Hoovers War on Gays
The FBIs Obscene File: J. Edgar Hoover and the Bureaus Crusade against Smut
J. Edgar Hoover and the Anti-interventionists: FBI Political Surveillance and the Rise of the Domestic Security State,19391945
Hoovers War on Gays
Douglas M. Charles
2015 by the University Press of Kansas
All rights reserved
Published by the University Press of Kansas (Lawrence, Kansas 66045), which was organized by the Kansas Board of Regents and is operated and funded by Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, Kansas State University, Pittsburg State University, the University of Kansas, and Wichita State University
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Charles, Douglas M.
Hoovers war on gays : exposing the FBIs sex deviates program / Douglas M. Charles.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-7006-2119-4 (hardback)
ISBN 978-0-7006-2150-7 (ebook)
1. United States. Federal Bureau of InvestigationHistory. 2. HomosexualityGovernment policyUnited StatesHistory20th century. 3. GaysUnited StatesHistory20th century. 4. Intelligence serviceUnited StatesHistory20th century. 5. Internal securityUnited StatesHistory20th century. 6. United StatesHistory20th century. I. Title.
HV 8144 . F C 4285 2015
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data is available.
Printed in the United States of America
The paper used in this publication is recycled and contains percent postconsumer waste. It is acid free and meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials Z 39.48 - 1992 .
For those who have fought and continue to fight for simple equality
Writing a book of this size and scope cannot be accomplished single-handedly, and it is a pleasure to thank those who offered their kind and crucial assistance. These include the director of academic affairs on my Penn State campus, Margaret Signorella, who graciously offered a course release to complete . C. Todd White was ever so helpful with detailed information he knew about the early homophile activists. My onetime research assistant Karl Sokalski helped me locate photos, and Sabina Medilovic, a research assistant early in this project, helped me gather biographical data and foil redactions. John OBrien and John Lauritsen shared some of their experiences in the Gay Liberation Front and Lauritsen a useful photo. I must also thank the two readers of the manuscript for the University Press of Kansas (UPK), who offered excellent advice and encouragement. My editor at UPK, Michael Briggs, and the entire staff there are unparalleled; I have never worked with any publisher as good as they are.
The staffs of the FDR and Truman Presidential Libraries were helpful and kind, and this project would not have developed as it did without generous research funding from the Truman Library Institute. The staff at the Eisenhower Library quickly and generously responded to my mandatory review requests. The staff at the Minnesota Historical Society was quite helpful. Phil Runkle, at the Marquette University Archives, kindly and promptly responded to my various requests from afar. The FBI Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) staff was helpful in narrowing some of my larger requests and promptly responded to my inquiries, even if getting hold of the actual FBI files is a slow process.
It cannot be articulated how fortunate I have been to have access to Athan Theohariss encyclopedic knowledge about the FBI. His always helpful and insightful responses to my many inquiries were invaluable. The same goes for my dissertation director, Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones, whose support and advice have remained unparalleled since 1998 .
For decades in the United States, particularly dating from the mid-twentieth century, gay men and women feared law enforcement of every stripe. Being arrested at a private gathering or party, in a gay bar, or soliciting sex in a seemingly remote location meant being publicly outed, losing their jobs, and an end to life as they knew it. Being arrested on a morals charge meant social stigmatization, including possible incarceration or commitment to a mental institution, and being ostracized by family and friends. Topping the list of law-enforcement agencies gays and lesbians feared most was the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Unlike local police, FBI agents had not only inexhaustible federal resources and connections but a carefully crafted public image as scientific investigators who never failed in their efforts. To be discovered, then outed, by J. Edgar Hoovers FBI was one of the worst possible scenarios any gay man or woman could face.
Until now, the history of the FBI investigations, monitoring, filing of information, and deep obsession with gays and lesbians has only been documented sporadically and its origins unknown. There are reasons for this lacuna. Sophisticated and documented histories of the FBI have existed only since the mid- 1970 s, after FBI abuses became public through congressional investigations and a newly invigorated Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) permitted scholars access to FBI files as primary sources. Contemporaneous to this, also for the first time, historians began to develop gay and lesbian history. Necessarily, then, it took time before an effort to reconstruct a comprehensive history of the FBI and gays was even possible. The first FBI histories focused, naturally, on documenting bureau investigative abuses, civil liberties violations, and the creation of specialized files used to insulate sensitive or illegal FBI activity. Biographies of the long-serving FBI director then began to appear, followed by a variety of FBI and... books covering everything from racial minorities to student activists to anthropologists to obscenity; the list is now extensive. Few FBI historians have touched upon FBI interest in gays and lesbians, and those who have did so in a limited or focused fashion.
Historians of the gay and lesbian past have not examined in detail, or comprehensively, FBI interest in those with same-sex attraction. This is a function of the difficulty in accessing source material on a wide range of subjects using the FOIA. It is time-consuming and costly. Released files are often heavily redacted, sometimes the FBI resists researchers efforts, and the bureau still routinely destroys files it deems nonhistorical and will not release anything if the subject is still livinglimiting what we can know about the FBI and more recent gay and lesbian history. Gay and lesbian historians have also typically lacked a sophisticated understanding of both the complicated nature of the long history of the FBI and its byzantine filing procedures. Without an appreciation for both, any examination of FBI files relating to gays and lesbians often will make no sense and reveal little. FBI files are not stamped Sex Deviates File, for example. The FBI document file number alone, a cryptic series of numbers- 34074 -reveals FBI agents use of the Sex Deviates File, type of case, and size of the file. Knowing this first is key to FBI research.