Silent thought!
What is it? And what do we do about it?
When I wrote my first book, The Silent Thought: America in Crisis , I started it with this very question. I then followed that question with my explanation for writing that book by making the following statements.
My reason for writing this book is rooted in my determination to understand what promotes thought, or the lack of thought altogether, and why thought does not progress to expression in either word or action.
Then my goal is to examine how this interconnects with a variety of challenges facing our nation, challenges, which I believe to be in a state of crisis.
My determination has only strengthened, and I am convinced that the concept of silent thought affects many in America and their ability to think critically about the crises I discuss in this book.
The subtitle America in Transition and Crisis speaks to the transition period and crises we find in todays America.
Over time, we have moved through several transitional periods. Two world wars and the Great Depression in the twentieth century as well as the American Civil War in the nineteenth century are examples.
I believe that as we entered the twenty-first century, our current state of transition was triggered by the 9/11 attack. As we progressed forward through the sixteen years of President Bush and President Obama, America experienced many challenges, with each president making choices that have taken our nation in several directions of great concern.
I wrote my first book in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election and now post-presidential election 2016, I see a nation in transition facing serious challenges (crises) but also a nation very divided based on many different viewpoints.
I believe and am very concerned that America has never been more divided, which can only lead to destabilization of this great nation!
This transition is not only where we find ourselves after Presidents Bush and Obama to President Trump but also transition as it relates to faith, our nations sovereignty, personal freedoms, societal norms, foreign intervention, terrorism, and then, which direction our country will take.
Without national unity, we cannot choose the correct path and continue Americas greatness!
So with this transition in mind, when we consider what silent thought is, it is important to see the implications of taking or not taking a thought to verbal expression or action.
Think of all the great improvements to our quality of life and whether these would have been possible if our thoughts were not articulated or acted on, resulting in a variety of positive changes in our daily lives. Conversely, examine how lack of correct thought or having incorrect thought has had adverse effects on human lives.
While silent thought can affect many aspects of our lives, including family, work, social relationships, and so forth, I prefer to examine how silent thought affects the five crises I cite throughout this book.
One crisis politics in America demands our full attention as it not only affects the other crises cited in this book but also plays a vital role in shaping the road map this nation will follow.
The following concepts I explore in this book:
Why do many people ignore thoughts regarding politics and instead accept sound bites from others to form their opinions?
Does the American political system exploit silent thought?
Is silent thought found in all segments of American society?
What can be done to promote more thought and expression?
Who benefits the most or the least from silent thought?
We have reached a critical crossroads in the American way of life; as the 2016 and 2020 presidential election results will have profound consequences and are important events in working through this transition. These events encouraged me to write this book and hopefully inspire people to reexamine their thought processes and their resulting expressions and actions.
I write this book as a discussion with the reader to provoke thought and promote a better understanding and perspective on how interconnected our daily lives are with the crises I discuss in the following chapters.
I will not cite countless statistics or the comments of others. My hope is that this book will prompt readers to search out relevant data to either support or refute my assertions and then form their own thoughtful and analytical opinions, no longer casually accepting the opinions of others, and also resisting the tendency of silent thought.
I am very concerned that many younger Americans, perhaps the so-called millennials, lets say those born between 1980 and 1994, might take the greatness of this nation for granted, meaning they might think our way of life is so rooted that it is there forever.
This could also be true for some in generation X, those born between 1965 and 1980. This segment might be working toward their goals, building families, identifying with a political ideology, and accepting the status quo.
Some in my generation, baby boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964 and older, accept the status quo as well and might also believe there is insufficient time left for them to effect any change.
They might also believe that they have accomplished their goals, accepting the status quo and looking toward or enjoying retirement. They might be choosing to let younger generations deal with it.
I make these assertions with concern, not criticism.
I encourage all of us to stay involved in the political process. The single greatest action every American can take is to votebut most importantly, vote as a well-informed citizen!
Then most importantly, after a major election such as that of a US president, evaluate our vote as to whether we voted independently or simply followed the desire of others. If not, we will never challenge or validate our thought process.
I believe our younger generations are in the best position to propel the changes we need now in America. Not to mention, they have the most at stake as they start or are in the early and middle stages of their journeys through life. However, they can be the most distracted.
Many Americans seem to be more interested in House of Cards , a fictional television series, rather than our actual political system and its dysfunction.
At times, we all fail to identify the warning signs, which are more disguised now than ever before in our country. All of us should realize that Americas greatness and future has never been at greater risk, for many reasons that we will discuss in detail throughout this book.
My greatest hope is that this book will reach the many Americans who have never considered thought in the way I will explain it and all too often just accept everything as it is.
The first three chapters deal with spontaneous thought, targeted thought, and stubborn thought, providing examples of each and how the concept of silent thought interconnects within all three.
In chapters 4 through 8, I talk about several crises currently facing America and discuss how silent thought can have a negative influence on these major challenges facing every American.