Table of Contents
Essentials of Psychological Assessment Series
Series Editors, Alan S. Kaufman and Nadeen L. Kaufman
Essentials of WAIS-III Assessment
by Alan S. Kaufman and Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger
Essentials of CAS Assessment
by Jack A. Naglieri
Essentials of Forensic Psychological Assessment
by Marc J. Ackerman
Essentials of Bayley Scales of Infant Development-II
by Maureen M. Black and Kathleen Matula
Essentials of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment
by Naomi Quenk
Essentials of WISC-III and WPPSI-R Assessment
by Alan S. Kaufman and Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger
Essentials of Rorschach Assessment
by Tara Rose, Nancy Kaser-Boyd, and Michael P.
Essentials of Career Interest Assessment
by Jeffrey P. Prince and Lisa J. Heiser
Essentials of Cross-Battery Assessment
by Dawn P. Flanagan and Samuel O. Ortiz
Essentials of Cognitive Assessment with KAIT and Other
Kaufman Measures
by Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger, Debra Broadbooks,
and Alan S. Kaufman
Essentials of Nonverbal Assessment
by Steve McCallum, Bruce Bracken, and John
Essentials of MMPI-2 Assessment
by David S. Nichols
Essentials of NEPSY Assessment
by Sally L. Kemp, Ursula Kirk, and Marit Korkman
Essentials of Individual Achievement Assessment
by Douglas K. Smith
Essentials of TAT and Other Storytelling Techniques
by Hedwig Teglasi
Essentials of WJ III Tests of Achievement Assessment
by Nancy Mather, Barbara J. Wendling, and Richard W.
Essentials of WJ III Cognitive Abilities Assessment
by Fredrick A. Schrank, Dawn P. Flanagan, Richard W.
Woodcock, and Jennifer T. Mascolo
Essentials of WMS-III Assessment
by Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger, Alan S. Kaufman, and
Zona C. Lai
Essentials of MMPI-A Assessment
by Robert P. Archer and Radhika Krishnamurthy
Essentials of Neuropsychological Assessment
by Nancy Hebben and William Milberg
Essentials of Behavioral Assessment
by Michael C. Ramsay, Cecil R. Reynolds,
and R. W. Kamphaus
Essentials of Millon Inventories Assessment, Second Edition
by Stephen N. Strack
Essentials of PAI Assessment
by Leslie C. Morey
Essentials of 16 PF Assessment
by Heather E.-P. Cattell and James M. Schuerger
Essentials of WPPSI -III Assessment
by Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger and Alan S. Kaufman
Essentials of Assessment Report Writing
by Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger, Nancy Mather,
Nadeen L. Kaufman, and Alan S. Kaufman
Essentials of Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales (SB5)
by Gale H. Roid and R. Andrew Barram
Essentials of WISC-IV Assessment
by Dawn P. Flanagan and Alan S. Kaufman
Essentials of KABC-II Assessment
by Alan S. Kaufman, Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger,
Elaine Fletcher-Janzen, and Nadeen L. Kaufman
Essentials of Processing Assessment
by Milton J. Dehn
Essentials of WIAT-II and KTEA-II Assessment
by Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger and Donna R. Smith
Essentials of Assessment with Brief Intelligence Tests
by Susan R. Homack and Cecil R. Reynolds
Essentials of School Neuropsychological Assessment
by Daniel C. Miller
Copyright 2007 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Flanagan, Dawn P.
Essentials of cross-battery assessment with CD / Dawn P. Flanagan, Samuel O. Ortiz, Vincent C. Alfonso.2nd ed. p. cm.(Essentials of psychological assessment series)
ISBN-13: 978-0-471-75771-9 (paper/CD-ROM ) ISBN-10: 0-471-75771-3 (paper/CD-ROM)
1. Intelligence tests. 2. Intellect. I. Ortiz, Samuel O., 1958- II. Alfonso, Vincent C. III. Title. BF431.F437 2007 153.93dc22
Printed in the United States of America.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Today we break with the tradition of dedicating our books to our children and families. Our children represent the future and we, of course, hope that our work and efforts somehow will result in better lives for them. This time, however, we turn our thoughts to the past where, instead of our children or even our parents, we seek to honor those who have had a profound influence on what we do and the paths we have chosen. In this case, we are referring to the three gentlemen and scientists whose very names are carrying intelligence theory and cognitive science into the next millennium and who put the CHC in CHC theory. We mean, of course, Dr. Raymond Cattell (1905- 1998), Dr. John Horn (1928-2006), and Dr. John Carroll (1916-2003).