Simple Stretching Exercises
Stretching workouts to increase flexibility, balance and get rid of body aches.
Patrick Gordon
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Health problems are common in the world today, with obesity, diabetes, and arthritis being some of the most common. Some of these pains and illnesses can be alleviated through the use of stretching, which is a practice that focuses on elongating and increasing range of motion.
Generally, people often think stretching is just moving your body or limbs to a point of comfort, or reaching a level of flexibility that you have never reached before. Some may even argue that stretching involves doing the same movements over and over again to achieve the same result.
Of course, these assumptions are correct but not accurate. Stretching is highly regulated through a series of different stretches that target different muscles, joints, and parts of the body. Depending on what you are trying to stretch, there can be specific stretches used to help you achieve your goals.
The right stretches will increase your blood flow, relieve muscle tension and stiffness, and prevent injuries. This is because stretching increases your flexibility which can allow for more efficient movement. Stretches are also used to improve body alignment as well as posture.
The internet is rife with recommendations for stretching exercises. You can find videos, pamphlets, or even just people on the street telling you to give their stretch a go. But with so many options out there how you do know what will work best for you?
In the pages of this book, you will discover the best stretches for improving your flexibility, relieving your aches and pains, and preventing injuries. As you read through each stretch you will notice that they are designed to work multiple areas of the body at once. Not only will these stretches increase your flexibility; they will also make your muscles stronger or improve muscle alignment. With all of the different choices available to you for stretches out there, it is no wonder people are confused about which is right for them.
The book is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the purpose of performing stretching exercises while the second part goes into the main exercises themselves. The third section combines the two and is meant to answer any questions you may have about how to use the stretches effectively in your daily life.
But is it really possible for you to achieve maximum flexibility through stretching? Of course, it is! You just need to find the right stretches that are specifically designed for your needs. It will take some time, but at the end of the day you will be more flexible, stronger, and less prone to injuries than ever before. And you'll be doing it the right way and not just mimicking what someone else told you works.
You can achieve the levels of flexibility that you want. All it takes is perseverance and these stretches to help ensure your success.
CHAPTER ONE: What is Stretching?
This is a form of movement that improves the flexibility of a muscle, tendon or ligament by repeatedly and slowly forcing a muscle through a range of motion with a load on the muscle. Flexibility training has been shown to have a positive effect on general fitness, by increasing the range of motion in which muscles can work as well as aiding muscle recovery after a workout. As a result, stretching is an important component of an exercise program.
Stretching exercises are performed either statically or dynamically with no movement, using only the resistance created by muscles to stretch their own length. Generally, static stretches cause less damage to tissue than dynamic stretching does. Dynamic stretching uses alternating movements to improve mobility around joints and sweeps similar types of muscles together in a consistent pattern.
Static stretching
A well performed static stretch can reach maximum effect in about 30 seconds. Most people, however, only achieve the benefits that are provided by a minimum of 15 seconds.
Static stretches are passive movements, because movement is not required to achieve them. Many static stretches are static due to the resistance creating tension in the muscle. A static stretch of a muscle that is already short will stretch only as far as the point where it resists the gravitational force.
Most static stretches can be performed on a stable surface, such as a mat. However, many of them can also be done on a stable object such as a bench or chair if you find difficulty with your stability on a flat surface.
Static stretches should not be held for extended periods. As a rule of thumb, if you begin to feel pain in the muscle then you should end the stretch. While most static stretches lengthen the muscle they are stretching, some will also firm up muscles in related areas. If you are not sure if a particular stretch will firm up any nearby muscles, consult with your physiotherapist before attempting it.
Dynamic Stretching
Dynamic stretching is an often-used type of flexibility training. Dynamic stretching uses alternating movements to improve mobility around joints and sweeps similar types of muscles together in a consistent pattern. The alternating movement in dynamic stretches will have less injury potential than the potential for injury when performing static stretches.
The most commonly used dynamic stretch that people do is the Modified Thomas Test (MTT). The MTT starts with you sitting on the floor, then can be done either by bending one knee at a time, or simultaneously. Next place your hands on your toes and pull down with them to stretch your hamstrings while taking care not to rock back onto your buttocks (due to this, it may be helpful not to sit far back on the floor). You'll know
The Best Hours for Stretching
Stretching should be preceded by a few moments of mild exercise to warm up the muscles. Next, try a nice leisurely walk or jog. This will loosen up your muscles and prepare them for bending. Stretching should be done after you've fully warmed up and worked out hard for a minimum of thirty minutes.
Two primary stretching exercises should be performed 1-4 times per week.
The initial is static extending, which is moderate movement for 15-2 minutes while holding the stretch (e.g., stretching your arms up over your head). Dynamic Stretching, on the other hand, entails extended durations of tension and motion (e.g., swinging on a rope or doing yoga). It's recommended that you practice one stretch out of each group day after day. You can do a Static Stretch in the day and a Dynamic Stretch at night, for instance.
Stretching on a daily basis is essential since you utilize various muscles at varying periods of the day. If you expend so many hours working throughout the day, for example, try to take pauses and lengthen your arms and wrists at regular intervals. Simply lie on your belly and allowing your chin dangle over the side of a low hospital bed, looking downwards, to extend your shoulders or back. Make sure you're not hanging too far over the edge, as this might lead to significant damage.
If you're constantly asleep on your back or stomach, it might not be a bad idea to stretch your muscles before bed. This way, you'll be more flexible and less likely to wake up sore in the morning.
Benefits of Stretching Exercises
You can gain numerous benefits from stretching. Stretching exercises can help increase your flexibility, improve your balance and posture, make you healthier, and make you more agile. Many people think that stretching is enough to get all of these benefits, but it is only one step in the process. Here are the 10 reasons why stretching is important.