ChairYoga For Seniors: AGentle Sequence to Get You Started ByNancy Coffin
Textand photographs copyright 2013 Nancy Coffin AllRights Reserved Thisbook contains information that is based on the authors own training, opinions,and experiences. It is published for general reference and is not intended tobe a substitute for medical advice or direction from a teacher during a yogaclass. Thepublisher and author disclaim any personal liability, either directly orindirectly, for the information contained within. Although the publisher andauthor have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of theinformation contained within, we assume no responsibility for errors,inaccuracies, or omissions.
Table of Contents
Welcome to Chair Yoga
Howto use this book
This book is designed to provide you with a basicintroduction to chair yoga, and a sequence that can get you started. Thesequence provided here is based on what works in my own teaching experience.
Itis organized as a complete class, and is intended to be practiced from start tofinish. If you would like to practice individual exercises on their own, pleasemake sure you have warmed up sufficiently.
Whatis Chair Yoga?
Chairyoga is a gentle form of yoga that is practiced sitting in a chair, or standingusing a chair for support. Chair Yoga can be practiced by just aboutanyone and can be practiced almost anywhere, with no need for specializedequipment or a large amount of space. Chair yoga classes or routines mayinvolve gentle stretching, self-massage, meditation, breathing exercises, or acombination of these elements.
Check with your doctor beforestarting chair yoga or any exercise program.
Chair yoga and the exercises inthis book may complement any existing medical treatment and are not intended inany way to replace medical treatment. I want you to improve yourflexibility so that you will be able to continue reaching down to tie up yourshoes, get up and down off a chair safely, and have the strength andflexibility to get up and down off the floor if necessary. Chair Yoga For Seniorsis about helping you be independent for as long as possible in your life. Your pain free range of motionis your range of motion that does not cause pain or even clicking in yourjoints. Always work within this range. Yoga should never cause more pain.
Ifsomething hurts, try a more gentle version of the posture, or ask your teacherfor help finding a modification that works for your body.
SpecificHealth Issues
Move slowlyand with awarness to create space in your joints. When twisting,take a gentle variation and NEVER use your arms to force or pull yourself intoa twisted position. When forwardbending, move from your hip joints and avoid rounding your back. Imagine youare moving forward leading with your chest instead of your forehead.
High blood pressure:
Keep your headabove your heart at all times.
High blood pressure:
Keep your headabove your heart at all times.
Move slowlyand with awareness.
Low blood pressure:
When risingfrom a forward bend (for example in a Sun Salutation), come up slowly to reducethe possibility of dizziness.
Clothing: Loose,comfortable clothing that you can move in is best. Pants with a flexible waist willallow for ease of movement, but you can also loosen your belt a little if youprefer a regular waist. Make sure that you are warmenough.
Yoga mat: A yoga mat underyour chair helps to ensure the chair does not slide on the floor.
A yoga matwill also cushion your feet in standing postures. Block, bolster, and stool:Foam blocks, a bolster, or even a small stool can be helpful to ensure your feetare comfortably supported. You can use anything to raise your feet as long asits stable. In a pinch you can use a book (like a large dictionary), but Iwouldnt recommend a stack of books as it would be too unstable and might tipover.
Chair: A sturdy chair withoutarms is preferable.
Using a wheelchair: makesure the wheelchair is on a level surface and that the brake is engaged.
Leaning against the chair:For any posture where you are leaning against the chair (like a standing forwardfold): push the chair up against a wall or make sure all of the legs arecompletely on a non-slip surface (like a yoga mat).
Find a chair you are comfortablein, put a block, bolster, or stool under your feet if your feet are not flat onthe ground when sitting.
Find a chair you are comfortablein, put a block, bolster, or stool under your feet if your feet are not flat onthe ground when sitting.
Keep the room at a comfortabletemperature. Sit tall in your chair, and relaxyour shoulders. Smile and laugh.
Do yoga barefoot if possible (takingour shoes and socks off gives us a chance to take a look at our feet). If yourfeet get cold easily you can also try toe socks. The socks pictured below are toesocks and are quite warm while still allowing full toe movement.
Remember thatsocks can be slippery on smooth floors. Please be careful and use a yoga matfor standing postures on smooth floors when you are wearing socks.
Toe socks
Tipsfor Yoga Teachers
Having students sit facing you ina semi-circle allows everyone to see what you are doing as well as encouragesconnection and community-building among students. Eye contact with studentsencourages open communication. Work with whatever you have, anddont let the lack of ideal chairs stop you from sharing chair yoga. Chair yogacan be done safely on dining room chairs, sofas, wheelchairs and stools ifnecessary.
Be creative but always aware of the safety of participants. Be aware of any sliding ofchairs. If the chairs seem to be slipping on the foor, try putting them on a non-slipsurface, like a yoga mat, or push them up against a wall.
Getting Started
Sit in your chair with your handsresting in your lap or on your knees. Feel the weight of your body onthe seat and sense the chair, as if you have never sat in a chair before howdo your hips feel on the chair? Move your body gently from sideto side and front to back. Feel how your feet touch the floor,bolster, stool or blocks.
Relax your shoulders and let yourbreath flow naturally.
Basic sitting position.
If your feet dont fully reachthe floor when you are seated, raise your feet using blocks or a bolster.
Using blocks to raise feet.
Using a bolster to raise feet.
Set a timer for one or twominutes.
Relax your hands and shoulders. Relax and close your eyes. Become aware of your breath. Pay attention to your breath asit comes in and out of your nose, dont try to change your breath at all; justnotice it. Notice if itis relaxed or strained Notice if theinhale and exhale are the same length Notice whattemperature the air is as it comes into and leaves your body.
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