now. If you are looking to improve your life, take hold of the power and learn to use it to your benefit. This book shows you how.
Part I
Pillars of Habit Changing
In this part of the book, we take a close look at habits and why they form. When you develop a habit, this is usually because of a need. We dont notice this happening because we act automatically. However, the following small changes will help you to be more aware of those habits that are making your life unhappy, helping you to change and thus find your share of happiness.
How Habits Form
You may not be aware of it but every time you do something, its because you have learned it. Bad habits are learned just as good habits are. If you can manage to monitor your habits, you will instantly see which are detrimental. If you aim toward improving those habits or replacing them with positive habits, you have a road toward success. Many people go through their lives being totally unaware that they can take control of their lives. They have no real aims. They dont know where they are heading, and consequently cannot reach goals that are undefined. When you manage your goals and make yourself accountable for reaching them, you are more likely to find life changes. You are accountable for your own actions and sometimes, its easier to blame circumstance or to blame other people for them than to take the bull by the horn and actually do something about those bad habits. Thus, the pillars of habit changing are:
- Taking a look at your bad habits and recognizing them
- Scheduling change
- Becoming accountable for your own actions
Take a look at your life and see which actions you take that are negative. There will be a number of actions that you incorporate into your life that you wont instantly recognize as being negative though if you examine the way that your days pass, you may see a pattern that you did not think was there. For example, do you eat to over-compensate for emotional problems? Do you miss your meals? Do you find excuses not to talk about emotional problems? There can be all kinds of barriers to happiness and these are caused not by outside stimuli but by your own day to day actions. By keeping track of these, you are able to use this mindfulness to incorporate the life changes that are listed in the chapter giving the 30 changes promised by the title of this book.
Its very important to keep a diary of events in your life as this shows you that pattern you need to change. When you are able to track your habits, you are also able to see the evolution of those habits and change the direction in which your life is going. Mindfulness means being aware of what is happening in your life. If you take the premise that what is past is gone and cannot be changed, but diary events for the future, you are able to manipulate your approach to the future and lay out goals that you are much more likely to adhere to. Having it down on paper or even having it logged into the latest app helps you to be aware of where it is that you want to go in your life.
Life coaches suggest various apps because these are tailored to the needs of those seeking change. If you do employ one of the apps suggested and only you can decide upon which is preferable in your case you make yourself accountable. You have an eyes on view of your life and can watch your progress and enjoy the positive changes that you incorporate into your life. You make this the focal point of each day and give yourself purpose for achieving small changes that really do make you into a different person.