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Chapter 1: Introduction
Alcoholismis one of the world's oldest forms of substance abuse, and unfortunately, it isevery bit as common today as it has always been. Current statistics show thatsome 30 percent of Americans have had a drinking problem in their past, while afurther 15 percent are active alcoholics. However, some schools of thoughtbelieve that these estimates are too modest. Some people can successfully hidetheir habit for many years before family or friends find out. Some may evenfail to recognize this problem in themselves.
Alcoholismis defined as an addiction to alcohol that causes the drinker to feel like theyhave no control over the amount they consume. They may spend vast amounts oftime either drinking or thinking about drinking. You will learn how you canidentify and help someone with and alcohol problem. You will also findinformation on facts about alcoholism or alcohol addiction, symptoms andeffects of alcohol, treatment for alcoholism, alcohol related diseases and muchmore.
Whenyou speak of good times, alcohol is almost always a part of it. In fact,memorable life occasions are normally celebrated with good cheers and laughter,preferably over swigs of alcohol. There are few people who dont love a gooddrink.
Acrossthe globe, different cultures have their own favorite alcoholic beverage. Inpopular culture, alcohol always figures prominently, consumed and abused by therich and famous. To the ordinary folk, consuming alcohol is a great way to letloose a little and indulge in a bit of fun.
Anoccasional drink is no problem, but some people need more than that. For them,a steady intake of alcohol is necessary to satiate their cravings. In more waysthan one, alcohol becomes their refuge, their quick and convenient escape fromall their troubles and worries.
Shouldthis be the case for you, the ultimate solution is to switch to a different andless harmful means of escape, not to try and end escapism itself. Everybodyneeds to escape from time to time, even people without worries.
IfI need to escape, I simply go to the forest or a botanical garden. I know fromneuroscience that our brains react positively to being in nature. We feel it asrelaxation, and our thoughts suddenly become clear, but behind the scenes ofour brains, there is more happening that we are not aware of. My first adviceto you is therefore to go out into nature and take a walk. It does more for youthan you notice. The more ways of peaceful escape you discover for yourself,the less you need that other one: alcohol.
Thechoice to turn to alcohol as a response to the circumstances in your life is aproduct of your own will. However, there are a handful of risk factors thatincrease someones tendency to become alcoholic. One of these factors isgenetics.
Scientistsbelieve that a person whose parents had their own issues with alcoholism ismore likely to become susceptible to alcohol than those who didn't havealcoholic parents. People who had or are currently suffering from psychologicalissues such as depression and anxiety attacks are also at a greater risk ofbecoming alcoholics. Lastly, individuals who live in an environment wheredrinking is the norm and who are constantly subjected to pressure from theirpeers to pick up the bottle are also at risk of developing alcoholism.
Thesecond one of these points, depression, is easy cured even if it is chronic.My advice of going out into nature applies here as well, because it has ananti-depressant effect in your brain. You also need to engage in brisk walkingfor 30 minutes, 3 times a week. As simple as this exercise may sound, we knowtoday that it has the same anti-depressant effects as drugs. In fact, peoplewho rely on anti-depressant drugs are much more likely to return to adepressive state than people that do the brisk walking exercise.
Youalso need sunlight more than you realize. If there is no sunlight, like inwinter, your body clock drifts by 1 hour a day and messes up your sleep. Youreyes have special light detectors for outside brightness that no indoorlighting can activate. These receptors are, simply put, connected to your bodyclock and the pleasure center of your brain. If it has been gloomy all day andthe sun comes out even for a moment, you know your mood is immediatelyuplifted. Lack of sunlight causes winter depression and insomnia, because yourbody clock is inaccurate and drifts by about an hour each day. You brain usessunlight to know how to correct your body clock each day. So without at least apartially sunny day, your brain doesnt correct your body clock.
Theway to deal with this is to find a different source of bright light. Sincenormal indoor light is actually 100 to 1000 times dimmer than it is outside ona sunny day, you need to go for a special product. Search for 10000 lux lightbox on Amazon and get one. I believe a light box to be as essential in ahousehold as a washing machine. All you need to do is look at the light boxevery morning within 1 hour of waking up. This will reset your body clock andcause anti-depressant effects in your brain.
Ifthis is the first time you hear of light boxes and the effects of sunlight,then trust me, you cannot yet realize how powerful and important this is toyour wellbeing. After just one week, insomnia and depression are gone. Mymother used to wake up every two hours at night for years. After I gave her alight box and told her how to use it, her life changed. She was able to sleepuntil morning after using the light box for 6 days.
Makingsure that your body clock is always on track, that you get the best possiblesleep and do not have depression goes a long way of solving your drinkingproblems.
Note:Staying up all night is the worst thing you can do to yourself in terms ofdepression. It messes up your brain more than you are aware of. So dont do it.A healthy person teams up with their body. This is what you need to do.
Chapter 2: Alcohol Abuse
Manypeople are mistaken about the fact that alcoholism and alcohol abuse are thesame thing. In fact, the two are very different. Alcoholism is different thanalcohol abuse because it means that the person with a drinking problem hasphysical signs of dependency and they continue to drink. This could be healthproblems related to alcoholism or social problems. Alcohol abuse differs fromalcoholism because it is when drinking leads to problems, but that it does notlead to addiction. Many people suffer from alcohol addiction without evenrealizing that they have a problem.