Seniors On the Move
By Ray Fauteux
Copyright 2017 Ray Fauteux
Smashwords Edition
ISBN: 9781370430840
The author is 68 years old, semi-retired after 47 years in the retail grocery industry, and currently resides in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Inspired by the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal, he was driven to take up the sport of distance running. He completed his first marathon in 1977, and it was the beginning of a career in endurance racing that would last over 35 years. Over that period, finish lines were crossed in over 30 marathons, two fifty-mile races, countless 10k races, and 11 Ironman triathlons.
Preparation for these endurance events included several decades of researching and implementing various training methods, diets, and optimum nutrition choices. Swimming, biking, running, and weight training were basically a way of life for decades. The knowledge of what training methods and food choices worked best was gained first-hand over years of intensive training and racing.
The author does not claim to be a professional athlete, coach, doctor, or nutritionist but rather, is sharing the knowledge gained from decades of training and racing.
Once his competitive career was over, the author created a website call ed t hat has been up and running for over 12 years.
He also self-published five books. Three books focus on inspiring, motivating, and providing training and racing tips for triathletes. He also wrote a lifestyle book for teens and pre-teens that features, adopting sound nutrition choices and regular exercise in everyday life. The fifth book was autobiographic in nature, about how embracing endurance sports changed the authors life for the better.
Although the author no longer competes, staying fit still remains the main focus. He still runs several times a week, does weight training on a regular basis, and maintains a healthy diet.
As you settle into the retirement years, do you find yourself thinking more and more about the life you led?
Perhaps, you think about the glory days of your youth. Everything was so new, and there was so much to experience and learn. You had a thirst for life. You were invincible. Growing old was something your parents did, but not you. But in the blink of an eye, your life flashes by and suddenly, you're a senior.
In your journey through adulthood, you learned that life was full of choices. Do you often think about the decisions you made? Are you one of the lucky ones who has no regrets? If you had it all to do over again, are you certain you would never change a thing? Chances are you're like the majority of people, and wish you could go back and make at least, a few better choices.
Did you choose a career path that was far from what you really wanted to do with your life? Instead of taking a chance and reaching for the stars, you took the safer route. Perhaps, your true passion was just too risky and the challenge too great. You chose the smooth, paved highway, instead of the rocky road less travelled. Ultimately, you spent most of your working life doing a job you really didn't like. The longer you stayed at your job, the harder it was to give up the security, seniority, and all those holiday weeks you built up. Very often, you think wistfully at what might've been, if only you had been more courageous.
Did you build wealth and material trappings but ignore fitness and a healthy diet for most of your adult life? Are you unhappy with the reflection you see in the mirror?
Often, you think of the opportunity lost, and wish you had another chance to pursue your true calling, and take better care of yourself. We almost all have regrets that haunt us as we look back on our past. It's one of the mysterious realities of life; how ill-conceived decisions we make or singular moments of self-doubt can dictate the course of our lives. Yet, all is not lost.
Although, the errors of the past may be irrevocable, the opportunity to change for the better during the golden years of life is there for the taking. We can't alter yesterday, but we can certainly embrace today, and strive for a rewarding tomorrow full of accomplishments and realized dreams. It's never too late to find our better selves. What a worthy goal for all those who have no idea what to do with all their free time once they retire.
It's not too late to reach for the stars and do those things you convinced yourself were out of your reach. Learn that new language or that new skill. Go back to school. Learn how to dance. Give of yourself to others in need. Open that small business you always dreamed of having.
Most of all, commit yourself to a nutrition and fitness regimen that will keep you physically strong, and your mind sharp for years to come. Optimizing your physical and mental capabilities is the foundation that supports the dreams and goals you have for retirement.
Believe in yourself. You are capable of so much more than you might think. You'll simply be amazed at how quickly your body will respond to your efforts to embrace a healthier lifestyle.
As you enter into your senior years, you are not necessarily nearing the end of your existence. Dream big, and you might well be at the very beginning of the best years of your life. Regardless of the errors and missed opportunities of the past, you have the option to wake up any given morning and commit to living the rest of your life regret free.
Did you ever wonder why many people find it so difficult to stay physically fit?
Did you ever wonder why people struggle so mightily with dieting and controlling their weight? I believe it's partly because North American society is built on a foundation of instant gratification. Why cook balanced meals when fast food is everywhere? Many crave the instant high that comes from booze, drugs, and random sex. Or perhaps, they want to be rich and reap the benefits of love and happiness without putting in the time and effort.
Throughout their lives, people are bombarded with the importance of exercising regularly. They see it everywhere. It actually begins in the earliest school years. All through their adult life, it's in newspapers, books, broadcast and social media. Yet, despite it all, there are many who just can't quite get a handle on it. It's such a struggle for them to commit to a lifestyle of health and fitness. Often, taking care of one's health and wellbeing is relegated to the back burner.
Many people begin exercising with the best of intentions but they don't see results fast enough. They give up on including fitness into their lives because the gratification isn't instant. As a New Year's resolution, they buy fitness club memberships, swim passes, or exercise equipment, and try it for a while. They discover that it takes effort on their part. It takes them out of their comfort zone. All they have to show for a few excursions into the world of fitness is sore, and tired muscles, and disillusionment. As a result, they give up on exercising way too soon.
In years past, it may not have seemed such a big deal to let those New Year's resolutions slide after just a few weeks. Who cares if those fitness club memberships and swim passes expired virtually unused? So what if the basement or garage has become a graveyard for exercise equipment. Books and boxes are piled on your weight bench, and your exercise bike has become a clothes horse. At least you tried, didn't you?
However, if your age is taking you closer to senior territory, or if you're already a senior, there's not much wiggle room left for procrastination. If you want to get the most out of your senior years, it's important to understand that embracing a healthy lifestyle is the cornerstone of quality of life and longevity.
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