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This book w as made with Fo rest Stewardsh ip Council certied papero ne small step in DK s commitment to a sustainable future . For mor e inform ation go t o www .dk .com/o ur-g reen-pledge DK LONDON Project Editor Rose Blac kett -O rd Senior A rt E ditor Phil Gamble Editors Andrew Sz udek, Kathry n Hill, Joanna Edw ards US Editor Kayla Du gger Designer Daksheeta Pattni Managing Editor Gareth Jo nes Senior M anaging Ar t Edi tor Lee Gr iths Production Editor Gillian Reid Senior Prod uction Contro ller Rachel N g Jacket Design Dev elopment Manager Sophia M. T.T. Jacket Designer Akiko Kato Associate Publishing Director Liz Whe eler Art D irector Karen Se lf Publishing Di rector Jonathan Metc alf First A merican Edition, 2022 Published i n the Un ited S tates by DK Pu blishing 1450 Broad way, Suite 8 01, New Yo rk, N Y 10 Copyright 2022 Do rling Ki ndersley Limited DK, a Division of Peng uin Rando m House LLC 22 23 24 25 26 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 001 325016 Mar /2022 All rig hts res erved . Without limiting the rig hts unde r the copyright reserve d abo ve, no p art of this p ublication may be reproduce d, st ored i n or in troduced into a ret rieval system, or trans mitted , in an y form, or by an y means (elect ronic, mechanica l, phot ocopying , rec ording, o r otherwis e), wi thout t he prio r writt en pe rmission o f the copyr ight owne r. Published in Grea t Brita in by Do rling Ki ndersley Limited A cata log r ecord f or this book is availabl e from the Li brary of Cong ress. ISBN 978 -0- 40-483 7-7 Printed an d bou nd in C hina For t he cur io us www. dk.com CONSULT ANT Merrin L azyan is a radi o and po dcast producer , c ontent de veloper , w riter, and editor . She stud ied psy chology at Harv ard University and has worked on sever al books s panning a broad ra nge of to pics. CONTRIBUTORS Steve Parke r holds a First Class Hon ours degree i n Zoolo gy and is a Se nior Scien tific Fellow of t he Zool ogical So ciety. He has written exte nsively o n human bi ology, especially on the b rains role in instinct s, emotions, and learn ing, and other as pects of behav ior . Nancy Sachar Sidhu is a cl inical psychologist in Ches ter, New Jer sey, with degr ees from the Unive rsity of Pennsylvania a nd Californ ia Schoo l of Profession al Psyc hology. She has a private p ractice treating c hildren, teenagers, and ad ults. Andrew Szudek is a writ er and editor who studied philosoph y at Cambridge U niversity , spe cializing in the phi losophy of mind. Victoria Uwan nah is a cou nseling psychologi st who r eceived her doc torate from Surrey Un iversity . Sh e works in private pr actice, off ering the rapy for individuals and couples. Marcus We eks studied music and philosophy in colleg e and wo rked as a teacher , piano res torer , and musici an before em barking on a caree r as a w riter . He has aut hored a nd contribut ed to numerous bo oks on philosophy , psychology , and the art s.

INTRODUCTION STUDYIN G THE MIND MIND AND BODY Dualism ONLY MAT TER Physicalism INTERNAL DIVI SIONS T he tripart ite soul NAT URE OR NURTURE? H eredity EMOTIONAL EX CESS Hysteria PATT ERNS IN COMMON D ening ment al disorders LOOKING WITH IN Introspec tion THREE ELEMENT S Structu ralism STUDYING THE WHOLE Gestalt ps ychology THE FORGETT ING CURVE Learned inf ormation ADAPTING TO THE WORLD Functi onalism THE EMOTIONA L MIND T he JamesL ange theory of emotion DISSECTING T HE MIND Psychoanaly tic th eory BRINGING UP THE PAS T Psychoanalys is SHIELDING THE EGO Defense mec hanisms NEVER GOOD E NOUGH Inferiority complex WHAT DO YOU SE E? Rorschach tests THE SHARED MI ND The collect ive unconsciou s SEEKING COMPLET ENESS R egister t heory DISCOVERING O THERS O bject r elations theo ry BECOMING ONESELF Self-r ealizat ion PAVL OVIAN RES PONSES Classical conditi oning THE LIT TLE ALB ERT EXPERIMENT Behavioral conditi oning REPEAT WHEN SAT ISFIED L aw of eect SHAPING BEHA VIOR Operant c onditioning COGNITIVE MAP S Latent lea rning BRIDGING THE GA P Cognitive be haviorism THE HIERA RCHY OF N EEDS Self-a ctualiza tion COMPLETE SUPPO RT AND ACCEPT AN CE U nconditional po sitive regard THE SCIENCE OF HAPPINE SS P ositive psyc hology THE MIND EVO LV ED Evolutio nary psyc hology BIOLOGICAL B EHAV IOR Biopsychology CONTENTS

GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZING IDEA S Schemas HOW CHILDREN THINK T he four stages of developme nt A NAT URAL PR OCESS Child-c entered learning LEARNING TOGE THER Social constr uctivism THE EIGHT S TA GES OF HUMAN LIFE Psychosoc ial developmen t INSTINCTIVE BEHAV IOR Fixed- acti on patte rns COPYING OTHER S Social learn ing theory EARL Y RELA TIO NSHIPS Attach ment theor y LONGING FOR COM FORT Infant devel opment FEELING SECURE T he Strange Situa tion RESPONSES TO ABUSE G enetics and development BORN TO SPEA K Language developme nt RIGHT OR WRONG? Moral developmen t THE DOLL TES TS R ace and self- este em REDUCING PREJUDICE Jigsaw Classrooms EXPLORING E THNICITY E thnic and racial iden tity development SELF AND SOCIETY SOCIAL ANIMALS Cultural naturali sm THE LIFE SPA CE F ield theor y RESEARCHING SEXUALI TY P sychology of sex SEVEN KINDS OF LOVE Tri angular theor y of love MAJORIT Y RULE S Social conf ormity AUTHORITY FIGURES Obedience THE PERCEP TION OF POW ER The Stanfor d prison expe riment CONTEXT MAT TERS A ronsons First Law COMPETING FOR RESOURCES R ealistic con ict the ory AVOID ING RESPONSIBILI TY T he bystander eect PREFERRING THE F AMILIAR M ere- exposu re eect THEIR JUST DES ERTS? T he just- world hypothe sis MAKING ASSUMPTIONS Prejudice BOY OR GI RL? Gender deve lopment GENDER STEREOT YPES Sex dierences DIFFERENT KINDS OF BRA INS? A utism, sex, and gender

MEASURING OPI NIONS T he Atti tudes T ow ard W omen Scale STUDYING ORGANIZA TIO NS Organizat ional psych ology EXAMIN ING OPPRESSI ON Liberation psy chology FREE TO CHO OSE Choice theory FAST AND SLOW DECI SIONS Heuristics JUMPING TO CONCL USIONS Cognitive bias SPIRITUAL EXERCISE Mindfulness and medita tion IN THE ZONE Flow THOUGHTS AND PROCESSES THE CONSCIOUS MIND Consciousness PROCESSING SEN SAT IONS Perception IDENTIFY ING OBJECTS P attern recognition BASIC FEELINGS P sychology of emotions MAGIC NUMBER SEVEN Information pr ocessing A BIOLOGICAL COMPUTER C omputationa l theory of mind FOCUSING A TT ENTION Atten tion theo ry STRIVING FOR CONSISTENCY Cognitive diss onance STORAG E STRUCTURE Long-term m emory REWRITING TH E PAS T False memory MEMORY MALFUNC TION T he seven sins of me mory DISORDERS AND THERAPI ES DIAGNOSING DIS ORDERS Psychiatr ic classicati on systems PROCESSING DI FFERENTL Y A utism spec trum disorde r HARD TO FOCU S A tte ntion dec it hyper activit y d isorder DELUSIONS, PARA NOIA, AND ALT ERED THINKING Schizoph renia EXTREME HIGHS AND LO WS B ipolar disorde r A DARK CLO UD Depression PREGNANCY , P AREN THOOD, AND MENTA L HEAL TH Perinatal men tal illness FEARING THE W ORST G eneralize d anxiety and p anic disorders DEBILITA TIN G F EAR Phobias INTRUSIVE TH OUGHTS AND REPETITIVE URGES Obsessive c ompulsive disorder