Ultimate Home Workout without Equipment
Best bodyweight exercises for all major muscles
Samuel Greenberg
Text Copyright 2020
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There are many types of physical activity that require some kind of equipment. This makes the person using all these simulators dependent on them. In modern life people sometimes dont have time to go to fitness clubs and also not everyone has special equipment for muscles training at home due to, mainly, relatively high price and lack of space.
After reading this book, you can develop muscles by performing simple exercises with your weight, where and when it is convenient for you. In the book I will give some tips on diet, the observance of which will positively affect the rate of muscle building and getting rid of excess fat tissue, if any. In the process of presenting exercises with your bodyweight, I will try not to waste your time on unnecessary special terms and formulas, but rather briefly and clearly tell you about how to increase the size of all your main muscles and their strength. The benefits of training are enormous: in addition to becoming slimmer and stronger, you will also significantly improve your heart and lungs, strengthen the nervous system, increase immunity and vitality.
Exercises with the bodyweight allow you to achieve a high degree of muscle tension, comparable to the effects of exercise machines for strength training. In addition, exercises without sport equipment positively affect the joints and spine, removing the axial pressure on the intervertebral discs of the latter. But the main advantage of this exercises - its simplicity and accessibility.
Athletic gymnastics without projectiles makes it possible to work out all the major muscle groups. You decide which to pay more attention on. You can also create an individual set of exercises: for example, to strengthen the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle; for the development of flexibility and endurance; for the prevention of osteochondritis and the like. Someone seeks to improve the shape and physique, someone - to develop strength, maintain or restore the functional state of the body and so on. But whatever tasks you set for yourself, simple gymnastics will help you look more attractive, feel healthy, vigorous and fit.
Table of contents
Chapter 1. Core muscles of human body
A person has more than 600 muscles, with the help of which he has the opportunity to influence the world around him and to realize himself in a variety of activities. A muscle is a bunch of very thin longitudinal fibers called myofibrils, which include the contractile protein. Muscle contraction occurs due to electromagnetic forces that cause thin and thick protein threads to move towards each other. The excitation transmitted by bioelectric pulses along the nerve fibers at a speed of about 5 m / s causes a general shortening of the myofibrils and an increase in the transverse size of the muscle.
One of the main features of the muscular system is that its work can be controlled arbitrarily by an effort of will. And through the muscles, in turn, you can influence the processes of energy supply in the body. Physical work is done at the expense of internal energy resources, the source of which are carbohydrates, proteins and fats that come from food. Loading muscles can affect not only the energy exchange, but also the general metabolism in the body. Such an impact results in positive changes in all organs and systems, the state of which determines the level of human health.
Thinking, intellectual work is also associated with movement, but not physical. In brain cells, there is also movement (at the level of metabolism) of energy carriers: a bioelectric action potential is excited, the blood delivers substances rich in energy to the brain, and then removes their decay products. "Movement" in brain cells is a change in the bioelectric potential and its maintenance, due to the continuously occurring biochemical reactions (exchange reactions that constantly require the delivery of "energy"). Therefore, for productive intellectual work, it is important to increase blood flow.
The psyche of the men, as a system for controlling behavior and in particular, by the most complex movements of skeletal links, is closely connected with the body; first of all - with the body; first of all - with the muscles that have the ability to transform the internal energy resources contained in ATP. Therefore, physically inactive people, who have muscles (including the heart) that are not trained and not developed, have disturbed not only the energy exchange processes, but also the work of the central nervous system. The central nervous system is responsible for the normal functioning of the body, because the intensity of biochemical reactions in the nerve cells, which also constantly need energy, depends on the size of the neuromuscular tension. That is why movement and physical activity allow not only preserving, but also improving the functional capabilities of the body, determining the overall level of health...
Core muscles, shown on figures
Fig. 1
Muscle consists of striated muscle fibers, the number of which determines its strength. The fibers are bundled and surrounded by connective tissue, passing into the tendons. With the help of tendons muscles are attached to the bones.
As you know, there are two types of muscles: smooth (lining the walls of internal organs, blood vessels, skin) and skeletal. Gymnastics trains skeletal muscles. You should start training with exercises that affect large muscle groups, and then pull up smaller ones. To effectively train, you need to have at least general concepts about the human muscular system, to know what functions these or other muscles perform and how to develop them, Fig. 1, 2.
1. Biceps of the shoulder (biceps), located on the front surface of the shoulder. This muscle flexes the arm at the elbow, and is involved in turning the forearm outward.
2. Muscles of the neck. Lean your head forward, backward, sideways, turn left and right.
3. Trapezius muscle. Raises and lowers shoulders, brings the shoulder blades to the spine, tilts the head back.
4. Deltoid muscle. Takes part in raising hands forward, to the side and leading back.
5. Large pectoral muscles, located in the upper chest on both sides of the sternum. These muscles bring the hands to the body, crossed in front of the chest.
6. Muscles of the forearm. The muscles on the inside of the forearm bend the fingers and hand, while those on the outside unbend them.
7. Rectus abdominis muscle, located along the front wall of the abdominals. This muscle flexes the torso forward.
8. The quadriceps muscle of the thigh, located on the front of the thigh. Extends the leg at the knee joint, is involved in flexing the hip at the hip joint.
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