This book is meant for those who are willing to commit and put in theeffort into starting and establishing multiple streams of passive incomeonline. It is not for those who want to sit back and collect money. You can dothat by investing in the financial markets and by entering into somealternative investments. However if you do not have the capital and/or do notwish to risk your savings, establishing passive income streams online is theonly way to go. Our world today is so digitalized. Everything is done online.Even some of the biggest businesses are operating solely on the internet. Timeshave changed and so has the landscape for moneymaking. We no longer have to usecheque books nor pay in physical currency nor cash. All we have to do is swipea card at the diner or pay by clicking a button on Paypal. Times have changedand people are spending more online by the day. It is only sensible to makefull use of this rising trend and make big money out of it. In this book I willshow you some of the PROVEN methods that I personally have used and still amapplying today. You will get to learn from my mistakes so that you will nothave to repeat them. You will see that the life that you desire is not actuallythat far away. Be it laying on a beach in Maldives or making your parents proudof you. You will realize that what you ultimately seek is right in front ofyou. I am glad you have taken a leap of faith by reading this book. Therefore Ifeel obligated to give you as much knowledge as I can. Let us begin on thefirst chapter.
Chapter 1: The Winners Mindset
Being a winner is not just what you wake up andbecome. For you to be the winner you really wished for, you have to do whatwinners are doing that makes them win. Winners have a different mindset fromevery other person, the way they think and do things is always special. In thischapter, I will be taking you through what you have to do to have a winnersmindset.
Before we move on, let us set the right toneand mindset. Passive income is far from the fantasies of easy money and getrich quick schemes. Passive income, like every other thing in life, requireshard work and dedication combined with knowledge and multiple failures. Nevergood is ever easy. The biggest victories and greatest rewards never come fromthe completion of easy tasks.
Mental preparation refers to act of preparing mentally or unlocking the mind to achievesuccess. It helps in developing concentration and decision making skill. Mental preparation is training the mind for successfulperformance. Here are some of the elements of mental preparation: mentalsturdiness, inspiration, motivation , composure, goal setting, stress management and relaxation . The pressure to besuccessful increases when going into any business or taking any kind of riskand mental preparation is more important than ever.
Anxiety impedes yourdecision-making ability, which leads to an imperfect execution, and lowers yourperformance. Mental preparation is key to remaining relaxed andcomposed under the pressure of been successful. You must be psychologically andmentally prepared to face all the challenges ahead without fear.
H ere aresome mental preparation tips to keep you performing at your bestlevel;
Develop a consistent plan thatinstills confidence. A good plan will help you focus on what you need to do toperform. Taking time before going into business to mentally prepare will createconfidence, composure, and relaxed mindset.
Focus on the process, notresults. Focusing on the outcome of the business causes you to think too farahead and sets too many expectations for the business. You will start to puttoo much pressure on yourself which is not healthy for your business.
Have trust in yourself. Believingin yourself and skill instil confidence in you. You have to perform freely andtrust in your skills, it will really help your productivity.
Become mentallyprepared by focusing on your goal and all the laid down plans, avoidthinking about results, and trust your preparation and ability.
There is surely goingto be many obstacles to achieving financial freedom through passive income, bestrong, courageous and never give up. It is important to understand all theobstacles and challenges ahead and be fully prepared so that you can managethem well. Being honest with yourself and keeping your eyes open will increaseyour chances of success in this business. You should not run away fromobstacles, do not try to play it safe and find another way out, confront itwith confidence and never give up. You are never defeated until you acceptdefeat as a reality and stop trying, so you have to keep pushing hard and neverlose your focus. Just accept any obstacle that comes as you move on with yourbusiness and fight it off with solutions that are extremely creative. The onlyreal limitations on what you can accomplish are those that you impose onyourself. The troubles will come, the challenges will be many and theopposition fierce, but be confident and stay strong, you will come outsuccessful. The dictionary defines courage as the quality of mind enabling oneto face danger or hardship resolutely. It is the ability to control fear and todeal with danger, pain and uncertainty. It also means bravery, fearlessness andgallantry. Outstanding success is for strong-hearted men. It takes toughness totaste triumph. Courage your access to outstanding success!