turmoil, uproar, strife
a cat, the First Witchs familiar (a spirit in animal form that carried out evil deeds for a witch)
the Second Witchs familiar, a toad
soon, in a moment
a trumpet call to arms
condition, appearance
latest state of affairs
capture by the enemy
battle, tumult
destroy their skill (i.e. weigh one another down and drown)
to that end, for that reason
increasing numbers of evils within nature/growing numbers of unnatural rebel soldiers
the Hebrides (islands west of Scotland) and possibly Ireland
with lightly armed foot soldiers gallowglasses soldiers armed with axes supplied reinforced
dispute/hostile cause (her damnd quarry would be an alternative reading)
appeared/ sexually displayed herself
favorite one, darling carved passage hacked his way through
villain (i.e. the rebel Macdonald)
who (i.e. Macbeth)
ripped him in two (clothing metaphor) nave to thchops navel to the jaws
just as destructive storms and dreadful thunder originate (like the Norwegian invaders) in the east, where the warming sun rises/just as when the sun begins to return at the spring equinox, it is accompanied by storms gins begins reflection shining/return
source (of water)/springtime comfort encouraging news
wells up/becomes swollen Mark note, pay attention
lightly armed/nervously bounding/absconding trust their heels run away
i.e. Sweno (original pronunciation: Norweyan) surveying vantage perceiving an advantage
i.e. only as much as a weak creature would dismay a powerful predator
truth report tell (plays on the sense of noise of a cannon firing)
charges of gunpowder
unless reeking bloody/steaming (as the hot blood meets the air)
make memorable Golgotha place of skulls where Christ was crucified
savor (plays on the sense of the noise lips make in tasting and so continues the idea of gashes as mouths)
title of a member of the Scottish nobility (broadly equivalent to an English earl)
appears in
seems to be about to
region on the east coast of Scotland
i.e. Sweno, King of Norway terrible numbers terrifying quantities of soldiers
i.e. Macbeth Bellona Roman goddess of war lapped in proof wrapped in armor of tried and tested strength
i.e. matched him in every respect
swords point arm weapon
unrestrained, wild
requests a peace treaty
condescend to permit
paid out Saint Colmes inch Inchcolm, an island in the Firth of Forth (estuary on the east coast of Scotland)
English name for the German thaler, as well as for silver coins from various northern countries
closest, most intimate concerns present immediate
be off with you
fed on rump (a generous cut of meat), hence greedy/with a well-fed vagina, hence lecherous
abusive term for a woman (possibly plays on the abusive slang sense of penis)
trading city in northern Syria
the ships name
in the guise of
act/have sex (it was thought that witches often seduced their male victims)
other winds
a wind blowing from land would make a port inaccessible to a ship at sea
directions/compass points
in the sailors chart/card showing the compass points
exhaust/drain sexually
eyelid (that projects like a top-heavy upper floor of a building)
weeks (seven nights)
waste away and starve (perhaps with connotations of phallic detumescence)
tossed on the sea by storms
steersman of a ship
wayward; with the power to control or foresee destiny; the fact that there are three witches invites a comparison with the classical Fates (always spelled weyard or weyward in Folio; never weird, the spelling in the plays source, Holinsheds Chronicles of Scotland)
swift travelers
the witches perform a ritualized dance or series of movements
be still/be silent
magic spell
prepared, ready
darkly stormy yet bright in terms of military success (the phrase also resonates with the sense of morally wicked and virtuous)
is it said to be
town in the northeast of Scotland, east of Inverness
on it (the earth)
would appear to be
flinch/react nervously/ recoil
in truth/in deed
appear to be
immediate honor
entranced, absorbed by it
neither begs your favor nor fears your hate
favored by fortune/content
beget, conceive
Macbeths father
field of view/anticipation of the future
where you got this strange information
physical, bodily
I wish
root of plant (probably henbane) that was reputed to cause madness if eaten
the very same
perceives, comprehends
risky involvement
i.e. his personal feelings of awe and praises for you are both so great as to compete with one another (the result being that he finds himself silenced)
not at all afraid
i.e. slaughter on the battlefield (strange images of death)
messengers arrived as thick and fast as the tales they had to tell (though some editors emend tale to hail, which fits better with the subsequent poured down)
only in order to usher you into his presence, not as a means of rewarding you
pledge, foretaste
he who
in league
reinforce (metaphorically, line the rebels garment)
i.e. Macdonald
deserving of the death penalty
yet to come
inflame, provoke
i.e. the devil
insignificant things
the profoundly serious outcome
preliminary actions/lines spoken by an actor before the beginning of a play
division of a play (plays on the sense of deed, action)
royal subject matter (theme plays on the sense of subject that causes action)
pledge, foretaste
temptation, incitement
frightful/bristling (like Macbeths hair)
make my hair stand on end
fixed, stable
usual practice
i.e. not as ghastly and terrifying
the enactment of which (this unusual use of murder reveals only too clearly what Macbeths thought is of)
unified existence/weak condition (state introduces a human body/body politic metaphor)
usual powers of action are overwhelmed by speculation and imaginings
only imaginings have any reality for me
stirring, taking action
do not cling snugly to the bodys contours until they have been worn many times
i.e. time is unstoppable and even the worst day has an end
preoccupied/stirred/worked on
i.e. in his memory
when we have more time/at a later time
i.e. having had time to consider it thoroughly
frank, unrestrained