The Secret
of Life Through
How to Use the Law of Attraction to
Structure Your Screenplay, Create Characters,
and Find Meaning in Your Script
![The Secret of Life Through Screenwriting How to Use the Law of Attraction to Structure Your Screenplay Create Characters and Find Meaning in Your Script - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/384455/image/25538.png)
Copyright 2019 Joy Cheriel Brown.
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ISBN: 978-1-9822-3756-1 (sc)
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Balboa Press rev. date: 10/31/2019
-The secret of life is the law of attraction
-Ask (Act I); Believe (Act II); Receive (Act III)
-What does asking entail?
-What does your script say about lifewhat do you as
the writer want to communicate?
-Premise Question
-Three Act Structure
-What request does your character make of the
universeouter goal
-Inciting Incident
-Who are the other people who will accompany your
protagonist on their journey? And what is their purpose
in the story?
-For a Season
-For a Reason
-For a Lifetime
-Character Functions:
Love Interests
-Relationships that Shape and Drive the Movie
-Creating 3-Dimensional Characters
-How does setting affect the story?
-Sacred Places within a Scene
-Writing Scene Descriptions and Overwriting
-What does believing entail? Creating a plan. Taking
action. Overcoming obstacles.
-How Limiting Beliefs Affect the Spiritual Journey
-Positivity and Gratitude
-Inner Wisdom
-Multiple storylines
-How does your character receive what they asked for?
-A Final Thought
Since the beginning of time when human beings gathered around the campfire, stories were told to make sense of life. But what if stories were about more than that? What if they are about more than capturing and reflecting back to us the day-to-day grind? What if stories told us the secret of life?
I am here to tell you that thats exactly what they do, and as human beings evolve, our knowledge and wisdom of how to have a successful, a.k.a. happy, life evolves, too. And Im not talking about the messages that you usually get in fairy tales and comic book movies like follow your heart and believe in yourself and good always triumphs over evil. Im talking about an actual formula that if you follow it, will give you a life that you love and will make all your dreams come true.
Over the last decade, the popularity of the New Thought concept - the law of attraction - has grown by leaps and bounds. The basics of the law of attraction are that like attracts like and positive thoughts attract the right people, circumstances, and events to give you the life of your dreamsno matter who you areas long as you understand how to master this law.
To do that, you must first understand the three-step process of how the law of attraction works you must first ask, then you believe, and finally you receive. This also happens to be how a movie is structuredAct I: Ask; Act II: Believe; and Act III: Receive.
As the years pass, Hollywood movies become more and more formulaic. Instead of giving you a formula, I am going to share a process, or approach, that will help you tell a meaningful story. A story that will also help millions of people have happier more fulfilling lives and learn how to manifest their dreams by learning the secret of life from the movies they watch, which will come from the screenplays you write.
Colle ctive Consciousness
Each of us has probably lived many lifetimes. In these lifetimes we are different sexes, different races, and we have different lives where we learn numerous skills and distinct occupations that vary with each incarnation. Wikipedia describes collective consciousness as the set of shared beliefs, ideas, and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society. As mankind continues to incarnate, the collective consciousness also evolves.
For example: Women were expected to stay home and raise the children since the beginning of time. However, after several incarnations of women who did just that, the collective consciousness changed to reflect the idea that women wanted careers and a sense of their own identity, not just to raise children.
As a screenwriter, you help shape the collective consciousness. The world continues to change, not only technologically, but how the very fibers of society and longstanding institutions, mores, and norms are woven together.
The first step in making the law of attraction work for you is to ask. You make a requ est to the universe, or a higher power if you prefer, for what you want to manifest in your life.
W hat if I told you that you could have anything in life that you want by using a simple three-step process of ask, believe, and receive? Hopefully, if youre one of the millions of people who have adopted the belief of the law of attraction, and consciously use it in your life, you will immediately be able to see how stories, and especially movies, teach us how to use the law of attraction and manifest our dreams and desires.
If youre a person who doesnt believe in the law of attraction, or is skeptical about it, thats okay, too, because you dont have to believe in it for it to work. But knowing the three-step process of ask, believe, and receive helps bring meaning to what could otherwise be random events that are showing up in your life.
A screenplay is broken down into three partsAct I, Act II, and Act III. There are certain things that need to happen in each act of a movie. In Act I, the world and life of the protagonist is established, the characters are introduced, and something happens to take your protagonist out of their comfort zone, or even completely out of their world altogether.
But there are other things that need to be taken into consideration even before you establish the life of your protagonist, create any characters, or decide what it is that your character wants to accomplish within the story of the script. The first thing you must decide as the writer, before tackling any of the aforementioned, is what you want to communicate with your script. Legendary producer, Samuel Goldwyn, is usually credited with saying, If you have a message, send Western Union. Obviously, I dont agree with that. All great movies have a message. From the message in Jurassic Park about the foolishness of tampering with life and science to The Cider House Rules, which says that sometimes abortion is necessary no matter where you stand on the issue personally. But the key is to entertain the audience so well that they dont realize that they are getting a message or being taught something about life.
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