LIMITLESS: Destroy Your Fears, Escape Your Comfort Zone, and Conquer Any Goal - Create the Life You Want
Foreword by Derek Doepker
Youre flying in a plane that is your life.
This is either a scary proposition or a liberating one. It depends on whether or not you know how to fly this plane.
If you know how to fly, you can reach almost any destination or goal you desire. If you dont, a crash is inevitable.
Unfortunately, most of us dont get an instruction manual that explains how to fly our lives. We cruise along, comfortable in mediocrity, and are completely unprepared for the storms and clouds that can blind us. We especially dont know how to steer this plane to a destination of our choosing and land it safely.
Limitless is your instruction manual. Youll learn how to navigate to any destination you desire, avoid a spiraling nosedive because you've lost your senses in the clouds of comfort, and keep yourself on track during storms of uncertainty.
If you keep doing what youve always done, youll keep getting what youve always gotten. And if you keep going where youre going, youll only end up where youve been heading not where you really want to be.
You cant wait any longer. You have left the runway and your plane is in the air. It's time to take control.
Now ask yourself, which direction are you heading? Are you just circling around, waiting until you run out of fuel and crash? Are you lost in the clouds of comfort?
Limitless will show you how to keep your bearings in the clouds. You cant rely on your feelings, but rather proven principles that will keep you on track. At times you might be uncomfortable with what you read in these pages, but thats only because you're being pulled out of a nosedive you never realized you were in.
When the storm passes and you've righted your plane, you will be pleasantly surprised to see that the ideas in this book have led you right to the destination of your dreams.
Youre flying in a plane called your life. Youre running out of time to learn how to fly it.
Ignore what you read and you are doomed to crash. Immerse yourself in Limitless and discover the limitless possibilities of the paradise that lies ahead.
Choose wisely.
- Derek Doepker
#1 bestselling author of Break Through Your BS , Why Youre Stuck , and The Healthy Habit Revolution . He is committed to empowering people to reach their fullest potential and escape the dangerous trap of mediocrity. You can find him at .
December 28, 2015
Its true, I used to be a corporate lawyer. Dont hold it against me.
All together I spent nearly six years in the world of law: six months studying for the LSAT (the law school entrance exam), three grueling years in law school, and two years practicing law.
I never had a burning desire to practice law, and I quickly found that it wasnt something I could cultivate.
It wasnt necessarily the long hours, the demanding clients, or the vacation time that was destined never to be used.
I found the actual work to be mind-numbingly mundane and routine.
As you can imagine, there is no flexibility or creativity involved in corporate law. Good legal practice is about following a set of stagnant laws, applying them to documents, and seeing how much you can squeeze from your opposition within the confines of those laws. Thinking outside the box isnt possible because you are operating within very strict boundaries that dont allow flexibility stepping outside those boundaries would literally be illegal.
You could describe it as sterile.
To some people this sounds like a dream.
In addition to a relatively high salary, you can be a problem solver in the vein of Sherlock Holmes (if you like reading dense agreements and treatises). You can also satisfy your competitive bloodlust because you are often pitted directly against opposing counsel while trying to win a series of concessions for your client. Finally, in the event that a case goes to trial, speaking in front of a jury is a thrill like no other.
At some point, however, it became apparent that what I valued in my career was the very aspect that I was not allowed to explore creativity and empathy. In fact, what I considered my strengths were repressed on a daily basis at work. And when you think about the hours I worked, thats quite a large chunk of the week that major parts of my personality had to be held in check because they were seen as weaknesses.
I knew I needed to make a change, but I was paralyzed for months because I didnt think I could get a non-legal job; my only experience was law-related.
This was a classic limiting belief an often arbitrary belief about whats impossible or unattainable because of circumstances that are out of your control and which you can never change.
Sound familiar?
My limiting belief was that an ex-lawyer was unemployable and worthless in the non-legal job market. Of course, thats not true for many reasons, but limiting beliefs arent always logical.
One chance day I walked into a bookstore, and my attention drifted to biographies of the authors on the jackets of different books. I wanted to see the paths that had led to them to write their books. I recall at least four authors who had gone to law school and were now on completely different life paths. One book was a murder-thriller and another was about cheese cultivation!
This was exactly the push I needed to shatter my limiting beliefs and be able to ask myself who cares if I was a lawyer ? The skills I had could easily transfer to any number of industries, even writing!
What followed next was a whirlwind of activity and change. The invisible cage I had locked myself into dissolved. It was as if a light switch had been flipped on, and the light released illuminated the many job possibilities that were outside of the narrow view of the law.
I previously viewed careers through what seemed like a tiny periscope, but now my vision was unfettered and limitless. I had a firm grasp on how to create the life I wanted, and thats the feeling of freedom and possibility I want this book to impart to you.
This book is for everyone who doesn't feel satisfied with what they have achieved in life for everyone who feels they were meant for more than this . And, in at least one aspect of their life, that's everyone.
We all had dreams as children, but very few of us are living them. Limitless isnt about turning everyone into a rock star or a professional football player. It's meant to demonstrate that by escaping your comfort zone and reprogramming if not shattering your beliefs you can push the limits of what you thought was possible in your life and multiply your daily contentment and satisfaction.
Limitless sees goals as inevitable events.
Chapter 1. The Allure of Potential