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Gina M. Biegel - The Mindfulness Workbook for Teen Self-Harm: Skills to Help You Overcome Cutting and Self-Harming Behaviors, Thoughts, and Feelings

Here you can read online Gina M. Biegel - The Mindfulness Workbook for Teen Self-Harm: Skills to Help You Overcome Cutting and Self-Harming Behaviors, Thoughts, and Feelings full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2019, publisher: Instant Help, genre: Science. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Gina M. Biegel The Mindfulness Workbook for Teen Self-Harm: Skills to Help You Overcome Cutting and Self-Harming Behaviors, Thoughts, and Feelings
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The Mindfulness Workbook for Teen Self-Harm: Skills to Help You Overcome Cutting and Self-Harming Behaviors, Thoughts, and Feelings: summary, description and annotation

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Powerful mindfulness tools to help you move beyond self-harming thoughts and behaviors, so you can get back to living your life.
Being a teen in todays world isnt easy. Maybe youve been bullied. Maybe you feel like your family or friends just dont get you. Or maybe you feel like you dont have control of your life, or youre just tired of trying to be perfect all the time. You arent alone. Many teens struggle with difficult feelings and thoughtsand sometimes, when these thoughts feel overwhelming, you just want to feel something else. This is where self-harming behaviors, such as cutting, come in. But there are better ways to manage your pain. This book will help guide you.
In this workbook, youll learn about the power of mindfulness, and how it can help you create your own special space for simply being with your thoughts. When youre dealing with difficult emotions, youll have this safe space to go to again and againno matter where you are or what youre doing. Youll learn how to be mindful of your senses, techniques for managing difficult feelings before they escalate, and move past self-judgment to embrace self-compassion and self-awareness.
Pain is a normal part of lifeits how youreactto this pain that really matters. Let this workbook guide you toward better strategies for dealing with stress and emotional pain, so you can be safe, happy, and in control of your life.

