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Kathy Andrews - More, Mom, more

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Kathy Andrews More Mom more CHAPTER ONE Susan moved down the rows of - photo 1

Kathy Andrews

More, Mom, more


Susan moved down the rows of canned goods in the big supermarket, shoving her partially filled basket. She was aware that her scantily clad body drew the eye of men and women alike, and it sent a tingle of pleasure through her.

Susan was thirty-two, with wavy auburn- colored hair. Her pale blue eyes were unusual in a woman of her olive-skinned complexion. It was also an erotic attraction. Her flawless tits strained against the white of her thin blouse, the nipples making twin buttons, seen by all. The white, very tight shorts outlined her sweetly curving ass, the slightest view of her cheeks on display. From the front, her pussy was delightfully outlined.

It was the way she enjoyed dressing. She enjoyed being looked at, speculated about. It was part of her very strong sexual nature.

Susan had always been a hot-assed female,ever since she had begun high school years ago. She did not deny this part of her; she enjoyed it, was unashamed of it. Dressing in such revealing clothing, having men and women look at her, kept her hairy cunt in a constant state of twitching, pulsating pleasure.

Behind her, lagging along in a sullen pout, was her son, Billy. She paid no attention to him, but she knew her son was disturbed about something. What she did not know was that he hung back deliberately. Billy loved to look at his mother's body, to fantasize about it, to jack off with visions of his mother in his mind.

Stopping at the vegetables, Susan began selecting a few of them for dinner that night. As she leaned over, her curvy ass arching deliciously, she could feel the eyes on her. Excitement bubbled hotly in her body as she reached, lifting one leg and shoving her sweet ass out a little further. As she straightened, she turned her eyes over her shoulder to see the effects this had been on a man down the aisle and saw her young son gazing at her ass. For just a moment she felt a slight shame, but it evaporated quickly. She noticed the front of his pants, and understood that he enjoyed what he was looking at. His cock was almost hard, his hand inside his pocket trying to conceal it. A fierce, burning sensation ran through her body, roaring between her longthighs, her cunt almost exploding. She stood rigid for a long, breathless moment, looking at his cock and understanding the desire he showed in her body. Excitement filled her stronger than ever. Finally she managed to turn and start down the aisle again, knowing her son was gazing at her ass.

By the time they had gone through the check-out counter and loaded the car, Susan was so agitated with desire she thought she would come. Sliding under the wheel, with her son at her side, she could not resist running a hand along the inside of her creamy thigh. Seeing that Billy saw her do this, she giggled and stuck her tongue out at him.

Billy blushed slightly, but watched his mother's hand move along her thigh, then to the steering wheel.

When they arrived home, Susan knew that Billy had a throbbing hard-on. It was standing against his pants in full outline, and she loved the sight. Even the head of his cock was outlined, and she was surprised to see it was larger than she would have thought.

As they unloaded the car, Susan allowed the back of her hand to brush over his hard-on. She heard him gasp, and looked at him to see what his reaction would be. What she saw was a burning need in his young eyes.

Once things were put away, she opened two frosted cokes, handing him one. She leaned against the sink in the kitchen and stared openly at her son. "Where did Karen go this morning, Billy?" she asked.

"She didn't tell me," he replied, his eyes on her swollen tits.

"Did she say when she would be home?" Susan asked in a low, husky voice.

"No," he replied.

On a sudden impulse, she held her arms out to him. Billy moved against his mother, wrapping his arms about her narrow waist. She hugged his young beardless face against her swelling tits, caressing his cheek. Susan kissed the top of his head, feeling his body tremble.

"You feel it, too?" she murmured into his hair. "You feel the same thing I feel, don't you, Billy?"

His muffled reply came to her. "Yes, Mom."

"Does it make you feelashamed?"

"Oh, no! It makes me feel good!"

Susan felt his hard cock pressing against her thigh, burning there, sending tingles of delight up and down her spine. Her cunt boiled, flowed, became very wet. Her hands left his head and moved slowly down his back. Just below his belt she hesitated. Sucking in a deep breath, she ran both of her hands over his tight, little ass, then cupped the cheeks. Her fingers squeezed his ass, drawing him tight against her thigh, his cock throbbing crazily against her.

"Oh, Mom!" he groaned, rubbing his cock there.

Just enjoy it, darling," she whispered, kissing the top of his head again. She moved her thigh, rubbing it about his cock, feeling it pulsate. "Enjoy it all, baby. I'll make you feel good, so very good!"

Billy began to pump against his mother's thigh, his arms tight about her waist, his breath burning at the upper swell of her tits. He began to breathe faster, his hips moving in a frenzy now. Susan clung to his tight ass with both hands, hunching her thigh into his cock.

Then Billy gave a muffled groan.

Susan felt his cock jerking, then the wetness came through his pants and smeared at her thigh. She smiled with sensual delight, knowing he had come, that she had helped her son come against her thigh. She held him for a long time, feeling him, loving him, then let him go.

"I think you better go clean up," she whispered. "You just made a mess in your pants, baby."

He looked up at her, then left to take a shower.

Susan stood at the sink, sipping at her now warm coke, thinking of what she had donewith her son. She was not startled to realize she had enjoyed it, enjoyed it so much she, too, had almost come in her panties.

Climbing the stairs to the upper bedrooms, Susan wondered if this would have happened if she had not divorced her husband two years ago. By the time she arrived at her bedroom, she decided it would have happened no matter what because she knew herself, of her desires, of her intense interest in sex.

She stood in the bedroom, her cunt throbbing furiously. She opened her blouse and cupped her shapely, firm tits, thumbing her sensitive, rubber-hard nipples.

She was standing there, holding her naked tits, when Billy came to the door.

His eyes went wide as he saw her tits, and the towel about his waist suddenly poked out, his cock lurching into hardness again. Susan smiled at her son, offering her tits to him.

"Kiss my tits, darling," she murmured. "Come on in here and kiss mother's tits."

Billy came in, his legs wobbly, his eyes fixed upon his mother's sweetly hard nipples, the creamy flesh of her tits. He stopped a few feet from her, his face level with her naked tits. "Gosh, Mom!" he croaked. "I never sawjust once."

"Me?" she asked. "How did you see my tits, Billy?"

"Not yours, Mom, Karen's."

"You saw your sister's tits? When?"

"A few weeks ago," he said, licking his lips. "She was playing with them like you were doing."

Ripples of delight ran through Susan's body when she heard that, and she reached out with one hand. She pulled the end of the towel, and it fell to the floor. Her son stood there naked, his cock pointed, hard, dripping.

Susan gazed at her son's cock, seeing the head, swollen smooth, dripping from that flaring piss hole. There was not much hair at the base, and his balls were totally hairless. She ran a fingertip along his cock and saw him shiver, his eyes turning glassy.

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