Strength training without equipment for women
Create the body of your dream
Samuel Greenberg
Text Copyright 2020
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There are many types of physical activity that require some equipment. This makes the person using all these simulators dependent on them. In modern life, people sometimes do not have time to visit fitness clubs, and not everyone has special equipment to train muscles at home, mainly because of the relatively high price and lack of space. Workout performed without special equipment using just your own bodyweight can be considered as a good alternative to training in gym with the same result for building strong and beautifully shaped bodies.
This book presents sets of dynamic and isometric exercises to train all major muscles and muscles groups of your body without the use of weights, simulators and other projectiles. In addition to the set of exercises, the book provides advice on training, regime and other useful information.
Exercises with the weight of your own body allow you to achieve a high degree of muscle tension, comparable to the effects of exercise for strength training. Moreover, bodyweight exercises positively affect the joints and spine by removing the axial pressure on the intervertebral discs. But the main advantage of exercises with bodyweight is its simplicity and accessibility.
The exercises described in the book can be performed at any age: both younger and older ones can cope with them ... They have different levels of difficulty. Therefore, choose the one-to-one exercises that suit your age and fitness level. But no matter what goals you set for yourself, the exercises described in the book will help you look more attractive, feel healthy, vigorous and fit.
Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Introduction
Strength is one of the physical qualities, it is the ability to overcome or resist external influences with the help of muscle activity. The goals of strength training can be both the improvement (increase, development) of strength capabilities in certain muscle groups, and the maintenance of the previously achieved level.
To influence strength capabilities, strength exercises should be used that involve a specific muscle group (muscle group of synergists), cause sufficient local (in these muscles) fatigue in a short period of time.
In strength training, the load is determined by the time interval that it takes to fatigue the selected muscle group:
- maximum load - up to 5 repetitions;
- submaximal load - 6 to 15 repetitions;
- light load - over 15 repetitions.
The load can be regulated by changing the magnitude of the external influence and / or the selected initial position and trajectory of movement.
To perform a strength exercise, it is necessary to choose a starting position in which there is a resistance to any external load. Exercise should be performed smoothly without preliminary swings, jerks and sudden movements, picking up the appropriate pace and amplitude. In addition to the dynamic version of the exercise, you can use the static method with maintaining a position in which the muscles are sufficiently tense.
Between sets in exercises for one muscle group, you can use either a pause to rest (30 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on the degree of fatigue and the rate of recovery), or exercises for other muscle groups in which the previous muscle is not tense.
There should be sufficient recovery time between workouts focused on the strength capabilities of a muscle group. This time span can vary widely depending on various factors.
Chapter 2. Exercises for muscles of the shoulders and arms
Front part of the deltoid muscle
Exercise 1
Dynamic contraction of the front part deltoid muscle
1.1 Stand feet apart at the width of the pelvis, feet are parallel, straight arms below, palms backward;
1.2 Maintaining the position of the body, raise your arms forward to 60-70 , bending at the shoulder joints;
1.3 Continue moving your arms up to a horizontal level.
Additional working muscles: pectoral muscles, biceps brachii.
Exercise 2
Dynamic contraction of the front part deltoid muscle
2.1 Stand feet apart, hip-width apart, feet parallel, bent arms in front of the chest, elbows to the sides, palms down;
2.2 Maintaining the position of the body, stretch your arms forward parallel to the floor, unbending at the elbow joints.
Additional working muscles: pectoral muscles, triceps brachii, middle part of the deltoid muscle.
Middle part of the deltoid muscle
Exercise 1
Dynamic contraction of the middle part deltoid muscle
3.1 Stand feet apart at the width of the pelvis, feet are parallel, straight arms below, palms inward;
3.2 Maintaining the position of the body raise your arms to the sides up to 60-70 , abducting in the shoulder joints;
3.3 Continue moving your arms up to a horizontal level.
Additional working muscles: front and back parts of the deltoid muscle, supraspinatus muscle.
Exercise 2
Dynamic contraction of the middle part deltoid muscle
4.1 Stand feet apart at the width of the pelvis, feet parallel, bent arms in front of the chest, elbows to the sides, palms down;
4.2 Maintaining the position of the body extend the arms to the sides parallel to the floor, unbending at the elbow joints.
Additional working muscles: supraspinatus muscle, triceps brachii muscle.
Back part of the deltoid muscle
Exercise 1
Dynamic contraction of the back part of the deltoid muscle
5a.1 Stand feet apart at the width of the pelvis, feet parallel, straight arms below, palms in front;
5a.2 Maintaining the position of the body, raise your arms back by 20-30 , unbending in the shoulder joints;
5a.3 Continue moving the arms up to the highest possible level.
Additional working muscles: latissimus dorsi, infraspinatus muscle, large and small round muscles, long the head of the triceps brachii.