Advance Praise for The Oxford Handbook of Political Participation
This volume creates an interdisciplinary and multi-method portrait of the study of political participation. The conversations this volume enables will shape the study of political participation for decades to come.
Nancy Burns, Warren E. Miller Collegiate Professor and Chair of Political Science, University of Michigan
Just fabulous, massively useful and exactly what we need. This is utterly comprehensive and certainly no less authoritative. A major reference point and an extremely reliable and useful guide to this massively important body of literature.
Colin Hay, Professor of Political Sciences, Sciences Po, Paris
This Handbook is a must read for scholars of political participation. Fully understanding the multiple dimensions of political participation requires us to cross disciplinary and methodological boundaries, and this volume provides us a perfect roadmap for doing just that. The chapters are beautifully curated and they promise to help scholars to understand the foundation of democracypolitical participation. This interdisciplinary tour de force will not disappoint.
Sarah A. Soule, Morgridge Professor of Organizational Behavior, Stanford Graduate School of Business
The continuously broadening spring tide of political action around the world is studied differently in different disciplines with different aims, approaches, methodologies, and instruments. The unusually comprehensive set of 52 contributions to this Handbook depicts the many merits of participation thoroughly while building bridges and avoiding parochialism. Essential and mandatory reading for everyone interested in democracy and citizenship.
Jan W. van Deth, Professor Emeritus, University of Mannheim
The first edition of The Oxford Handbook of Political Participation boasts a remarkable line-up of first-rate scholars. Because democratic politics is simply unthinkable without it, political participation has become one of the core phenomena social scientists study. The field being fragmented across disciplines and approaches, this volume contains an heroic effort and presents a systematic and well-organized overview in highly informative chapters.
Stefaan Walgrave, Full Professor of Political Science, University of Antwerp
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Oxford University Press 2022
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2021922670
ISBN 9780198861126
eISBN 9780192605351
DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198861126.001.0001
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To Chuck Tilly and Sidney Verba, who set the agenda for the study of political participation
Marco Giugni and Maria Grasso
Kay Lehman Schlozman and Henry E. Brady
Nonna Mayer
Lauren E. Duncan
Ruth Dassonneville, Fernando Feitosa, and Michael S. Lewis-Beck
Julia M. Eckert
Charles J. Pattie
Paul F. Whiteley
Emma A. Renstrm and Hanna Bck
Bert Klandermans and Jacquelien van Stekelenburg
Mario Diani
Laurence Cox and Alf G. Nilsen
Marc Hooghe
Eva Anduiza and Ral Tormos
Eline A. de Rooij and Jessica E. M. Burch
Arnab Chakraborty and Paul Lichterman
Lorenzo Bosi
Elena Pavan
Noa Milman and Nicole Doerr
Marcelle C. Dawson
Ana I. Nunes and Matt Henn
Mark N. Franklin
Joakim Ekman and Erik Amn
Marco Giugni and Maria Grasso
Jasmine Lorenzini and Francesca Forno
Jennifer Earl and Kate Kenski
Endre Borbth and Swen Hutter
Martin Dolezal
Manlio Cinalli
Franziska Deutsch
Brayden G. King and Edward J. Carberry
Laura Serra and Kaat Smets
Camila Pez-Bernal and Miki Caul Kittilson
Geoffrey Evans and Matthew Hepplewhite
Marisa Abrajano, Jan E. Leighley, and G. Agustin Markarian
Kathrin Ackermann
Anthony F. Heath, Lindsay Richards, and Julia Jungblut
James M. Jasper and Anna Zhelnina
Alessandro Nai
Anne Muxel
Aengus Bridgman and Dietlind Stolle
Christine M. Slaughter and Nadia E. Brown
Viktor Valgarsson, Gerry Stoker, Daniel Devine, Jen Gaskell, and Will Jennings
S. Erdem Ayta and Susan C. Stokes
Kenneth T. Andrews, Erica Janko, and Austin H. Vo
Silke Roth and Clare Saunders
Jennifer Oser
Marcelo Santos and Sebastin Valenzuela
Pippa Norris
Donatella della Porta and Martin Portos
Judith Bessant
Russell J. Dalton
We are very grateful to all the chapter authors for their fundamental contribution to this Handbook. We are also very grateful to Dominic Byatt at Oxford University Press for all his support from the start to finish of this project. At Oxford University Press, we also wish to extend our thanks to Vicki Sunter for all her help.
Marisa Abrajano University of California, San Diego
Kathrin Ackermann Heidelberg University
Erik Amn rebro University
Kenneth T. Andrews University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Eva Anduiza Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona
S. Erdem Ayta Ko University
Hanna Bck Lund University
Judith Bessant RMIT University
Endre Borbth Freie Universitt Berlin and WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Lorenzo Bosi Scuola Normale Superiore, Firenze
Henry E. Brady University of California, Berkeley
Aengus Bridgman McGill University
Nadia E. Brown Georgetown University
Jessica E. M. Burch Simon Fraser University
Edward Carberry University of Massachusetts, Boston
Arnab Chakraborty University of Southern California
Manlio Cinalli University of Milan and CEVIPOF (CNRS - UMR 7048), Sciences Po Paris
Laurence Cox National University of Ireland Maynooth