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Kathy Andrews - Ride, mom, ride!

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Kathy Andrews

Ride, mom, ride!


Riding ahead of her son, Donna Winters felt her nylon jogging shorts creeping into the split of her ass again. Ignoring it, she pedaled along the tree-shaded path, her ten-speed gliding smoothly. Ahead of her was a man and his daughter, both of them on ten-speeds, too. There was just something about him that attracted her. It was a sexual attraction, no doubt.

But because of her son, she felt she had to control her hungers, at least as much as she could. What made that difficult to do was her exceptionally long clit.

Donna's clit was almost a full inch long, and as expected, very sensitive. When hard, she could jack on it as if it was a small cock. Her ex-husband had found it repulsive, but she gave him credit for trying. He told her it was like sucking on a tiny cock, and he refused to lick or suck her pussy, something Donna loved dearly.

She was excited now, but not because they were following the man and his exquisite looking, blonde-haired daughter. She had become excited long before she saw them again. The sliding and rubbing on the bicycle seat created heat and wetness in her pussy, her clit bulging until she had already enjoyed a couple of orgasms.

She had seen the man about a month ago while riding with her son, Tommy, and since then she always looked for him. Like her son, he wore old, faded cut-off jeans and a T-shirt. He was dark haired, cleanly shaved.

She watched the blonde ponytail of the man's daughter gleam in the sunlight, and wondered again why the girl never wore shorts, but always had on a skirt or dress. It was much too hot for dresses, and it seemed silly to wear one when riding a bike. She watched the girl's little ass slide from side to side on the ten-speed. She rode beside her father, looking up at him with twinkling eyes, a very happy little girl.

Donna glanced behind her where her son trailed.

She saw the sheen of sweat on his upper lip, and excited expression in his eyes. She knew why he liked to ride behind her. She knew Tommy enjoyed watching the rhythm of her firm ass on the saddle. Like her son and the man ahead of her, she had on a T-shirt, and her tits pushed against it, her nipples two dark circles behind the thin shirt, poking out stiffly.

The man and girl were pedaling faster, and Donna watched them disappear around a bend in the trail. A moment later she and her son came around. The man had stopped his bike about five feet from a drinking fountain, and his daughter was just sliding off her bike for a drink. Her skirt caught on the seat of the bike, and as her slim leg lifted over the center bar, there was a flash of her tight, pretty panties. The girl giggled as she pushed her dress down.

Apparently the man and his daughter had not seen Donna and her son. He held his daughter's bike by the handlebars as he straddled his own, and Donna's breath caught when she saw the man lean over and run his tongue over the seat of his daughter's bike, bringing another deliciously wicked giggle from the girl just before she got a drink of water.

The man saw her then, and a slight flush came over his face. Seeing him blush made Donna more attracted to him than before. That blush showed he was human. She flashed him a bright grin, her sparkling white teeth showing.

"Hi," she said cheerfully as she drew up next to him and stopped, a long leg resting on the ground as she balanced her bike. "I've seen you riding around here before, haven't I?"

The man nodded, his flush fading as he took in Donna's tall, slender figure, her wide-spaced, brown eyes, the shimmering chestnut-colored hair that was slightly mussed about her shoulders. He saw her wide, full, moist lips, then he lowered his gaze to her straining tits, seeing Donna's nipples push boldly out, the rounded, firm shags of them almost revealed under her T-shirt. Then he looked at her hips and her long legs.

"Don't I know you?" he asked.

"You may have seen me," Donna answered. "That is, if you read the woman's magazines. You know, fashion and all that."

The man, snapped his fingers. "Of course! You're a model!"

"Off and on," she replied. "Not as much now."

Donna had graced the covers of many fashion magazines, and inside those magazines, she had modeled the latest fashions, including skimpy panties and bras and gowns designed for fun times in the bedroom.

"I'm getting too old for modeling," she said. "It's the young girls they want today."

"Old?" The man's eyes crinkled. "You're hardly over twenty-five."

Donna smiled, then gestured to her son. "Meet my son, Tommy."

"Hi," the man said to Tommy. "I'm Keith, and that little beauty is mine. Judy, meet our new friends."

The little girl smiled shyly at Donna, then at Tommy.

"Judy is shy," Keith said. "At least when she first meets people. She likes you, though. She only smiles at those she likes, otherwise she pouts."

Tommy and Judy stood looking at each other the way boys and girls will at first, both with shy smiles. Tommy shuffled his sneaker against the ground and Judy folded her hands behind her back.

As they chatted, the man kept looking Donna over, bold and unembarrassed about his appreciation. Donna enjoyed it, too. Her shorts were still caught in the crack of her ass, making them tight at the crotch, and it seemed as if her pussy was exposed through the thin garment. Her long clit throbbed, and she wondered if it was pressing at her shorts like a little hard-on.

Keith invited her and Tommy to join them for a cold drink, and Donna accepted. When they climbed back onto their bikes, Judy lifted her slim thigh over the crossbar, and once more there was a flash of her pretty panties. Donna glanced at her son, and she knew he had seen them.

She rode alongside Keith, with Judy and Tommy behind them.

They stopped at a refreshment stand, and Keith bought them all cold drinks. They sat at a table and cooled off.

"Why doesn't Judy wear shorts in this heat?" Donna asked Keith. "I'd think a dress would make her sweat so more."

Judy smiled. "Daddy likes"

"Because all he shorts are dirty," Keith interrupted quickly, darting a glance at his daughter, a warning glance, Donna thought.

She told Keith of her divorce and found out he as a widower. She smiled and listened to his talk, her chin cupped in her hand. She crossed her legs under the table, swinging her foot back and forth, making her inner thigh rub at her cunt, shivering a little with the sensation. Finally Keith stopped talking and simply looked at her.

"Bull shit," Donna said, smiling at him.


"Bull shit, Keith," she said. "You don't have any problem with Judy. You don't have to lie to me. I know about single parents, and I know when they have problems; you don't."

He grinned sheepishly. "I thought I was supposed to say those things. Women are supposed to take pity on a single father and take them home and sympathize with them, give them hugs and kisses and pats, and tell him what a great job he's doing with his little daughter."

"It might work with some women." Donna smiled back at him. "Be honest now."

She glanced at Tommy and Judy, who seemed deep in a conversation of their own, heads together. Boys and girls their age never had any trouble becoming friends, she thought.

She looked back at Keith. "What is it you want, Keith. Do you want to fuck me, suck me or both? Do you want to feel me up and get your nuts off and wham, barn, thank you, ma'am. Or" her brown eyes sparkled mischievously, "do you want to smell my panties?"

Keith gazed at Donna, a grin on his face. "You're honest, that's for sure. I can't remember when I've met such an outspoken woman."

Donna's grin spread, her eyes taking on a twinkle. "I saw you lap at the seat."

"I thought so," Keith replied. "So, I got caught."

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