According to Dr. Michael E. Salla and many other experts in the field of ET research, for almost 70 years the US government has engaged in an extensive official effort of disinformation, intimidation and tampering with evidence in order to maintain a non-disclosure policy about extraterrestrial presence.
Writes Dr. Salla: Ever since I began to publish the early versions of the chapters in this book in January 2003 as Study Papers on my website, , I have received a consistent stream of supportive letters encouraging my research, and unsolicited information from former government, military, intelligence employees confirming many of my hypotheses. This has given me hope that eventually full disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence on the planet will occur, since interest is high and so much information is now in the public arena.
Michael Salla presents an astounding and eye-brow raising alternative history of the past 100 years. He postulates that since at least the 1930s every major war and policy decision has been in response to an undisclosed extraterrestrial presence on Earth. He traces actual events, ranging from the Nazi development of flying saucers to the recent US invasion of Iraq, to this unworldly element within government and societal issues.
Sallas case could be easily dismissed as fringe conspiracy theory except that it is well supported by the data, answers many of recent historys most perplexing mysteries and, with each passing year, is gaining credence with thinkers all around the globe. Read and contemplate this thesis today. Tomorrow, it may be the news headlines.
Jim Marrs
Author of Rule by Secrecy and Alien Agenda
Historians will eventually learn a host of academics in America well knew there was an extraterrestrial presence engaging the planet Earth and the human race, but did not have the courage to speak out against the government imposed truth embargo or risk the criticisms from uninformed colleagues. Dr. Michael Salla is not one of them. Lacking neither the courage nor the intellectual honesty to take on the most important issue in history, he is helping to found an extraordinary field of study and policyExopolitics. This new way of thinking about the world is the logical and inevitable extension of the citizen/science process underway in earnest since 1947 to confirm and understand the extraterrestrial presence.
For six decades the great universities of a free nation have, as regards this issue, completely abrogated their responsibility to seek and to teach the truth, however inconvenient that truth might be to the State. This is unacceptable and will be changed. In due course there will be various departments of extraterrestrial studies in every university and college in America. And that powerful and appropriate circumstance will owe much to Michael Salla.
Stephen Bassett Executive Director of the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee
Political Implications of
The Extraterrestrial Presence
Michael E. Salla, PhD
A Dandelion Books Publication Tempe, Arizona
This book marks a personal transition where I traveled from being a respected university academic with a regular salary, professional status and network of scholarly peers in the field of peace studies, to a place firmly on the outside of the hallowed halls of academia. In this strange territory, my new research interest in extraterrestrials and their political implications were dismissed, my peer network vanished, and my hope for remuneration for my research was non-existent.
This book would not have been possible were it not for the encouragement and support of a number of individuals who believed in the importance of this project, and my abilities to break new ground in a field which inspired little scholarly interest. These individuals stood by me as I fiercely continued my efforts to research and write in this new field while my personal finances dried up, and I found myself struggling to complete the final research and writing.
First I must thank Carol Adler, President of Dandelion Books, who at a very early stage when just a few online articles had been published on my website,, gave her enthusiastic support for a book to be eventually published from these first efforts, that would deal with the political implications of extraterrestrial presence not disclosed by national governments. She gave me the confidence that my work was suitable for a far wider audience than I was reaching from my website, and inspired me to continue my efforts to continue the research and writing. Thank you very much, Carol!
A number of individuals stand out for their unwavering support for me while doing the necessary research and writing for this book, and in their personal encouragement despite the setbacks I was experiencing. First, Id like to thank my good friend, Dr. John King, who has been untiring in his support and encouragement, and generously provided me with his holiday home while I completed chapter three of this book. Great thanks to Janice Smith, who was a steadfast friend in her unwavering support in those transitional periods when I needed it most.
Many thanks also to Susan Burton, who provided the warm hospitality and research environment for writing chapters two and four. Great thanks also to Art Miller, who also opened his home and provided the research environment so I could complete the final chapter to this book and edit the entire manuscript for submission to Dandelion Books, and to Navin Kulshreshtha for being the catalyst to make it happen. Finally, I am grateful to Hugh Matlock who also opened his home and provided the research environment so that I could safely get this book through the various stages of the production process.
I also wish to thank the following individuals for their generous financial support that allowed me to complete the research, writing and editing for this book: Janice Smith, Frank Scott, Warren Bellis, and Vonda and Fred Janson. I also thank Jim Grapek for his financial support just when I needed it.
Finally, I wish to thank my children, Sebastian and Kalinda, for the sacrifices they had to endure as I pursued a field of study that may have sparked the fire of scholarly passion, but drained the financial resources so vital to fulfilling a childs expectations of a normal lifestyle in an affluent Western society. I dedicate this book to them and the world we bequeath them.
Copyright, 2004, by Michael E. Salla, PhD
All rights exclusively reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or translated into any language or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
A Dandelion Books Publication Dandelion Books, LLC Tempe, Arizona
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Salla, Michael E.
Exopolitics: political implications of the extraterrestrial presence
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 2003112497
ISBN 1-893302-56-3
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