Minecraft Guidebooks
The Ultimate Potions & EnchantmentsGuide
An Unofficial Minecraft Guidebook
Copyright 2015 Minecraft Guidebooks
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Minecraft Guidebooks - The UltimatePotions & Enchantments Guide is an unofficial Minecraft Guideand is an original work of fan fiction that is not associated withMinecraft or Mojang/Notch. It is an unofficial work and is notsanctioned nor has it been approved by the makers ofMinecraft.
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Ultimate enchantments andpotions
- Whatare Minecraft Enchantments & Potions?
- Enchantments
- Higher LevelEnchantments
- List OfEnchantments
- Build AnEnchanting Room
- EnchantingTrivia
- Potions
- BrewingPotions
- PotionIngredients
- PotionRecipes
- Build ABrewery
- PotionsTrivia
When Enchantments & Potions were firstintroduced to minecraft they added an element of magic to what wasalready an incredibly popular and addictive game. So what areEnchantments and Potions? Put simply, they are the sorcery aspectof the whole sword and sorcery concept that minecraft has beenbased upon.
To enchant objects you will need to build anenchanting table or an anvil. Placing an object into the enchantinginterface and adding Lapis Lazuli will grant the object a randomlygenerated enchantment but cost the player XP points.
Enchanting objects brings new weapons andtools into the game. How do you fancy a sword of sharpness thatwill inflict extra damage on your enemy? Or maybe some armor with aprotection enchantment.
To brew potions you will need to craft abrewing stand. Place bottles in the lower three slots of thebrewing interface and the correct ingredient in the upper slot.This will brew a potion into the bottles below which can beconsumed to grant a given effect to the player.
Brewing can create awesome potions that can beboth power giving and lifesaving items. Many of them are used incombat by aiding the player or weakening his enemies, while otherscan save the player's life if used quickly, like Fire Resistance orHealing. Starting from scratch, brewing potions can be timeconsuming and hazardous, as many of the ingredients are hard tocome by, but with a little patients and perseverance brewingpotions is both fun and rewarding.
Brewing potions and enchanting objects is afun and exciting way to increase your experience in minecraft, solet's get straight into it and teach you everything you need toknow to become a great Warlock in the world ofminecraft!
Enchanting is the way to make magic armor, weaponsor tools. To enchant an item, you trade in experience levels. Themore levels you trade in, the stronger the enchantment will be but you won't know what you're getting until after it's done!
You can enchant all kinds of armor, swords, bows andtools including shears, fishing rods and flint-and-steel.Enchanting works by trading in experience levels (the green numberabove your toolbar) for enchantments. You get experience points(XP) in several ways, the main ones being killing mobs and fromcooking or smelting things in furnaces.
Build an enchantmenttable



Enchant your item
Open the Enchanting Table by clicking on USE ITEM KEY, just like youwould on a Crafting Table.
Place the item you wish to enchant into the slot,and 1 to 3 Lapis Lazuli in the slots. The more Lapis Lazuli you usethe higher the level of enchantment you will be offered. Threepotential enchantments will be offered with the cost in enchantmentpoints displayed in green, if you don't have enough levelsenchantment points the enchantment will be grayed out. Generally,the more points you spend, the better the enchantment you willget.
The mysterious characters can be decoded, but theyare not helpful. You can see which enchantments you are beingoffered by hovering over each enchantment in turn. If you do nothave the required XP points the box will be grayed out. If you donot see an enchantment that you wish to purchase, remove your itemfrom the enchantment slot and try again.
Click on one of the boxes to accept the offer.Your sword will now have the chosen enchantment.
That's it! Really simple. There are a couple ofgeneral rules you need to be aware of.
Firstly, every enchantment will cost you XPpoints, so you will need to kill mobs etc to gain more each timeyou wish to enchant.
The more XP points you spend on an enchantment,generally the better the enchantment you will receive.
You can only enchant an item once using theenchantment table.
You need to use Lapis Lazuli combined with yourchosen item. The more Lapis Lazuli you use the better theenchantment, up to amaximum of 3 x Lapis Lazuli.
For higher level enchantments you will need to buildbookcases to increase your enchanting table's power.
To combine more than one enchantment on any item youwill need to use an anvil.
A basic Enchantment Table will only allow youto spend up to 8 XP points on an enchantment. For more powerfulenchantments, you will need to build bookshelves and place themnear the enchantment table.
Each bookshelf increases the maximum availableenchantment by 1 or 2 levels, up to a maximum of 30 levels (15bookcases). You can craft Bookshelves from any WoodenPlanks.
Bookshelves should be 2 blocks away from thetable, on the same level or one higher. There must be nothingbetween the bookshelf and the table.
To start off you need to make Paper by placing3 x Sugar Cane in a row on your Crafting Table.
Next, you use the Paper to make a book byplacing 3 x Paper in the center squares on the Crafting Table and apiece of Leather in the Bottom Left Square.
Ok, so now have books, but we need a Bookcaseso place 3 x Books in a row horizontally in the center squares ofthe Crafting Table and fill all other squares with 6 x WoodenPlanks. That's it, your first Bookcase.
Enchanted Books
Instead of enchanting an item, you can enchanta book instead. The enchantment can be saved for later, and appliedto an item using an Anvil.
Why would you want to do this? Once an item isenchanted, it can't be further enchanted using an Enchanting Table.However, you can combine two enchanted items, or add a secondenchantment from an enchanted book, using an Anvil.
Anvils allow you to rename items, repairenchanted items, and even combine the enchantments from differentitems, at the cost of experience points.