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Kathy Andrews - "Harder!" Mom said

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Kathy Andrews Harder Mom said CHAPTER ONE Sabrina tossed the sheets from - photo 1

Kathy Andrews

"Harder!" Mom said


Sabrina tossed the sheets from her sweating body.

The lighted digital clock on her bedside table indicated three in the morning.

She was perspiring heavily, and the images of her dream still swirled around in her mind.

With a moan she flung her arm over her eyes in an attempt to blot the scenes away. But they remained, as she knew they would. Nothing would make them go away, nothing.

The dreams had started two weeks ago and came to her every night without fail.

This one had been particularly bad for her.

She had been driven in her car to a desolate spot outside of town. There she was taken before a group of boys and girls sitting around a huge campfire. She had not known any of the boys and girls, they were all complete strangers to her. The only person she had known was the one who had driven her her son.

As dreams often are, there were no explanations of how she had gotten into the car, whether willingly or not. So much was missing from the dream, she had so many questions. Why her son had driven her to this strange gathering was another mystery to her. Why he was even involved made no sense to her.

After arriving at the bonfire, her son had taken her arm and pulled her near the fire, standing her in front of the boys and girls. Although there was conversation, Sabrina could not make out words or else she did not remember them. That part came later in the dream.

She had been forced to stand there, outlined by the flames behind her. Why she was being forced she had no idea, nor did she understand why she had allowed it to happen. The boys and girls were all dressed in shorts, but the girls wore no tops. Their tits were naked and free, with rigid nipples, their flesh glowing in the reflection of the fire. Even her son wore shorts and she wanted to call him as he took his place next to a beautiful girl with lovely tits. She had tried to speak, but found her voice was gone.

As she lay in the darkness of her bedroom, the sheets at the foot of the bed, her body soaked with sweat, she recalled the rest of the dream, feeling shamed and humiliated.

She had stood before the group of boys and girls for what seemed hours, without any control over her legs, wishing she could walk away, leave them. Her hands seemed frozen at her hips, and although she held her head high, tears of degradation had streamed from her light-blue eyes.

"Take 'em off!" came a harsh demand.

As if she had been rehearsed, Sabrina had opened her blouse and removed it. Then at the command of some unseen girl, she had unhooked her bra and let it fall. In the dream, her blouse and bra fell into the flames.

"Put your shoulders back make your tits stick out!"

Things were called out to her, directions insisting that she do this, do that, turn left, turn right. And she had obeyed them all like a robot. The feeling of shame went deep as she pulled her shoulders back, arching her tits outward, her nipples rigid. As she sobbed with humiliation, there were comments made about her tits and nipples, voices of both boys and girls.

Gazing at the darkened ceiling of the bedroom, Sabrina wondered why her son's voice was never joined with those of the others. She had known, in the dream, that he was there, watching her, condoning this, having brought her there. But all the voices were alien to her, unknown. She recognized none of them.

She saw boys fondling rounded, firm tits now, cupping and squeezing, pinching hard nipples. Even her son, she saw, was caressing the tits of the girl next to him. But all those glowing eyes were on her, on her body.

The command came from a boy to remove her skirt, and Sabrina's face burned with shame as it fell to her feet. She stood before the group of boys and girls now with her tits naked, wearing a pair of very scanty bikini panties, a garter belt, stockings and a pair of high-heeled shoes. The garter belt and stockings always surprised Sabrina. She never wore those except in her dreams. In reality she always wore pantyhose and didn't even own stockings or a garter belt.

She was told to turn again, sideways, then to present her back to them. Sabrina had stood in trembling shame as she felt those hot eyes rake up and down her body, her naked back, her stockinged thighs, the flimsy cover of her ass cheeks.

Again facing the group, she was allowed to stand without removing to stand without removing anything else for a while. Girls, she saw, were now stroking very hard cocks, running their fingers up and down the firmness and over swollen prickheads. Somehow, everyone was naked when she had been told to face them again. The high flames of the fire seemed to light everything in clear detail to Sabrina's tear-misted eyes.

She saw all those cocks, every one of them. She saw hairy balls, full balls, loose balls. She saw cunts with a great deal of hair around them, some with hardly any hair. And in her dream, her nipples had begun to burn and tingle, and her cunt became wet, soaking the crotch of her panties.

Sabrina, still gazing at her ceiling, moved a hand between her thighs and discovered her cunt was very wet for real. It was slippery with juices as she moved her finger lightly over the slightly pulsating lips and firm clitoris. The dream had been so real, so very real, it had caused her cunt to turn extremely wet.

She had been force to stand half-naked for a long time as those hot eyes looked at her. Sabrina had begun to tremble as they peered up and down her body. And despite the tears of shame in her eyes, she had been unable to stop watching what was happening among the now naked boys and girls. Boys were now caressing between the thighs of those girls, all very lovely young girls. The girls gripped the hard, throbbing cocks of the boys and jacked them up and down. Even her son was finger-fucking the girl he was with, his eyes burning on her body.

Someone, the voice vague but clear, demanded that she remove her panties.

And Sabrina obeyed.

Now all she wore was the garter belt and her stockings with her shoes. A loud sight of pleasure went through the group of boys and girls as she stood with her cunt naked.

Again she was ordered to turn and to expose her ass to them.

As if in a trance, Sabrina had obeyed. She could hear the voices commenting about her body, her tits and ass, even her cunt. The voices were frank and blunt, the words causing Sabrina to shiver with a mixture of shame and pleasure.

When she was facing the group again, one of the boys was between the legs of a girl, fucking her vigorously. The girl had her legs high in the air, waving them about as she hunched her naked ass up and down, meeting the thrusts of the boy's cock with her cunt eagerly. The couple was directly in front of her and she could see the boy's balls swinging up and down as his naked ass plunged.

As the boy and girl fucked, the unseen grip that had been holding Sabrina in place was released. Now she could move but in the dream she did not flee. She began walking among the naked boys and girls, looking at them, watching as they fondled one another. She had watched one girl twist onto her hands and knees and present her rounded ass to the fire, a boy on his knees behind her. The boy had looked up at Sabrina with a lewd smile on his face as he shoved his cock into the eager cunt of the girl before him.

Sabrina had stood watching his cock stab in and out for a moment or so, then turned and moved through the squirming bodies, pausing to watch a couple here and there. Sometimes she would feel a hot hand on her thigh as she stood near a couple, and she never knew if it was a boy or girl caressing her flesh.

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