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Do you think using hand sanitizer wipes will help keep germs at bay?
It will!
Can you make your own, that are as effective as store-bought sanitizing wipes?
Yes! As long as you use 60% (2/3) or more alcohol and that doesnt include vodka, or any other type of alcoholic drink. The alcohol itself should be at least 90% pure.
While washing your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water is the most effective way to clean them and protect yourself, there are many times you dont have access to both. Hand sanitizer wipes will help you keep your hands germ-free and you can use them to sanitize surfaces, too.
Hand sanitizing wipes are handy to pack in small zipper-top baggies or re-closable baby wipe containers, so you can always have some with you. Its not a substitute for hand-washing, but it can help in your war against germs.
While these wipes are made for your hands and those of your little ones, you can use them to wipe off your phone every day. This is an excellent idea, even if its not cold and flu season.
After you clean your hands with sanitizing wipes, theyll feel squeaky clean and youll know that most of the germs are killed. Turn the page, lets start making wipes for your family
1 Basic DIY Hand Sanitizer Wipes
This recipe uses the fewest ingredients and gives you effective results. Its easy to make and wont take long to prepare. While the alcohol sanitizes your hands, Aloe Vera will keep them from drying out so much.
Makes 1 cup of liquid for wipes
Prep Time: 5 minutes
- 2/3 cup of isopropyl or rubbing alcohol, 90% or higher
- 1/3 cup Aloe Vera
1. Mix the alcohol with Aloe Vera.
2. Place dry wipes, baby wipes, paper towels or tissues in sealed container.
3. Pour liquid in container and allow it to soak into the wipes before using.
2 Lemon-Scented Hand Sanitizing Wipes
A bit of lemony scent will make your sanitizer wipes more enjoyable to use - and it doesnt diminish their effectiveness to make them smell nice.
Makes 1 cup
Prep Time: 5 minutes
- 3/4 cup rubbing or isopropyl alcohol 90% or better
- 1/4 cup gel, Aloe Vera
- 10 drops of lemon juice, fresh is best
1. Pour ingredients into bowl or glass.
2. Mix well with spoon or whisk.
3. Pour into sealable container with baby wipes, dry wipes, tissue or paper towels. Allow the liquid to soak in before you use the wipes.
3 Tea Tree Oil Hand Sanitizer Wipes
Tea tree oil is so helpful during the cold, flu and virus season. It contains compounds that can kill some viruses, fungi and bacteria. It also has been seen to increase your bodys white blood cells, helping you to fight off germs and sickness.
Makes 1 cup
Prep Time: 5 minutes
- 2/3 cup Isopropyl alcohol, 90% minimum
- 1/3 cup Aloe Vera gel
- 1 tsp. of jojoba oil or other neutral oil
- 2 drops of Tea tree oil
1. Mix alcohol with Aloe Vera gel.
2. Add neutral oil and essential oil.
3. Pour into resealable container with baby or dry wipes, paper towels or tissue.
4 Official World Health Organization Sanitizer Wipes Recipe
No one knows more about infectious diseases than the WHO. These DIY wipes are recommended by this organization to protect yourself from viruses, wherever you live.
Makes 1 & 1/4 cup
Prep Time: 10 minutes
- 1 cup isopropyl alcohol, 90% or higher
- 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide, 3%
- 1 tsp. glycerin, 98%
- 1/4 cup boiled cold or sterile distilled water
1. Pour alcohol in container with spout for pouring.
2. Add hydrogen peroxide.
3. Add glycerin. Stir well. The glycerin has a thicker consistency than the alcohol and peroxide, so youll have to stir for a few minutes.
4. Add water and stir once again.
5. Pour mixture into resealable container with baby wipes, dry wipes, tissues or paper towels and allow it to soak in before using them.
5 Cough-Easing Blend DIY Hand Sanitizer
This blend uses rosemary, which may be helpful in reducing inflammation and breaking up mucus. The peppermint essential oil can soothe a sore throat when you inhale it.
Makes 1 cup
Prep Time: 5 minutes
- 2/3 cup of 90%+ alcohol, rubbing or isopropyl
- 1/3 cup of Aloe Vera gel
- 2 tsp. of oil, jojoba (or other neutral oil)
- 2 drops of Rosemary essential oil
- 2 drops of Peppermint essential oil
1. Mix the alcohol and Aloe Vera gel together well.
2. Add the carrier oil and essential oils.
3. Pour into a resealable container with baby or dry wipes, paper towels or tissue.
6 Vitamin E Oil Hand Sanitizing Wipes