AllMates GmbH
Otto-Hahn-Str. 20
61381 Friedrichsdorf
Federal Republic of Germany
Liability disclaimer
This book is intended as a supplementary aid for working out with the fascia roller. The aim is to relieve physical pain as well as increase your strength, endurance and mobility. This generally leads to increased vitality and a significant increase in well-being.
This book does not claim to be a medical directive or medical guideline. The information and exercises in this book should only serve as additional information and evoke the desire and curiosity for fascia training. Please use it for informational purposes only.
Train cautiously by warming up before the exercises and performing them slowly and carefully. Pay attention to your physical impulses and do not exercise until you are completely exhausted. Fascia training is regarded as a gentle physical activity. It is not a question of testing your athletic limits or training to the brink of a health problem.
First of all, we would like to point out that exercise can lead to injuries and endanger your health. This can be the case if exercises are carried out incorrectly or if there are illnesses which can lead to physical exertion. We therefore expressly warn against training without professional supervision. It is best to perform the exercises under supervision and only with the instruction of a professional and certified trainer.
The exercises in this book are aimed exclusively at healthy individuals over the age of 18.
Furthermore, the information in this book is not intended as a substitute for regular exercise or as an alternative to medical advice or treatment.
Before you start training and perform the exercises listed in this book, it is imperative that you speak with your doctor first and obtain his or her consent! If you have any physical ailments, illnesses or injuries, you should also talk to your doctor before exercising with this book. The same is true if you are taking medications.
If you experience any discomfort during the exercises with the BODYMATE Fascial Role, stop exercising immediately and have your doctor examine you.
Finally, please allow for the following information: If you discover worn or defective parts on the BODYMATE fascia roller, do not use the product under any circumstances!
Why Fascia training?
Fascial training helps alleviate pain symptoms as well as increasing your physical strength, endurance and mobility. For this reason, we have divided our fascia exercises into three categories in this manual:
Increase in strength
Improvement in mobility
Deep tissue activation
Although all the exercises listed in this book cover all three categories, some exercises focus more on one of the three areas. If you include exercises from all three categories in your training sessions, you will exercise more effectively. People from all over the world report countless advantages of this specific training method for the connective tissue. We would like to mention some of them here:
Relieves and prevents pain
Promotes healing in case of injuries
Leads to an increase in strength and performance in everyday life and other physical activities
Better mobility and flexibility in everyday life
Faster regeneration after strenuous physical activities
Ideal for joint and muscle pain
Substantially increased, subjective well-being
Strengthening the body posture - those who exercise walk more upright!
Very simple and easy to learn exercises
Can be practiced anywhere: The BODYMATE Fascia roller is the perfect size for easy transport. This way, you can also exercise during your vacation or travel.
Who is fascia training suitable for?
Fascial training offers advantages for beginners and experienced athletes alike. People who spend several hours a day sitting in the car, in the office or on the sofa, notice after only a few regular training sessions that they feel better. You feel more energetic and alert. Symptoms of pain from permanent sitting disappear and physical mobility increases.
Edmund Jacobsen, inventor of the progressive muscle relaxation method, was able to prove that tense, shortened muscles can lead to increased mental stress and even trigger psychosomatic complaints. Therefore, relaxation of the muscles can in turn into a noticeable sense of well-being in everyday life.
Even professional athletes can benefit considerably from fascia training. It can positively support the workout by preventing injuries and increasing mobility.
What are fascia?
Fascia are fibrous, connective tissue membranes that cover muscles and muscle fibers and form a large network in the human body. They consist mainly of collagen and elastin and separate the individual muscle sections from each other. The fibrous connective tissue is present in all body segments. It is a web without beginning and end. Fascia is a network that contributes to the optimal performance of the body.
Furthermore, the lymphatic fluid in the body is also diverted via the fascia. It transports human degradation products from the cells and assists cell renewal.
Fascia also have an influence on mobility. Too much stress, the wrong posture and stiff, hour-long sitting can shorten and harden fascia. This increases the amount of collagen in the fibers. The result: The body becomes sluggish and immobile. This process gives muscles and joints less room for movement.
But the strength of the muscles also depends heavily on fascia. The muscles use them to store energy. The following applies: The more elastic the fascia, the more energy they can transfer to the muscles. As a result, muscles work more effectively. People who want to maintain their physical strength into their old age are therefore advised to perform regular fascial training.
The impressive connective tissue is also responsible for our perception of emotions. Because it contains more nerve connections than our sensory organs. Therefore, many people report a particular sense of well-being when the fascias are massaged through targeted exercises.
What do I need to pay special attention during fascia training?
Fascial training differs from other physical activities in that the focus is on pain relief as well as pain prevention. It not only increases physical fitness, but also has healing effects on the body.
The aim is to dissolve hardening and tension by means of self-massage in order to achieve a better sense of well-being. The following points must be observed:
The fascia training with the BODYMATE fascia roller is used for so-called trigger point therapy. Special areas of pain, also called trigger points, are the hardening of muscles and fascia. It is often referred to as myofascial pain syndrome. The aim of the exercises is to resolve these trigger points.
With fascia training, you decide for yourself how much pressure is best for you. Always follow your own instincts and listen to your physical signals during training.
Apply the exercises prior to your main workout: Use trigger point therapy before a workout to relieve hardening and tension and prevent injury.
Application of the exercises after the main training: Use trigger point therapy after your workout to accelerate the regeneration process.
Breathe in and out slowly during the exercises.
Initially, it may feel slightly uncomfortable if you exert pressure on the hardened areas. Thats perfectly normal. However, make sure that the pressure does not become excessive and cause you to feel pain.