7 Worst Mistakes People Makewith Celiac Disease and Gluten
(and stay sickforever)
by Jaqui Karr, c.s.n.,c.v.d.
It's a busyworld.
Hundreds of millions of people aresuffering from thousands of medical issues and there are thousandsof symptoms overlapping each other.
How can we possibly read thousands ofin-depth books to figure out what's going with us?! (yes, doctorsused to do that for us... but that was when there were hundreds ofdiseases, not thousands, and our food supply wasn't a sciencefiction nightmare yet).
This report is meant to help you if youlooked at gluten as a problem before but ruled it out (happensoften with misinformation)
This report is not an in depth biologylesson (I have full length books and a whole video program). I feltthe need to create a short report for no other reason than to showpeople where their research probably went wrong and if they arestill having symptoms then it might be time to take a better lookat gluten.
This report is to help you see wherethe world is going wrong on this topic, how easy it is for that tohappen and why you might want to take a closer look with a morecredible source.
This report is to help you avoid thenear death experience I almost had from gluten.
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Table of Contents
- Listening to the Wrong Person for Advice
- Thinking that Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity are theSame Thing
- Comparing Celiac Disease/Gluten Sensitivity to CommonAllergies
- Thinking that it is a Disease that AppearsOvernight
- Accepting that "gluten free" on Labels Actually MeansGluten Free
- Comparing symptoms to Other Celiacs or Online Tests andRuling it Out
- Trusting test Results that Didn't Involve DNA
to help you decide ifyou need additional resources
A quick word from theauthor...
Welcome to the cheat sheetversion of the worst gluten mistakespeople make.
Of course it is impossible to put theinformation I give in a full 8 hour program into a 15 pagesnapshot, but I can definitely point out where most people aregoing wrong and let you know critical things you need to be awareof right this moment. Sometimes one hidden detail can completelychange the picture of your health.
I created this report to point out the most common myths about CeliacDisease and gluten to help you avoid the most common mistakes.....point you in the right direction so to speak.... and this wayyou can decide for yourself if you want to seek more informationwithout having to first read volumes of books or worse: trigger adisease you can prevent and then go into damage controlmode.
I find it shocking how much bad information I see online, on thetelevision, and in magazines every day. Every. Day.
I am even moreshocked when I hear doctors repeating badinformation just because they want to jump on the gluten bandwagonsince it is affecting more and more people. However these doctorsare not doing any research and barely understand thetopic!
I've been known to call outmedical doctors pretty often with theirerrors. I call out doctors because they should be more responsibleabout talking on topics they clearly don't know. The un-informedhobby bloggers aren't doing anyone any favors either, but at leastthey aren't "supposed" to know what they are talking aboutnecessarily. Doctors should.
Knowing what I know from my ownexperience with Celiac Disease and the years of studying it since,I shudder to think what would have happened had I listened to mostof the advice I hear floating around today. I probably wouldnt behere and that is no exaggeration. My first five doctors and 13hospital admissions were all off the mark.
...everyone wants to bepart of the bandwagon because gluten and Celiac Disease are hottopics - yet most of these people have done almost zero properresearch. They read some silly article on the internet and nowproclaim themselves knowledgeable. You don't see them doing thatwith cancer or heart disease; I'm not sure why it's ok with anauto-immune disorder which can be just asdeadly.
And the problem is that social mediaallows rapid spreading of that wrong and harmful information. In ablink (we need to start saying "in a click") that bad informationcan reach millions of people and since it is repeated over andover, the innocent reader accepts it to be true.
Am I emotional aboutthis? Yes! But that doesn't interfere withmy exhaustive research of the scientific studies that don't seem tobe seeing daylight for some reason.
Gluten is dangerous to manymore people than you can imagine. Possibly you.
This report is forthose who are suffering needlessly andneed a hand. It is for great health coaches who care and reallywant to help their clients. And it is for the person diagnosed withCeliac Disease that doesnt know why they are stillsick.
If you are that person who doesn't feelwell yet your doctor is telling you that you're fine: Ive beenwhere you are, I care tremendously, and I promise that you CAN bewell again.
You can feel absolutelyAMAZING every single day. I know thisbecause I am living proof of it and I can help you get theretoo.
Jaqui Karr

MISTAKE 1: Listening to the wrong person foradvice
Gluten is a hot topic in the world offood and health and everyone wants in. As wonderful as that heightin awareness is, they are not doing their homework properly.Medical doctors and common bloggers alike, they read an article ortwo on the internet and then begin to re-tweet, re-post, re-spreadthe bad information they read.
I call it misinformation wildfiresyndrome and social media makes this all too easy. Within secondsof someone tweeting something it can be spread to millions ofpeople in tens of modalities. The most dangerous part of this isthat when someone seeking information keeps seeing the sameinformation over and over and over (including by medical doctorsposting) then they naturally assume the information isaccurate.
Case in point, an excerpt from one ofmy blog posts:
Quoting Dr. Chauncey Crandall: Withsuch a constellation of symptoms, its not surprising that glutenis being blamed for a host of ailments, but the truth is that onlypeople with celiac disease get sick from eating it.
actually doctor Crandall, if you checkwith your colleagues at the Celiac Research Centers at theUniversity of Chicago and The University of Maryland (among manyothers) you will find they have been linking gluten to severalhundred disorders over the past 2 decades Celiac Disease is justone of them. And FYI mortality rates for NCGS (non-celiac glutensensitive) people are twice as high as those who have been formallydiagnosed. There are 20,000 studies on the topic plenty of stuffto get yourself up-to-date...
Unfortunately, he is not alone; thereis a vast army of Dr. Crandalls misinforming the public. Itsdangerous and I dont mind calling people out on it. If someone isblogging about the latest style of shoe, it doesnt matter if theyare accurate no one gets hurt. But if they are making statements,as an M.D. no less, about something that affects your risks tocancer and higher rates of mortality, they are being outrightnegligent by talking without any proper research.
The other notable major danger is allthe gluten free food lists people can download from various sites.Loaded with flaws and guaranteed to keep you sickforever.
There literally isnt a day that goesby that I dont see inaccurate quotes or information relating toCeliac Disease and/or gluten (they are not the same thing) whichbrings us to mistake #2
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