Copyright 2015 by Joachim Lapiak.
All rights reserved. This publication or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author.
Scientific evidence is supported by observation and experimentation, but is always subject to scrutiny and biases. Many disciplines within fitness, especially nutritional sciences, are complex, controversial, interdependent, and evolving, often with no clear consensus. While this site is as current and accurate as possible in its function as a living document, some information presented here may be subject to dispute, impartiality, or limited empirical evidence.
While the information in this e-book is entirely based on research material from qualified professional experts and reputable researchers, the written content is also of the authors professional and personal opinions, using experience, logic, epidemiology, and history.
The author has spent over a decade of research and consistent experimentation with various nutritional and training regimens. Based on the accumulation of his experiences, his knowledge is freely available on the website. He also has held a NCAA-accredited certification in Personal Training.
The information on this site is independently researched and does not necessarily reflect those of other organizations, professionals, or government bodies, nor is it affiliated with any other fitness industry, organization, or group.
While any healthy, active adult can attempt this guide safely, the user should consult with their physician first, especially if any cardiovascular, pulmonary, or metabolic symptoms exist, before following any nutritional or exercise programs on this site. The user assumes all liability and risk associated with undertaking the suggested diets, supplements, and exercise programs on this e-book and website.
The Reality
Is This Your Typical Lifestyle?
This is a Healthy Lifestyle
Beyond the simple message of eat less, move more, were undoubtedly in a complex environment never seen before in human history.
Society has changed significantly. Technology, industrialization, and medicine had enabled us to a point where we could eat more, move less, and still live longer. Evolutionarily speaking, were in a sweet spot. Paradoxically though, were becoming unhappier and unhealthier. Were bombarded with messages, products, and contradictions for unrealistic health claims. Were becoming more confused about what works and what doesnt. Right now, what we have is not working.
It is strange to provide evidence to support the kinds of food we have evolved to live on. I am defending nature because as a society, weve become so ingrained in consuming things that nature did not engineer. Instead of balancing out our nutritional needs with a variety of whole foods and with cooking, we go to the extremes by purchasing processed, ready-made foods and trying out dangerous diets, resulting in extreme body types. Weve traded the healthy norm for the unhealthy norm.
The environment has ingrained in us poor habits. We are turning an epidemic into a subculture and lifestyle rooted in perpetual denial and warped perceptions. Including obesity in a love your body as it is mentality is dangerous to society as it embraces an unhealthy lifestyle that has negative consequences on a global scale. Loving your body means taking care of it with nutrients and exercise, not with sugar and sitting.
2.1 billion of the world population, or almost a third of everybody, is overweight or obese. Our emotional, physical, and mental health are being sacrificed for convenience and instant gratification. Were becoming more disconnected with how our previous generations lived. Cooking is becoming a lost art. Were not being mindful of what were eating. Were designed to move, to run, to jump, to push, to pull, and we feel better when we dobut we prefer the couch, which ultimately makes us feel worse. Were so focused on body image when we dont realize that our body is a reflection of how well we take care of it. Being healthy is achieved though proper exercise and nutrition.
Consider that a one hour workout three times a week is only 1.7% of our time. Exercise is the elixir of life, proven to boost our mind and body. Buying whole foods in bulk is cheaper than eating out, and much healthier. Preparing and cooking meals can be fun, efficient, and rewarding. The maxim you are what you eat contains truth. A lifestyle change could be slow and gradual. Understanding why we should take that move is our first step.
Losing weight is as simple as eating less and moving more, and building muscle is as simple as lifting weights and eating more. However, simple doesnt necessarily translates to easy. My goal is to make it easy for you.
Do you want to learn how to become healthy and manage your health for the rest of your life?
Do you want health to become an integral part of your lifestyle, rather than as a passing fad or diet?
This companion e-book edition to the Simple Science Fitness website ( contains the same content as found on the site as of this date, with exclusive additions of case studies and many anecdotes, which you may find insightful. This e-book has been reformatted for your tablet device for personal use.
We have one life to live. Lets make the best of it.
Joachim Lapiak
Simple Science Fitness
December 2015
Many terms will be introduced in this e-book. This glossary will help you familiarize yourself with these terms to understand important concepts.
Anaerobic and Aerobic : Anaerobic respiration means the "absence of oxygen" and aerobic respiration means "with oxygen." Anaerobic exercises require short bursts of energy while aerobic exercises can be performed over long periods of time.
Bulking : Bulking is increasing body weight with an emphasis on building muscle.
Cutting : Cutting is decreasing body fat and weight while preserving muscle mass.
Diet : Food and drink that a person consistently consumes.
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