Gina M. Biegel: author's other books

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An incredible and indispensable resource. Biegel and Cooper are exemplary guides using compassion and grace in supporting teens struggling with self-harm. Packed with highly relatable and accessible tools, teens will learn not only to be incredible survivors, but to perfect their awesome sauce recipes as well! Teens, parents, therapists, and caregivers will equally benefit from the invaluable tools that integrate mindfulness and much more in this workbook. Goali Saedi Bocci, PhD , licensed clinical psychologist, and author of The Social Media Workbook for Teens Biegel and Cooper have captured every possible helpful angle to help teens who struggle with self-harming urges and behaviors. Loaded with personal self-harm assessments and a wide range of highly effective, easy-use strategies, this workbook leaves nothing out. I highly recommend it for teens, therapists, and educators seeking a workbook that delivers much needed coping strategies to those who self-harm and to those seeking to truly understand it. Jeffrey Bernstein, PhD , licensed psychologist, author of The Stress Survival Guide for Teens , Mindfulness for Teen Worry , Letting Go of Anger for Teens Therapeutic Card Deck , and 10 Days to a Less Defiant Child With loving confidence Gina Biegel and Stacie Cooper guide teens through a step-by-step exploration of their worth in this practical and supportive book. Helping people overcome self-harm without inflicting additional blame and shame is no easy task, but in speaking directly to teens in language that is simultaneously clear and nuanced, direct and compassionate, the authors have managed to create a voice worth trusting, a sense of collaboration in the process, and an invitation to step into healing at ones own pace Jennifer Cohen Harper , founder of Little Flower Yoga, author of Little Flower Yoga for Kids , and coauthor of Yoga and Mindfulness Practices for Teens Card Deck The Mindfulness Workbook for Teen Self-Harm is a wonderful and practical guide, not only for teens/adolescents, but really anyone looking to better understand themselves and to effectively manage overwhelming feelings/stressors, constantly arising in todays fast-paced, stressed-out, modern world. The authors have taken a very difficult subject to talk aboutself-harmand have, with open hearts and arms, taken it out of the dark and shined a healing light on it. They have created a brilliant and creative step-by-step guide to help those struggling in darkness to find a way out of their pain and suffering, back into the light. It is written in a way where one feels as if the authors are right there with you, holding your hand, guiding you every step of the way without judgment, just love and support. Highly recommended for anyone wanting to help heal their emotional pain and suffering. Alexander Bacher, PsyD ,clinical psychologist at Passages Treatment Center in Malibu, CAThis book makes a perfect complementary resource for student support teams in middle schools and high schools, or for any other helping professional working with teens. Gina and Stacies warmth and sincerity permeate the pages as they soothe and gently guide readers through activities to help them understand the relationship between stress, trauma, thoughts, emotions, and self-harm. Readers will learn how to nourish themselves using a variety of mindfulness strategies, including how to take in the good for more well-being and peace. Tracy Heilers , executive director of Coalition of Schools Educating MindfullyAs a researcher of social and emotional learning and mother of two teen girls, I literally breathed sighs of relief while reading this workbook. It opens up exactly the conversation that teens, parents, and professionals need to have about normalizing and facing with compassion the dark thoughts that teenagers have always had. Whereas we used to think that doing so meant approving and encouraging self-harming behaviors, we now know the opposite is true. Biegel and Cooper strike the perfect tone while providing gradual action steps that will unquestionably resonate with the teens of today, and bring relief from suffering that can feel insurmountable. Amanda J. Moreno, PhD , associate professor and founder/director of the Social and Emotional Learning Initiative at Erikson InstituteAdolescents have needed Biegel and Coopers The Mindfulness Workbook for Teen Self-Harm for years. The book is a masterpiece, with dozens of meaningful exercises and ways for teens to relate to what is going on inside of them. The clarity of the authors writing and experience with teens shines through every page. Explaining thoughts, emotions, and judgments through activities will enable readers to embody what they learn. The ideas in this book will help young people stop and think before they engage in self-harm. Teenagers are hurting desperately, and the number of young people engaged in self-harm is alarming. This book should be on the shelf of every counselor and therapist. Parents and teachers should be trained in these practices so they can help their children and students build healthy self-images. Laurie Grossman , director of social justice and educational equity at Inner Explorer, Inc., and cofounder of Mindful SchoolsThis workbook attends to the needs of teens who self-harm, with the embodied practice of mindfulness: compassion, non-judgement, and presence. Teens will feel supported and empowered as they are held in the wisdom of Gina Biegel and Stacie Cooper. Like breadcrumbs intentionally left to create a path, the authors use practical exercises and deep understanding to guide teens to their own inner knowinga place where they can not only survive, but thrive. All preteens and teens could benefit from this thoughtful, inspiring, and healing work. Lisa Grady , chief strategy officer for Inner Explorer, Inc., a nonprofit changing the World, One Student at a Time Through Daily MindfulnessGina and Stacie have written an incredibly important workbook offering very practical mindfulness strategies to help teens overcome the damage that comes from all manner of self-harming behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. This book will have a lasting positive empowering effect on all the teens, parents, and professionals who read it! Todd Corbin, CPC , is a mindfulness teacher, motivational speaker, certified parenting coach, and author of Mindfulness for Student Athletes

Publishers Note This publication is designed to provide accurate and - photo 1

Publishers Note This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering psychological, financial, legal, or other professional services. If expert assistance or counseling is needed, the services of a competent professional should be sought. In consideration of evolving American English usage standards, and reflecting a commitment to equity for all genders, they/them is used in this book to denote singular persons. Distributed in Canada by Raincoast Books Copyright 2019 by Gina M. Biegel and Stacie Cooper Instant Help Books An imprint of New Harbinger Publications, Inc. 5674 Shattuck Avenue Oakland, CA 94609 www.newharbinger.com INSTANT HELP, the Clock Logo, and NEW HARBINGER are trademarks of New Harbinger Publications, Inc. Cover design by Amy Shoup Acquired by Jess OBrien Edited by Karen Schader All Rights Reserved Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data on file To all those who have or continue to self-harm, there is a way out of the pain and shame. I take a deep bow to those who are seeking recovery from self-harm. There is a way out!

With admiration,


I dedicate this to each of you who had the courage and desire to pick up this workbookto each of you who has the desire to make positive changes in your life and within yourselfyou are a survivor and deserving of all the beauty life has to offer. Youve got this!Next page

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