Bef ore Reading: Building Back ground Knowledge and V oc abulary Building back ground knowledge can help childr en proce ss new information and build upon what they already know . Before r eading a book, it is important to tap into what childr en already know about the topi c. This will help them deve lop their vocabulary and incre ase their reading compre hension.
Questions and Activities to Build Back ground Knowledge: L ook at the front cov er of the book and re ad the title. What do you think this book will be about?
2. W hat do you already kno w about this topic?
3. T ak e a book walk and skim the page s. Look at the table of contents, photographs, captions, and bold words. Did these text feature s give you any inf ormation or pre dictions about what you will read in th is book?
During Reading: Reading f or Meaning and Understanding T o achieve dee p comprehension of a book, childr en are e ncouraged to use close re ading strategies. During re ading, it is important to have childre n stop and make connections. These connections result in deeper analysis and unders tanding of a book.
Close Reading a T ext During r eading, have childre n stop and talk about the following: Any confusing parts A ny unknown word s T ex t to text, text to self, text to world connections The main idea in each chapter or heading
Encourage childre n to use context clues to determine the meaning of any unknown wor ds. These strategies will help childr en learn to analyze the text mor e thoro ughly as they read.
When you are fi nished reading this book, turn to the next-to-last page fo r Tex t-Dependent Questions and an Extension Activity .
V ocabulary Wo rds:
Voc abulary: Voc abulary Is Ke y to Reading Comprehension Use the f ollowing directions to pr ompt a conve rsation about each wor d.
R ead the vocabulary wor ds.
W hat comes to mind when you see each word ? W hat do you think each word means?
candidate C ongressperson debate election
political party politics slogan terms
R UNNING FOR PRESIDENT ...................
FIGHTING SHIRLEY ...............................
LEAV ING A L EGACY ..............................
TIME LINE ............................................
INDEX ..................................................
EXTENSION ACTIVITY .........................
AND ILLUST RATOR ..............................
able of Cont ents
H ave you eve r wanted to change the rules to make things fair? Have yo u ever dreamed of bein g someone who make s the laws? What about bein g president? Sh irley Chisholm had those dreams. She was a lea der in government. She wa s also a leader in staying true to what you kno w is right.
In t he winter of 1972, people cheered when Shirley walked onto a stage. She announced that she wa nted to be president of the United States . First, she would try to get her political party to vote for he r as their choice for president. She wanted people to trust her t o do the right thing. She was the rst woman from the Democratic P art y to try to be president. She was the rst black candidate for president from an y major part y. She was ready to make a lot of changes.
S hirley was alr eady a Congressperson from the state of New Y or k. Shirley was black and proud, but she was just as proud to be a woman. She work ed to ma ke thin gs fair for all kinds of people. Unlike some candidates, Shirley had not been given lots of money . P owerf ul people had not decided to help her . Shirley fought alone. Her p lan was to bring U.S.ust ogether .
S hirley was born in Br ooklyn, New Y or k. She moved wit h her three young er sisters to the countr y of Barbados when she was ve ye ars old. Her new school had many rules. It taught Shirley how to work hard. By the ti me she moved back to the United States when she w as 10, she already knew that she was a strong person.
Making Things F air
Shirley starte d working right a way in the New York stat e gov er nment. She w as aga inst a test tha t required peopl e to use English to show that they could read. She thought that it was unfair to peopl e who l earned another langua ge rst.
She decided to work for the gov ernment. She could make changes happen there. In 1965, she won an election . She became a lawmake r for the state of New Yor k. In just a couple of years , she made impor tant s teps toward her goal of impr oving people s lives.