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Kathy Andrews - Aunt in ropes

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Kathy Andrews

Aunt in ropes

Chapter 1

Peggy Burke's body shuddered, her eyes downcast with shame. Her blouse had been torn open, buttons scattered about the floor, her up tilted tits fully exposed to her nephews.

Her hands were tied behind her back, with another rope holding them against her ass by being looped about her narrow waist, then brawn up between her legs. The rope lifted her skirt upward, cutting along her cunt and up again. Her ankles were hobbled, with just enough room to allow her to walk with very short, stumbling steps.

She was aware of their cocks, straining against the thin fabric of their Jockey shorts. She tried to keep from looking at the bulges, but her gaze strayed time and again to the front of each boy.

"But why?" she asked. "Why do this to me?

Ted and his brother, Joey, ignored her questions. Their young eyes burned with erotic interest at her naked tits, both boys licking their lips in hunger.

They had caught her as she came from the bathroom, freshly showered and dressed, and before she could escape, had tied her up this way. They had started to gag her, but decided she couldnt scream loud enough for anyone to hear.

She stood in the very center of the living room, half exposed, feeling very much ashamed of herself. She had cried at first as they tied her. Now the tears were dry, and she stood helpless before them. As she peeked at the front of their Jockey shorts again, she realized that their cocks had become harder, molded to perfection by the tightness of the white shorts. Each now had a moist spot where the head of each cock pressed into the cloth.

"Aunt Peggy," Joey asked. "You wanna see something real nice?

She shook her head almost violently.

"Aw, come on," Ted said. "You wanna play with a hard cock, don't you?

Peggy's head jerked up. "Stop it!" she snapped. "You don't know what you're doing, talking about.

"The hell we don't!" Joey snickered.

Peggy gasped as he suddenly shoved the front of his shorts downward. His young cock and balls were suddenly before her eyes. His cock was very hard, and she could see the wetness glistening on his piss hole. His cockhead was swollen, shining as the mid-morning sun came through the window. His balls dangled below, hairless.

"How do you like my cock, Aunt Peggy?" he asked, giggling lewdly. "Wouldn't you just love to wrap something around my cock, Aunt Peggy? You know, like a hand or your wet, hot cunt?

"Don't talk like that!" she said, but force had gone from her voice, and the words came out quivering. "If you untie me right now, stop this silly game, I won't tell your father.

Ted grasped his cock at the base, waving his cock up and down proudly. As humiliated as she was, Peggy still stood straight, shoulders arched back, her tits thrust forward with upturned nipples. She found it hard to believe what Ted and Joey were doing to her. But she could not deny that her hands were tied behind her back, her skirt tucked between her legs by the rope, and she was hobbled. She could not deny the fact they seemed to enjoy her helplessness, proudly showing their hard cocks to her.

Joey stepped behind his aunt, and again Peggy gasped as she felt him pressing his cock into her palm. She closed her fingers to prevent it, but was too late. Her hand closed about his prick tightly before she could curl her fingers to her palm. She felt the throbbing heat of his cock, and heard Joey giggle in pleasure as he moved his cock inside her fist. With a sob, she quickly released the tightness, but Joey prodded the head of his cock into her palm. Peggy felt the dripping juices smear her palm, and it felt as if he had poured scalding liquid into it.

With renewed tears, she stood trembling as he poked and rubbed the seeping piss hole about her palm, watching Ted slipping out of his Jockey shorts, his eyes gleaming in desire. His cock seemed to lift up, pointing toward the ceiling. Ted stroked his balls a moment, then jerked at her upper arm.

Peggy found herself on the carpet, with both boys stretching her feet wide, after untying the rope at her ankles. Before she could twist away or kick out at them, they had her feet tied to the legs of the couch, spreading her wide. Her hands, still tied behind her back, made a rock-hard lump against her spine.

The boys were fast.

Somehow they then released her hands, pulling them above her head, and tied her wrists to the legs of the heavy lounge chair, which was facing the couch.

Ted and Joey, both now naked, sat back and looked at their handiwork, pleased. Peggy's tits arched up provocatively, her nipples unexpectedly hard. She whimpered with sudden fear, knowing they had tied her up for a very specific purpose. They were, she knew, going to fuck her. With that thought rumbling in her mind, her cunt seemed to sink inward, draw in tight as though to prevent such a thing. She looked from one boy to the other, her eyes pleading, mouth working without sound.

Her nephews showed their pleasure at tying her up, making her helpless, available to whatever desires they had. Their young eyes gleamed with erotic mischief, both cocks standing straight up, very hard and eager.

Ted leaned forward and lifted the bottom of her skirt, looking underneath at the tightness of her flimsy bikini panties. Peggy turned her head to one side, closing her eyes in an attempt to escape from their glowing eyes.

"Look at this, Joey," Ted said. "Wanna see something nice? Take a look at Aunt Peggy's cunt.

A tremor rippled through Peggy's body as both boys looked under her skirt, with Ted holding it up high. Her legs were wide, and Peggy blushed as the boys looked. The tight crotch of her panties was moist, despite herself.

They released her skirt, turning back to her tits. Peggy jerked her head around as she felt their hands touching her. Each boy held a tit, using both hands, squeezing to make her sugary nipples stand out more. Joey twisted his aunt's nipple between a forefinger and thumb, bringing a slicing pain to it.

"Don't hurt me!" she begged. "Please, that hurts! Don't, Joey, please don't!

"You ain't got nothing to say about it, you cunt," Ted replied, doing the same thing to her other nipple.

He leaned down, closing his teeth onto her tender nipple, biting it just hard enough to bring a stab of pain to her tit. Peggy, her vision blurred by tears, lifted her head and watched Ted and Joey suck and bite at her nipples, clenching each between their teeth and pulling hard. Ted lifted his mouth and watched as Joey crowded his mouth with as much of their aunt's tit as he could, holding it with both hands. Peggy heard the slurping sounds as he sucked hard, running his tongue about her rubbery nipple. Despite her deep shame of being abused this way, her cunt was responding in ways she didn't want.

"I gotta fuck her!" Ted said, his voice almost a growl. "I gotta fuck Aunt Peggy, or I'm gonna come.

She felt him jerking her skirt up. She pressed her ass hard against the carpet, trying to keep him from lifting it to her waist. But he was strong, and hardly had he pulled her skirt up, than he was tearing at her panties. She heard them rip and tear, and then her cunt was fully revealed and vulnerable.

"What a hairy cunt!" Ted exclaimed. "You ever see so much cunt hair in your life, Joey?

Joey left her tit and looked at her naked cunt. Again Peggy was trying to bury her head into her arm, sobbing with deep, burning shame. She was very much aware that her cunt was pulsating, her hair-lined pussy lips visibly trembling, her clit poking upward from the now-wet folds. She clenched the cheeks of her ass tightly, doing her best to close her thighs.

"You wanna fuck her, too?" Ted asked his brother. "Aunt Peggy looks like she's gonna be a real good fuck.

She heard Joey's excited reply. Both her young nephews were going to fuck her and she was unable to prevent it. They would not listen to her, refused to take pity upon her, her tears could not sway them. They liked to see her cry, she felt, liked to degrade and shame her.

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