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Kathy Andrews - All day with mom

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Kathy Andrews

All day with mom


Leaning back in the beach chair, Jackie let her eyes move to the lifeguard sitting about twenty feet away. She had been watching him secretly ever since she started bringing her son to the public pool. The lifeguard was young, maybe ten years her junior, but that didn't matter. It had a very nice bulge in his tight swimsuit.

It wasn't that Jackie wanted to fuck him. She really didn't want to fuck anyone. At least, that was what she told herself. But she did enjoy looking at him, or any other male with a nice bulge in his trunks. She found them very attractive, enjoyed watching them through slitted eyes, or openly from behind dark sunglasses.

When she saw an especially attractive man in tight trunks, with his cock and balls all but exposed, she would get quivers in her cunt and become moist, and it was those times when she wanted to fuck. Most of the males really didn't turn her on, but some made her very hungry for cock.

Like this lifeguard.

He sat about ten feet off the ground on his wooden perch, a whistle dangling from his neck, his eyes constantly watching the pool. Sometimes he blew the whistle and yelled at some boy or girl getting too rough in the water.

Today, there weren't many boys and girls in the pool, and her son was at the far end, learning to swim. The other lifeguard, a girl, was trying to teach him. Sometimes the lifeguards helped that way when there weren't many in the pool. The girl was very attractive, with a brightly colored, but very skimpy, bikini. Her tits bulged out around the top and it seemed as if one of her nipples would escape at any time.

Jackie's grin spread as she saw her son trying to get himself a feel of the girl's tits, trying in a way that would appear accidental. But the girl was familiar with such groping and avoid his hands. As she watched Tony, she saw him pretend to sink and under the clear water, saw his hand shoot up between the girl's thighs for a fast feel of her crotch.

"Okay, Tony," the girl said. "That's enough for today."

There was a blush on the girl's pretty face as she climbed from the water and the split of her ass was exposed because her bikini bottom was pulled aside. The girl adjusted her bikini bottom, and Tony laughed.

"Need any help with that?" Jackie heard him ask.

"No, thank you," the girl said, but she flashed Tony a sparkling smile. "You're alt hands, Tony! Keep it up and you'll drown for sure one of these days!"

Now that her son was practicing the things he had learned, Jackie turned her eyes back to the lifeguard. He sat with his knees parted, his elbows resting on them, chin cupped in his hands, watching the pool. Jackie stared between his knees, licking her lips as she studied the bulge of his cock and balls. She shifted her position on the chair and parted her legs.

Her swimsuit was a bikini, too, but not quite as brief as the pretty female lifeguard's. It was cut high on her hips, clinging to her cunt and ass tightly. Her tits, rounded and almost pointed, were held completely concealed.

Her long brown hair was soft and wavy, framing a lovely face that could easily pass for ten years younger than her actual age. She had wide-spaced brown eyes, a small nose, and full mouth. She was tall, slender, and very, very attractive.

Not many years ago, her face and body had graced the covers of various fashion magazines, but no longer. It was not because of her age. She was still sought as a model, but Jackie had given it up when her photographer husband had died suddenly. She had never modeled for anyone but him, and it was his magic with a camera that made her a highly sought model. With him gone, Jackie ended her career.

Jackie didn't miss it at all. She was content to live in relative privacy with Tony, avoiding the limelight. She was financially secure, so there was no reason to return to work.

She was sought after by men too. Men who tried hard to date her, to become her lover. But Jackie wanted no man. Her husband had been the only man in her life, and she felt no other man could possibly measure up to him. But he was gone.

"Aren't you coming in, Mom?"

Jackie turned and saw her son at the edge of the pool. He had his elbows on the deck, and he was looking at her. She smiled at him, shaking her head, then she noticed that Tony wasn't looking at her face. He was staring boldly up between her long thighs.

With a gasp, Jackie closed her legs, but when Tony grinned at her, there was a stage, almost forgotten pulsation in her cunt. Tony looked at her exactly the way his father used to, with hot, hungry eyes.

"Go swim," she said, fighting to control a quiver in her voice. "And, Tony, it isn't nice to sneak peeks at your mother."

"Why not?" Tony asked. "You look better than most of the girls around here, Mom."

"Because I'm your" Jackie stopped. "It's not nice."

"Oh, yes it is," Tony said. "At least from where I am."

"Go away, Tony," she said, trying to smile at him.

She felt a tingle move up and down her flesh, then settle in her crotch.

"Go look at one of those pretty little girls over there."

"I don't want to look at them," Tony said, his eyes bright. "I'd rather look at you."

Jackie stared at her son. Then, for no reason she could explain, she parted her long legs, briefly, then closed them again.

"Wow, nice, Mom! Real nice."

Then he swam away.

Jackie wondered why she had done it. She tried to understand, but it made no sense to her. She had actually flashed her son! He didn't see anything, not really. Her bikini concealed it all, but she had spread her legs. Jackie had never done anything like that in her life. She had been before cameras many times, and enjoyed having her picture in magazines, even the swimsuit layouts. But she had never, ever, deliberately opened her legs to anyone.

She watched her son at the other end of the pool, talking with a girl. She pulled her sunglasses down, adjusting them. They were dark, and she could see people without them knowing she was looking. She felt a vibration between her thighs, and realized that her cunt was getting wet.

She glanced up at the lifeguard again, but her pleasure at looking at him was gone. It was her son she was now interested in. It had been his eyes looking between her thighs that had caused that startling response in her cunt. Watching Tony talking with the girl, Jackie felt a twinge of jealousy.

Behind her dark sunglasses, she watched Tony as closely as she could. She felt a dislike for the pretty girl he was with, and she didn't even know the girl.

Tony left the girl, flipping his middle finger at her in a rude gesture. Jackie had never seen her son do that before. She kept her eyes on him as he swam the short distance back to where she sat. When he had his elbows on the deck at her feet, she said, "That wasn't a very thing you did to her, Tony."

"What did I do, Mom?" he asked.

"Flipping her the bird," Jackie said. "That wasn't nice at all."

"Aw, she's a cunt, Mom."

"She's a what?" Jackie asked, her voice a bit loud.

"Twerp, Mom twerp!"

"Oh. I thought you said" Jackie dropped it, but watched his face behind her dark sunglasses. She had heard him correctly the first time. His use of the word startled her. Tony never used such language around her. "I've had enough of this place."

Getting to her feet, Jackie leaned over to retrieve her small beach bag and towel, very much aware that her son was watching her. She felt the tight bikini draw higher, exposing the flesh of her ass. A slight flush warmed her cheeks as she stood up again, walking ahead of her son toward the dressing rooms. She knew that her ass showed, that her bikini had crawled between her ass-cheeks.

Jackie found she didn't care, didn't mind at all that half of her satiny ass was exposed not only to her son's hot eyes, but to anyone else that might be looking. By the time she reached the dressing rooms, her pulse was pounding through her body, and her cunt was almost soaking the crotch of her bikini. Her tits felt as if they were about to burst from her top, her nipples poking hard at the fabric.

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