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Kathy Andrews - Spread, auntie, spread

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Kathy Andrews

Spread, auntie, spread


Lori Holmes was very excited.

It had been a surprise when her sister had called her just the day before, asking if she could leave her son and daughter with her for a week. The notice had been short, but Lori was quick to agree.

This is a dream came true, Lori thought.

She had allowed the young boy and his sister to stay with her last summer, and those few days together still caused her cunt to twitch with pleasure even though they had not fucked then.

Lori was in her mid-twenties, unmarried, but had enjoyed the company of a man two years older than her. She had no desire for marriage but craved sex. She liked Marty well enough, but she wasn't in love with him and no way would she marry the man. He was tall, good looking, and had a beautiful cock a nice, thick, very long cock. That was all that was important to Lori, his cock or any cock. Marty knew this and accepted it. Lori was a fantastic fuck, uninhibited, and more than willing to do anything to feed that burning desire within her tall, slender body.

Lori was a beautiful young woman. She attracted men more than the average woman. Yet she didn't really enjoy that much of a variety. She was selective in her men, very selective. In the past ten years, she probably had not fucked more than ten men. But one thing she knew, those ten men had enjoyed the time of their lives while with her. All of them had gone away happy, well-satisfied, knowing they would search for a long time before finding another girl with such hungry sexual desire.

With her chestnut hair and blazing blue eyes, her thin, small nose and wide mouth with moist lips, with her slender neck and straining tits, tits that were almost, but not quite, pointed, she was a true classic beauty.

At the moment she had just come out of the bathroom, her gorgeous body wrapped in a huge, soft towel. Marty was still on the bed, smoking, almost exhausted from the wild, frenzied fucking she had just given him. He sprawled with his head on a pillow, looking at her.

Lori gave him a wicked wink as she stood before the mirror, shaking out her long hair with her fingers. The reflection of her was in his view, and he watched her shapely tits rise with her hands. The towel, short enough to begin with, lifted just past the sweet curves of her swelling ass. Lori stood with hr legs slightly apart, and Marty saw the long curls of her cunt between them.

Lori's thighs and legs were long, very long, smooth as they could be, creamy in color and texture. Her hips were not large, but fit her body perfectly. Her waist, he knew, could be spanned by his two hands.

Looking at her ass, he remembered how, just a few minutes ago, she had been twirling it wildly, sending thrill after thrill throughout his overheated body. His cock tingled from the tight heat of her gripping cunt, and there was a small pleasant ache in his balls. He grinned to himself and ran a hand down to caress his balls gently.

She saw him in the mirror, flashing a lewd smile as she saw him cradle his balls tenderly. The nipples of her tits were still firm, very long and a dark-pink color. Lori knew what his balls felt like. She was very much aware of her skills, of the ability her cunt had of nibbling and sucking on a cock that was fucking deeply.

Teasingly, she allowed the towel to slip from her body, the cheeks of her delightful ass bunching for his pleasure. In the mirror, she saw the stirring of his cock, and she licked a pink, wet tongue over her full lips.

Leaning over the dresser, she arched her ass out in his direction, her asscheeks parting slightly. The fuzz of her pussy became more pronounced and his eyes showed renewed interest. Lori was pleased by his reaction. It always pleased her when she could make a man's cock hard so soon after fucking him wildly. She made her ass shake invitingly as she watched his cock in the mirror. She licked her lips again as his prick swelled into throbbing hardness. Then she turned to face Marty.

She leaned on the dresser, her shoulders back and her flawlessly shaped tits thrusting out and up, the nipples hard. She smiled wantonly at him as she spread her feet and arched her hips in his direction. Her thick triangle of dint hair almost, but not quite, concealed the moist pinkness of her pussy lips. Lori slowly twisted her hips in a tight circle as she gazed body at him.

"See anything you like?" she murmured in a low, throaty voice.

"I like everything," he groaned as his cock throbbed in his fist.

Lori's eyes smoldered with her bubbling inner heat as she gazed hungrily at his unusually long thick prick. "I wish we had more time, Marty," she said, her voice not changing. "Oh God I'd love to fuck that hard-on again, but my niece and nephew will be here in half an hour. We just don't have time."

She turned back to the mirror, applying a faint coat of lipstick to her moist lips. Marty watched as she pursed her lips, and remembered how they could devour a hard cock greedily. The remembrance caused his prick to throb powerfully, dripping from the piss hole. He lowered his eyes to her enticing ass, looking at her creamy smooth asscheeks, her inviting thighs.

He swung his legs over the edge of her bed and stood up, his cock thrusting outward from the mass of dark hair at the base. Lori looked at his prick in the mirror, jutting her beautiful ass back again in a teasing manner.

Marty came to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing his cock between her thighs. Lori felt his prick between them, and she squeezed her thighs together. She loved the way his cock throbbed against the burning lips of her cunt, the hardness of his prick, the strange way his cock looked as the swollen prickhead poked past the luxurious growth of her cunt hair, giving her the appearance of having a short cock growing there.

"Oh, God!" she mewled as Marty began to fuck his cock back and forth, sliding the hardness of his prick between her hotly pressing thighs, rubbing his cock along her twitching cunt. "Ohhhh, you know I love it, Marty! Damn you, you know I can't resist that cock!"

Lori shoved her ass back and braced herself with her elbows on the dresser, gazing into the mirror at him. Her tits, although dangling, still maintained their firm shape.

"Put it in me, Marty!" she screamed in a thick voice. "Fuck me! Fuck me fast!"

Marty drew his cock from between her thighs, and looking down, ran his swollen prickhead about her asscheeks. Lori felt the burning moisture on her flesh and shoved her ass against him. "Fuck me, damn you! We don't have much time! Stop playing around, Marty! Stick that cock in my cunt and fuck me now!"

Her body was still damp from the shower, and the beads of water on her flesh increased his excitement. He placed the head of his swollen cock against the pulsating wetness of her pussy and shoved.

"Ooooo!" Lori moaned with pleasure as his cock went into her cunt. "Ooooo, yes, Marty!"

She felt his prick go deep, stretching her sensitive cunt lips deliciously. She loved the deep throbbing of his cock, the way that enormous prickhead seemed to stuff every bit of her pussy. Her eyes became glassy with passion as his fingers dug into her hips, his cock fucking in and out of her clinging cunt. As soon as his prick had entered her cunt, Lori began to feel an orgasm swelling inside the pit of her stomach. It was always that way Lori usually came as soon as a cock penetrated her cunt, then she would build up slowly to a powerful explosive orgasm when the man gushed his come juice into her. Lori seldom failed to come at least twice when she was fucked.

"Ohhhh, ram that cock to me!" she moaned in a thick voice, shaking her naked ass, twisting as he fucked in and out. "Oh, God! Oh, God I can't get enough of that hard cock! Fuck me, Marty! Oooo, fuck me!"

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