Street fight for life
Effective techniques of attack and self-defense
Use of improvised means for self-defense
Samuel Greenberg
Text Copyright 2018
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In modern world especially in big cities street fights become a sad reality. There are plenty of reasons, when man or woman or group of people becomes aggressive towards other person. It can be robbery, disorderly conduct, sexual assault or assault under alcohol or drugs intoxication.
Usually man defends his female partner or family from the insult. But quite often lonely woman may become the target for offenders and have to defend herself. Before embarking on self-defense issues, I dare to give a few tips on how to behave with a potential adversary.
First of all, it must be remembered that on the scale of human values health and life occupies the first place, so without special need not get involved in the street fights - for this there are competent authorities. If an offender comes up to you with the infamous the phrase: "Money or Life!" You should unconditionally give the wallet. After all, even the most famous master of martial arts is not immune from accidents: he can slip, to stumble, leading to irreparable consequences. I also recommend not provoking an attacker by excessive coquetry, excessively extravagant style of clothing and a wealth of jewelry.
However, there are such situations when it is necessary to give a fitting rebuff. If you feel that youre your efforts of negotiating with the gangster fails that your life and health in danger, act calmly and decisively. You can use any available tools: stones, sticks, even a pencil or hairpins. It will not be superfluous knowledge of self-defense techniques.
To learn techniques you need a partner. It is better if it is a man far superior to you in physical strength. Movements should be done first and very slowly, achieving their cohesion and smoothness, then gradually accelerating and bringing them to real conditions. However, it does not need to exert excessive efforts in order not to deliver a pain to your partner. Begin to master the techniques after a short warm-up, warming up the muscles and joints.
In conclusion, I would like to wish readers not to find themselves in situations that will require the application of knowledge in practice. Let the training will serve you to gain and strengthen confidence in yourself.
Table of content
Chapter 1. Three unspoken rules of a street fight
In any conflict, you must try to immediately determine what the enemy is. If there is even the slightest opportunity to resolve the conflict peacefully, it is best to use it.
If the conflict turns into a brawl, you have to defend yourself. You can, of course, try to escape or call for help. However, this, as a rule, can infuriate the enemy even more. And if he catches up with his victim, the result can be very deplorable. Therefore, in some circumstances, you have to take the fight.
Being involved in a street brawl, you need to behave properly. It is necessary to concentrate, but not to strain, in any case not to show your fear, even if there are several opponents. Do not panic, even if in the hand of the enemy appeared weapons - a knife or brass knuckles. By following the recommendations of this book, even in this case, you can try to prevail. And at the same time it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of street combat.
The first unspoken rule is to inflict as much damage as possible to the enemy or opponents, but at the same time try not to suffer yourself. To do this, you can use all available tools (a bunch of keys, a lighter or a fountain pen), that is, any items that were in your pocket, a stone or a handful of earth.
The second rule is that you must try to put every blow to a vulnerable point, trying to make the enemy incapable as soon as possible.
The third rule of street fight: do not follow any rules adopted in martial arts. Street fighting is not the right place to show chivalry and magnanimity. There is no need to feel sorry for the enemy, to be afraid of hurting him - otherwise he will immediately take advantage of this against you.
If you follow these rules and recommendations outlined in the book, you can get out of the street fight winner, that is, alive and without serious injuries, and this is the main goal of street fighting without rules.
Chapter 2. What is street fighting?
This is a battle, which, as a rule, begins unexpectedly and lasts very briefly, - some say, no more than 5 minutes. If it lasts a longer time, for example, more than 20 minutes, this is no longer a fight, but a beating. The fight often ends with injuries and can even be fatal for one of the opponents. Therefore, the main thing in a duel is to use all possibilities to avoid it.
Ways to avoid a fight
Of course, the main advice that can be given in this case is: do not walk along dark streets, especially if the area is not familiar and it is known in advance that this quarter has already become famous as unfavorable. However, this advice is not always possible to follow. In addition, a clash with hooligans can occur not only on a dark street, but also in any other place, for example, during the day on the beach.
If you have to pass by a group of people, who look and behave aggressively, you need to try to keep calm and confident. Passing by them, you do not need to lower your eyes - they may think that you are afraid, but you dont need to look at some of them in the eyes - they can accept such behavior as a challenge. It is better to try to look as if through them.
If you are stopped by a question, in no case can you apologize, make excuses. It is best to give the same ridiculous answer to a ridiculous question. The answer should be short and clear, you can answer the question with a question. Do not be afraid of threats, if they sounded in your address.
One way to avoid a fight is a cry for help. Hearing him, passersby can call the police. In addition, the police themselves can hear calls for help.
In general, as a rule, hooligans use verbal sparring as a way to find out who you are and what you are, that is, whether you are an easy victim or it is better not to get in touch with you. Therefore it is necessary, in spite of everything, to continue to behave confidently and somewhat detached. So, if one of the hooligans is trying to take you aside by saying: Let's go, let's talk, you dont need to be led by him. In this case, you can answer: I will not go. Go on a walk yourself.
You cannot turn back to the bullies - they can strike.
Also, you cannot move backwards, as this will also serve as a signal to the beginning of the fight.
If there are several hooligans, try to determine which of them the leader is: as a rule, this is the most visible and most active person. He is most often the first, who strikes.
If the leader is trying to get closer to you, be prepared for the fact that at any moment he can hit you, after which all others will immediately pounce on you.
You need to try to use all the ways to avoid a fight, even if the enemy does not cause concern and even if you are afraid to seem like a coward in front of your companion.