24 Energies for Advanced
Healing Technology
Healing with Tachyon and Kryon Energies
Dr. Florida MAOM D.D.
![24 Energies for Advanced Quantum Healing Healing with Tachyon and Kryon Energies - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/384632/image/24045.png)
Copyright 2019 Dr. Florida MAOM D.D.
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ISBN: 978-1-9822-1529-3 (sc)
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Balboa Press rev. date: 05/24/2019
I dedicate this book in loving memory of my Grandfather, who came to me in a vision during a meditative dream-state, shortly after he passed, and shared this energy technology with me.
I have been using many of the energies in my healing practice since 2012, and the effects are profound. I have received further visions, showing me that these energies would be beneficial to others for healing at a high vibration.
I would like to thank all who have helped me to come to the point where I am now in my sojourn. I have had many teachers, all of whom I give great gratitude. Many of them have been authors and speakers. I have read hundreds of books and attended many healing courses and conferences on self- discovery, healing, spirituality, which have led to my specialization. I would specifically like to thank my grandfather for sharing the energies with me in a vision; Jennifer Buergermeister, who was mentor for my growth through the practice of yoga and Eastern philosophy; Dr. Bing You whom I practiced with for eight years, is my mentor in Integrated medicine, qigong and tai qi; James Tyberonn of Earth-keepers, who provided life-changing conferences that provide connections and knowledge in earth vortices and Metatronic Keys; Lois Wetzel of Hot Pink Lotus, who guided me to early important points in my journey by introducing me to higher dimensional healing modalities, Cris Jacinto who gave me the nudge to complete the book and the many other teachers I have had during my spiritual growth.
I would like to thank Christopher Morphis for his insight and beautiful art for the cover, as well as Leon Van Kraayenburg for his sacred geometry artwork. The list could go on and on, so I would simply like to send gratitude and love to all those teachers, authors, friends, and family who have played a positive and supportive role in my journey.
I have been working with these energies for several years with my patients. I am grateful for their help in balancing energy, clearing negative emotions and physical pain. The results are often instantaneous. Thank you Sara for sharing them with me.
~Erika Houston, TX
Sara and I became acquainted through her metaphysical group, and we were drawn closer over the years, sharing multidimensional experiences together, making us spiritual sisters. One of these amazing experiences was the birth of her son. We do meditation, energy work, and/or exchanges more consistently with our family and friends. I thoroughly enjoy Saras work. I used to see her every week and have seen many ailments or concerns go away. It was a pleasure getting a boost and being submerged in loving clarity.
~Phire, Houston, TX
Dr. Florida: your healing session made all the difference! Steady and daily improvement, off all meds now, and feeling very blessed as well as for the messages and insights you gave me. Thank you!!
~T.S. M.D Family Doctor
![The 24 energies are best suited for the healers who have experience working - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/384632/image/24233.png)
The 24 energies are best suited for the healers, who have experience working with energy medicine, chakras and energy balancing. These energies are advanced quantum healing technology that work inter-dimensionally and amplify energy as a compliment to other healing modalities such as Acupuncture, massage, energy work and many types of integrated healing modalities. There is a basic assumption that those reading the book have received the necessary training to prepare them for this book. There are many references available, to assist with any areas that the reader may require more study.
These energies are gifts and are to be cherished by each person who uses them. These energies are a portion of the key to the higher dimensions. The ability to use these energies opened up and became available fully to humanity in 2012 when the mass consciousness of humanity reached a vibration capable of receiving and using them on a large scale.
Basis of Tachyon and Kryon Ener gies
Tachyon healing energy is an energy that has been used by others on this planet for planetary and individual healing and is the basis for some of the energies in the book. The first energy we discuss will go into more detail about Tachyon energy. It is an energy that vibrates faster than the speed of light and is self- balancing. The other energies are received from higher-dimensional realms. They work within the light sphere that surrounds the earth, where human consciousness resides. Tachyon energy was first defined, and its existence mathematically proven, in 1966 by MIT physicist Dr . Gerald Feinberg , who chose the name tachyon (from the Greek tachys (rapid)) because tachyons are subatomic particles with no mass that travel faster than the speed of light. (TerraTachyon.)
The earth resonance is ever increasing and vibrating faster as the consciousness of humanity is increasing. The earth has a heartbeat that is in alignment with the heartbeat of God. As humanity progresses and increases in vibration, our heartbeat is aligning that of Earth and God.
Several authors that have written about this energy include: David Miller of Group of Forty and Dr Joe McNamara M.D.. This book provides teachings and instruction based on the visions I received, and later added research that I found about the energies.
David Miller owner of Group of Forty, wrote Tachyon energy fulfills a need unmet by crystals for transmutation of life-force energy. (Miller)
According to Dr. Joseph McNamara of Tachyon Counseling, a world leader in tachyon technology information, Tachyons are subatomic particles that travel faster than light. They are particles that infuse physical matter with spiritual light. Tachyonization is a technological process that impregnates the physical matter with an increased quantity of tachyons and thus it permanently changes quantum properties of atomic nuclei which compose that matter.
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