This book is dedicated to my beautiful wife, Mina.
Thank you for your love and the strength you give me. I could not do it without you, nor would I ever want to.
Copyright 2016 by Jason Fung
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Greystone Books Ltd.
Cataloguing data available from Library and Archives Canada
ISBN 978-1-77164-125-8 (pbk.)
ISBN 978-1-77164-127-2 (epub)
Editing by Eva van Emden
Cover design by Nayeli Jimenez
is used with permission of Public Health England.
is used with the permission of the CDC .
The use of this figure does not constitute endorsement by the CDC .
is used with permission of Dr. George Bray.
All other figures are copyright Jason Fung.
Some of this material appeared previously on the Intensive Dietary
Management website:
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DR. JASON FUNG IS a Toronto physician specializing in the care of patients with kidney diseases. His key responsibility is to oversee the complex management of patients with end-stage kidney disease requiring renal (kidney) dialysis.
His credentials do not obviously explain why he should author a book titled The Obesity Code or why he blogs on the intensive dietary management of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. To understand this apparent anomaly, we need first to appreciate who this man is and what makes him so unusual.
In treating patients with end-stage kidney disease, Dr. Fung learned two key lessons. First, that type 2 diabetes is the single commonest cause of kidney failure. Second, that renal dialysis, however sophisticated and even life prolonging, treats only the final symptoms of an underlying disease that has been present for twenty, thirty, forty or perhaps even fifty years. Gradually, it dawned on Dr. Fung that he was practicing medicine exactly as he had been taught: by reactively treating the symptoms of complex diseases without first trying to understand or correct their root causes.
He realized that to make a difference to his patients, he would have to start by acknowledging a bitter truth: that our venerated profession is no longer interested in addressing the causes of disease. Instead, it wastes much of its time and many of its resources attempting to treat symptoms.
He resolved to make a real difference to his patients (and his profession) by striving to understand the true causes that underlie disease.
Before December 2014, I was unaware of Dr. Jason Fungs existence. Then one day I chanced upon his two lecturesThe Two Big Lies of Type 2 Diabetes and How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturallyon YouTube. As someone with a special interest in type 2 diabetes, not least because I have the condition myself, I was naturally intrigued. Who, I thought, is this bright young man? What gives him the certainty that type 2 diabetes can be reversed naturally? And how can he be brave enough to accuse his noble profession of lying? He will need to present a good argument, I thought.
It took only a few minutes to realize that Dr. Fung is not only legitimate, but also more than able to look after himself in any medical scrap. The argument he presented was one that had been bouncing around, unresolved, in my own mind for at least three years. But I had never been able to see it with the same clarity or to explain it with the same emphatic simplicity as had Dr. Fung. By the end of his two lectures, I knew that I had observed a young master at work. Finally, I understood what I had missed.
What Dr. Fung achieved in those two lectures was to utterly destroy the currently popular model for the medical management of type 2 diabetesthe model mandated by all the different diabetes associations around the world. Worse, he explained why this erroneous model of treatment must inevitably harm the health of all patients unfortunate enough to receive it.
According to Dr. Fung, the first big lie in the management of type 2 diabetes is the claim that it is a chronically progressive disease that simply gets worse with time, even in those who comply with the best treatments modern medicine offers. But, Dr. Fung argues, this is simply not true. Fifty percent of the patients on Dr. Fungs Intensive Dietary Management ( IDM ) program, which combines dietary carbohydrate restriction and fasting, are able to stop using insulin after a few months.
So why are we unable to acknowledge the truth? Dr. Fungs answer is simple: we doctors lie to ourselves. If type 2 diabetes is a curable disease but all our patients are getting worse on the treatments we prescribe, then we must be bad doctors. And since we did not study for so long at such great cost to become bad doctors, this failure cannot be our fault. Instead, we must believe we are doing the best for our patients, who must unfortunately be suffering from a chronically progressive and incurable disease. It is not a deliberate lie, Dr. Fung concludes, but one of cognitive dissonancethe inability to accept a blatant truth because accepting it would be too emotionally devastating.
The second lie, according to Dr. Fung, is our belief that type 2 diabetes is a disease of abnormal blood glucose levels for which the only correct treatment is progressively increasing insulin dosages. He argues, instead, that type 2 diabetes is a disease of insulin resistance with excessive insulin secretionin contrast to type 1 diabetes, a condition of true insulin lack. To treat both conditions the same wayby injecting insulinmakes no sense. Why treat a condition of insulin excess with yet more insulin, he asks? That is the equivalent of prescribing alcohol for the treatment of alcoholism.
Dr. Fungs novel contribution is his insight that treatment in type 2 diabetes focuses on the symptom of the diseasean elevated blood glucose concentrationrather than its root cause, insulin resistance. And the initial treatment for insulin resistance is to limit carbohydrate intake. Understanding this simple biology explains why this disease may be reversible in some casesand, conversely, why the modern treatment of type 2 diabetes, which does not limit carbohydrate intake, worsens the outcome.
But how did Dr. Fung arrive at these outrageous conclusions? And how did they lead to his authorship of this book?
In addition to his realization, described above, of the long-term nature of disease and the illogic of treating a diseases symptoms rather than removing its cause, he also, almost by chance, in the early 2000s, became aware of the growing literature on the benefits of low-carbohydrate diets in those with obesity and other conditions of insulin resistance. Taught to believe that a carbohydrate-restricted, high-fat diet kills, he was shocked to discover the opposite: this dietary choice produces a range of highly beneficial metabolic outcomes, especially in those with the worst insulin resistance.