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Kathy Andrews - Billys Hot Mom

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Kathy Andrews Billys Hot Mom

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Kathy Andrews

Billys Hot Mom


Chapter 1

Donna waggled her ass, moving her hands up and down her body.

Billy sat watching, his cock throbbing inside his pants, his eyes big and round, glittering with excitement. The very long, very slender legs of his mother moved snake-like as she turned and danced slowly. Her ass bunched and relaxed.

Donna wasn't really a dancer, but she loved to dance this way at home, privately, with only her son watching. She had a natural sense of rhythm that was sensuous and arousing, her movements more like fucking rather than dancing. The sway of her hips, the twist of her shoulders, the way she thrust her firm, shapely tits, invited the eye and, perhaps, a hand.

As she moved about the floor, she watched her son. Her eyes, too, were glittering, hot with excitement. Her tits looked ready to pop from her blouse, the creamy valley between showing. A light shrug, and a nipple just might escape, which was what Billy hoped for.

Donna's blouse was open almost to her waist, and it was obvious she was naked under it. Her tits, though firm and tight-looking, jiggled slightly in movement. Her hips, encased in a pair of white, very tight shorts, writhed and made grinding motions. The crotch was very tight, pulled into the slit of her cunt, molding the pussy lips, bulging slightly. When she twirled her ass in his direction, Billy watched those compact asscheeks, seeing the lower half, the white flesh contrasting deliciously with the tan of her thighs. Donna's ass was quite shapely, too, with the asscheeks swelling in mouth-watering sweetness.

This wasn't the first time she had danced before her son with such erotic, teasing movements. She had danced for him many, many times. She loved watching his cock become hard inside his pants, knowing he wanted to stick it to her, to fuck her. Turning her young son on, knowing he was ready to shove his hard cock up her cunt, excited Donna tremendously. She loved to turn people on with her body, yet she was by no means a prick-teaser.

With eyes gazing steadily and significantly upon her son's bulging cock, Donna faced Billy, her hips revolving slowly. She licked at her full lips, running her hands up and down her hips. Her nipples stood out with rubbery hardness, pointing against the thin blouse. She curled her fingers around her tits for a moment. A slight squeeze of her fingers made her nipples become more pronounced. Billy gasped softly as he stared at them. He sat on the couch making no effort to conceal his obvious hard-on. He was slumped forward slightly, his knees open, hands resting on the cushions at his hips.

Squeezing her tits was something else Donna had done before with her son watching. What she did next, however, was different. With her eyes glowing, lips parted as she panted softly, Donna for the first time caressed her hands down along her lower stomach. She slowly moved her fingers about the bulge of her cunt, her hips revolving in slow motion.

The gasp from her son encouraged Donna.

"You really love to watch me, don't you, honey?" she asked in a low, whispery voice.

Billy nodded, swallowing as his eyes followed his mother's hands.

Donna slowly slipped one hand between her thighs, then rubbed along her cunt. Her hips moved as she rubbed at her cunt two or three more times.

She couldn't rub much more because she might come. Dancing for her son this way not only made his young cock stand up, but sent a fire through her cunt. Tracing a fingertip along the outlined slit of her cunt, she stared hungrily at the visible throb of her son's cock. Despite his pants, she could see the roundness of the prickhead, the length of the cockshaft. The wet heat of her cunt increased, and, when she moved a fingertip along the edge of the tight crotch, she could feel wetness on her thigh.

"Oh, God!" she purred, widening her stance and thrusting her hips forward. "Oh, my God!"

Billy's eyes watched her finger move along the edge of her crotch. This made Billy want to grab his mother, grab her by her cunt. His right hand trembled as it slipped onto his lap and started for his cock.

Despite the many times his mother had danced for him, she had never touched herself this way, not on her pussy.

Donna gasped again, finding her cunt very, very sensitive. The sensations rumbling through her slender body were greater than ever before. She was sure she would come if she placed just a bit of pressure upon her knotted clitoris. She watched her son's hand come close to his bulging cock, then stop. She knew what he felt. She knew because she felt the same thing-desire, desperate desire, desire that was demanding satisfaction.

"Grab it, baby!" she hissed, the words coming out before she could choke them back. "Grab it now!"

Billy wasn't sure what his mother wanted him to grab. She was still running her fingertips along the edge of her crotch. Her eyes were burning on the bulge of his cock. He licked his lips hungrily, his hand shaking on his lap, the tips of his fingers almost touching the shaft of his prick.

Donna swung her hips in a slow, tight circle, trying to work a finger into the crotch of her shorts. Billy, seeing this, slipped his hand over his throbbing cock.

"That's it, baby!" Donna moaned softly. "Grab it tight!"

His fingers pressed and squeezed.

Donna's body trembled, and, with a soft cry, she jerked her hands from her crotch and to her tits. She cupped them both, squeezing as her eyes smoldered, watching his hand pressing at his cock. With a sudden motion, she yanked her blouse open, her tits spilling out nakedly.

Billy grunted, making a choking sound.

Donna's tits were spaced wide, rounded and firm, with dark-pink nipples straining out in teasing stiffness. The blouse hung half off her shoulders, and Donna shrugged, setting up a delicious motion in her tits.

Billy squeezed his cock hard.

"Oh, Billy, Billy!" Donna whimpered. She swayed close to him, her knees touching his. She stared down at his hand holding his cock. "Squeeze it, baby! Squeeze it!"

Donna leaned over, her hands braced on the back of the couch, her head dipped to watch his hand. Then, deliberately, she shoved her tits into her son's face.

"Ohhhh, baby!" she moaned.

Billy felt the heat of his mother's tits closing about his face, felt the creamy texture of the flesh. His cock seemed to swell more than ever before, the head of his prick ready to burst. Donna shifted her shoulders and watched as one nipple brushed across her son's chin. She held her breath as she pushed the nipple to his lips.

"Suck it!" she hissed throatily.

Billy reacted immediately. He drew his mother's nipple between his lips, and sucked wildly, eagerly, his tongue lapping in wet swirls.

"Ohhhh, God, baby!" Donna sobbed softly, her tit swelling inside his mouth. "Suck it hard, Billy! Oooooh,, suck it very hard!"

Billy pulled as much of his mother's tit into his mouth as he could, hungry for it. The wet pull on her tit sent a wild ripple of delight down her body, causing her cunt to suck inward tightly. Billy squeezed his cock very hard, hoping he wouldn't shoot off inside his pants, but unable to relax his grip.

Donna slipped her tit from his mouth, and rubbed both tits back and forth in his face. Billy shoved his tongue out, tasting first one nipple, then the other. Donna squealed in soft sounds, her eyes smoldering and slightly unfocused with fiery passion.

She had not intended on doing this with her son, but something had happened as she danced. Her hands had moved and touched herself of their own accord, without directions from her. Now, she had her tits in his face, and she didn't want to pull away. The grunts of her son told her he was having problems, and she didn't want him coming off in his pants, either. But neither did she want him to run away and beat off, the way he usually did after she danced for him. She knew Billy jerked off because she had listened outside the door of the bathroom.

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