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Kathy Andrews - Wild babysitter

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Kathy Andrews

Wild babysitter


Kathy sat on the straight-backed kitchen chair, her hands tied behind it and her feet to the legs. She felt very apprehensive.

Robert and his sister, Cindy, danced and war-whooped around her. She did not like her position, but there wasn't anything she could do about it. The thin ropes they had used were tied, and she could not get loose.

Already, her skirt was up too high.

For Kathy, this was the first time she had seen Robert and Cindy. She hardly knew their mother, and she had only nodded to their father until he had picked her up to baby-sit the kids.

Her trouble had started within minutes after their parents had left.

Robert had stood looking at her, his sister peeking from behind him shyly. "We don't need a babysitter," he had said belligerently. "We're too old for that."

"Maybe you are," Kathy replied. "But your parent's asked me to sit with you, and that's what I'm doing."

"Bullshit, babysitter," he said, watching her reaction.

Kathy simply looked hard at him. "You're sexy," he said, still trying to get a rise out of her.

"You don't know what sexy means," Kathy replied.

"The hell I don't!" Robert replied. "And I know why you're here, too."

"Why am I here?"

"To make sure me and Cindy don't do anything naughty, that's why."

"Are you naughty?" Kathy asked, trying to be friendly.

"Sometimes." Robert said, trying to leer at her. But he was so young it looked ridiculous. "Hey, you look like a good fuck, Kathy!"

Kathy felt the blush creeping from her neck to her cheeks.

"I bet you really fuck a guy, don't you?" Robert continued, pleased that he had gotten a reaction from her now. "Don't she look like a good fuck, Cindy?"

The pretty little blonde girl nodded, her head, her eyes huge and innocent-looking.

Before Kathy knew it, Robert had shot his hand out and lifted her skirt. It went all the way to her waist. Before she could shove it down, Robert and Cindy took a long peek at her. She was wearing bikini panties, with a lot of lace, and they were almost transparent. The curls of her cunt were easily seen.

"Her pussy has black hair, too," Robert said to his sister. "Look, she's sure got a lot of hair on her cunt."

Kathy finally got her skirt down. She glared at the boy. She wasn't much older than they were, but she began to understand why they needed someone to stay with them while their parents went out.

"I should slap your face for that," she said, anger in her voice.

"But you won't," he challenged.

"Why won't I?"

He grabbed his crotch, cupping his cock and balls. "Because if you slap me, I won't let you have any cock, that's why!"

Kathy flushed with humiliation. She turned away from the boy to conceal her red face. She walked to the couch and sat down, wondering what she had gotten herself into. She saw, from the corners other eyes, Robert take his sister's hand and pull her from the room. When they returned, he was wearing a loincloth and an Indian headband. Cindy was wearing some kind of fringed dress. They whooped and chanted about the room, and since they didn't seem interested in her at the moment, she began to relax. Perhaps, she thought, it had only been a game he had played with her. She had not liked it when he unexpectedly lifted her skirt, but maybe that had been part of his game.

When they had pulled a chair into the living room and begged her to play with them, both so innocent-sounding and sincere, she agreed. They wanted her to pretend she had been captured by them, and now she, was tied to the stake as they stomped and war-chanted, dancing about the chair.

At first, Kathy tried to get loose, but she had given up the struggle, hoping they would tire of the game.

When they stopped dancing in circles, she felt relief, thinking they would untie her now. But that was not what they planned to do at all.

Robert and Cindy stood in front of her, looking at her strangely. Her skirt was halfway up her thighs, her long, creamy legs revealed. Her ankles had been tied and spread apart. They had looped a rope about her chest, just beneath her tits.

"I wanna see her tits."

Kathy gasped, looking at Cindy. The girl looked so sweet, so pretty, so innocent. "I think the game has gone far enough," Kathy replied.

"You wanna look at her tits, huh, Cindy?" Robert giggled. "Why not?"

"Listen, you little" Kathy stopped. Robert had reached out and closed a hand over one of her thrusting tits. She gasped when he squeezed. Despite the apprehension, her nipple responded by swelling up, tingling.

Cindy moved to her other side, and Kathy horrified when the little girl began caressing her other tit. Her face burned with shame and she struggled against the ropes. But she couldn't get loose they had her bound securely.

"Open her blouse, Robert," Cindy said, her fingers digging into Kathy's tit. "I wanna see what her tits look like."

Kathy looked down as Robert's hands began opening the buttons of her blouse. Her face was bright red, and she was helpless.

Her blouse was open now all the way, and her lacy bra was exposed.

"We gotta take her bra off," Robert said, moving behind Kathy. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing, and Kathy's bra fell below her tits. Kathy's tits were creamy smooth, pointed, her nipples a light brown. Despite her feelings of shame, her nipples came up hard and swollen.

Kathy lowered her eyes as they gazed at her exposed tits. She was trembling now, unable to stop. Her nipples were rubbery hard, tingling slightly. She noticed that the loincloth Robert wore was now arching forward, and she realized the boy had a hard-on.

"Let's look under her dress," the sweet Cindy said with a quiver of excitement in her voice. "Raise her skirt up, Robert, and let's take a peek at her."

"No, please" Kathy whimpered. "Don't!"

Robert lifted her already hiked-up skirt. He and his sister leaned down and looked underneath it. Since Kathy's knees were parted by the position of her tied feet, they looked directly at the crotch of her panties.

Through teary eyes, Kathy noticed the gleam in their eyes. They were excited eyes, smoldering eyes that she had seen on men and older boys who looked at her. The eyes told her of the inner passion these two children had. A tremor rippled through her body as she realized Robert and Cindy were intensely excited.

As his sister danced about with excitement, Robert jammed Kathy's skirt about her waist, tucking it beneath the rope under her naked tits.

Cindy pulled the waistband of Kathy's panties away from her flesh, peering down inside them. "Look, Robert, she's real hairy, in here."

The two looked, into her panties, and Kathy's eyes were tearing with humiliation. As Robert leaned over to look down her, panties, she felt the stiff heat of his cock, through the loincloth, pressing at her thigh. She tried to pull her thigh away, but she was, bound too tightly.

"You wanna touch it?" Cindy asked, giggling in a wicked sound. "You touch it, Robert, then I will."

Kathy's breath sucked in as the boy shoved his hand down her panties, running his fingers through the thick curls of her glossy cunt hair. When he pulled his hand out, Cindy felt her. Kathy listened to their increased breathing, knowing they were becoming more and more excited.

"That gives me a hard-on, Cindy," Robert said, lifting his loincloth. Kathy could not resist a peek at him. He wore nothing under the thing, and his cock and balls were fully revealed.

Looking at his cock, Kathy felt something strange sparking through her body. She was not a virgin, and her interest in sex was more intense than most girls. Now, seeing Robert's cock hard and swollen, with a very smooth head that was dripping, she gazed at it as though unable to take her eyes off it. His cock was not enormous, but certainly of a respectable size. There was fuzz at the base, but his balls were hairless, much larger than she would have suspected. She was surprised to feel a sudden twitching of her cunt. To her horror, she found that her cunt was becoming quite wet, and her clitoris swelled into a burning, hard knot. She moaned softly in her throat when she realized she was getting excited, too.

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