Edited by
Volume 22
First published in 1987
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Alice Jardine & Paul Smith
First published in 1987 by Methuen, Inc., 29 West 35th Street,
New York, New York 10001
Published in Great Britain by Methuen & Co., Ltd, 11 New Fetter
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Copryright 1987 by Methuen, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data
Men in feminism.
Includes index.
1. Feminism. 2. MenPsychology. 3. Sex role.
I. Jardine, Alice. II. Smith, Paul.
HQ1154.M439 1987 305.42 86-33195
ISBN 0-416-01591-3
ISBN 0-416-01601-4 (pbk.)
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Men in feminism.
1. Feminism
I. Jardine, Alice A. II. Smith, Paul
305.42 HQ1154
ISBN 0-416-01591-3
ISBN 0-416-01601-4 Pbk
Printed in the U.S.A.
13. Critical Cross-Dressing: Male Feminists and the Woman of the Year
A Criticism of One's Own
Denis Donoghue
This book has its most immediate beginnings in two sessions conducted at the Modern Language Association meetings in Washington, D.C., December 1984. Sponsored by the Society for Critical Exchange (SCE) at the instigation of James Sosnoski, SCE's director, these sessions were organized by Paul Smith and were intended to produce a dialogue between male and female academics around the question of Men in Feminism. This project has many beginnings, of course, but was most directly dictated by a couple of specific circumstances.
First, the two editors and another contributor, Rosi Braidotti, were engaged in a correspondence about an article by Smith, A Question of Feminine Identity. Discussion of that article directly involved consideration of the fact that the current work of a considerable number of male intellectuals in the humanities is consciously employing and deploying feminist thought and feminist theory. Some of this correspondence will be found in Alice Jardine's essay in this volume, while its more general effect was to have helped suggest the topic for the MLA sessions.
At about the same time, Smith was guest-editing an issue of The Dalhousie Review which was to include Stephen Heath's Male Feminism, which begins this volume. That text was made available before the MLA to all seven session participants, as were drafts of papers by Ross and Smith. The first of the two sessions then consisted of papers by Ross, Smith, and Heath while the second session consisted of responses by Mayne, Weed, Jardine, and Kamuf; all are included here. The title of the sessionsprovocative not just for its general topic, but perhaps even more for its use of the word inwas the product of conversations between Smith and Kamuf, and Smith and Sosnoski.
The dialogue that was begun at the MLA sessions provoked a certain amount of interest and even caused some little controversy. Several people who had heard the papers suggested that they be edited into a book along with other contributions. Smith was originally reluctant to do this work and asked Jardine if she would be interested in taking on such a task. Jardine agreed on the condition that the book be coedited. Once that was agreed upon we began to draw up a list of possible contributors.
At first we both felt, in our different ways, that the question of men in feminism was a relatively unpromising one. It seemed in a very real sense elitist and narrow, of interest only within the often somewhat insulated corridors of academia. One indication of this was the fact that we had trouble locating intellectuals, who, having shown interest in the question, would offer, for instance, a gay or a black perspective on the problem. It became clear almost immediately that this is largely a reflection of a serious institutional problem and that most (though, finally, not all) of our contributors would be straight, white academics. We mention this here, not to excuse ourselves or the book, but rather to point out what we still recognize as one of the major limitations of the topic.
However, at the same time we realized that the question was important in other ways. Even within the relatively narrow confines of academia political stuggles occur, have effects, and can be instructive. We recognized, because of the strength of both the positive and negative reactions we got when talking to colleagues about the project, that we had touched upon a struggle to which not much overt attention had hitherto been given. And, as we think many of our contributors demonstrate, thinking about men in feminism brings up questions and problems which go right to the heart of feminist theory.
In general, we wanted those issues and questions to be addressed as it were conversationally; that is, we have tried to continue the MLA dialogue here between roughly equal numbers of men and women. Many of the papers included here are related in that they respond to each other at some level. Unfortunately, it was not possible to ensure that all the contributors had access even to the MLA papers, but it seems nonetheless that common referents and common issues run through many of the contributions.
While recognizing some of the limitations of our project, we thought it productive finally that the issue of men in feminism be addressed and considered within the context of contemporary feminist theory. Our final editorial decisions about inclusion and exclusion in this volume have not been based upon strict agreement, pluralism, synthesis, comprehensiveness, balance, or any of the usual abstract terms of antho-logic. Rather, we have attempted to foreground the heterogeneity, to leave apparent the rough edges of this always impassioned debate. Most importantly, we hope that the dialogue that we begin here will continue, and that this book will be useful to anyone who, in any way at all, would want to support the theoretical and practical efforts of feminism.