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Erin Hunter - Starlight

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Erin Hunter Starlight

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The New Prophecy



Erin Hunter

Special thanks to Cherith Baldry




FIRESTARginger tom with a flame-colored pelt


GRAYSTRIPElong-haired gray tom


CINDERPELTdark gray she-cat


WARRIORS (toms, and she-cats without kits)

DUSTPELTdark brown tabby tom


SANDSTORMpale ginger she-cat

CLOUDTAILlong-haired white tom


BRACKENFURgolden brown tabby tom


THORNCLAWgolden brown tabby tom

BRIGHTHEARTwhite she-cat with ginger patches

BRAMBLECLAWdark brown tabby tom with amber eyes

ASHFURpale gray (with darker flecks) tom, dark blue eyes

RAINWHISKERdark gray tom with blue eyes

SOOTFURlighter gray tom with amber eyes

SORRELTAILtortoiseshell and white she-cat with amber eyes

APPRENTICES (more than six moons old, in training to become warriors)

SQUIRRELPAWdark ginger she-cat with green eyes

LEAFPAWlight brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes

WHITEPAWwhite she-cat with green eyes

SPIDERPAWlong-limbed black tom with brown underbelly and amber eyes

QUEENS (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

FERNCLOUDpale gray (with darker flecks) she-cat with green eyes

ELDERS (former warriors and queens, now retired)

GOLDENFLOWERpale ginger coat

LONGTAILpale tabby tom with dark black stripes, retired early due to failing sight

MOUSEFURsmall dusky brown she-cat



BLACKSTARlarge white tom with huge jet black paws


RUSSETFURdark ginger she-cat


LITTLECLOUDvery small tabby tom

WARRIORS (toms, and she-cats without kits)

OAKFURsmall brown tom


CEDARHEARTdark gray tom

ROWANCLAWginger tom


TAWNYPELTtortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes

QUEENS (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

TALLPOPPYlong-legged light brown tabby she-cat

ELDERS (former warriors and queens, now retired)

RUNNINGNOSEsmall gray and white tom, formerly the medicine cat

BOULDERskinny gray tom



TALLSTARelderly black and white tom with a very long tail


MUDCLAWmottled dark brown tom


BARKFACEshort-tailed brown tom

WARRIORS (toms, and she-cats without kits)

TORNEARtabby tom


WEBFOOTdark gray tabby tom


ONEWHISKERbrown tabby tom

CROWFEATHERdark gray, almost black tom with blue eyes

ASHFOOTgray she-cat

QUEENS (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

WHITETAILsmall white she-cat

ELDERS (former warriors and queens, now retired)

MORNINGFLOWERtortoiseshell she-cat

RUSHTAILlight brown tom



LEOPARDSTARunusually spotted golden tabby she-cat


MISTYFOOTgray she-cat with blue eyes


MOTHWINGdappled golden she-cat

WARRIORS (toms, and she-cats without kits)

BLACKCLAWsmoky black tom


HEAVYSTEPthickset tabby tom


HAWKFROSTdark brown tom with a white underbelly and ice-blue eyes

SWALLOWTAILdark tabby she-cat

QUEENS (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

MOSSPELTtortoiseshell she-cat

DAWNFLOWERpale gray she-cat


SMOKYmuscular gray and white tom who lives in a barn near the horseplace

DAISYshe-cat with long creamy brown fur who lives with Smoky

FLOSSsmall gray and white she-cat who lives with Smoky and Daisy


Prologue Moonlight washed over the hillside c - photo 1Prologue Moonlight washed over the hillside casting heavy shadows around a - photo 2Prologue Moonlight washed over the hillside casting heavy shadows around a - photo 3Prologue Moonlight washed over the hillside casting heavy shadows around a - photo 4


Moonlight washed over the hillside casting heavy shadows around a thick wall - photo 5

Moonlight washed over the hillside, casting heavy shadows around a thick wall of thornbushes. The bushes surrounded a hollow with rocky sides that sloped down steeply to a pool in the shape of a full moon. Halfway up the side of the hollow, a trickle of water bubbled up between two moss-covered stones, glimmering like liquid starshine as it fell into the pool below.

The branches rustled and parted as cats emerged at the top of the hollow and began to pick their way down to the waters edge. Their pelts shone with a soft, pale light, and their pawsteps left a frosty glitter on the moss behind them.

A tortoiseshell she-cat was the first to reach the pool. She looked around with glowing eyes. Yes, she purred. This is the place.

Youre right, Spottedleaf. When we chose the four cats to lead the Clans out of the forest, we chose well. The reply came from a blue-gray warrior who was approaching from the other side of the hollow. She leaped down from a jutting rock to face the tortoiseshell across the moonlit water. But the Clans still have a hard task ahead of them.

Spottedleaf dipped her head in agreement. Yes, Bluestar.

Their courage and faith will be tried to their limits. But they have come this farthey will not give up.

More starry warriors joined them, clustering around the water until the hollow was lined with their sleek, shining shapes.

Our journey was hard, too, one cat meowed.

We felt the pain of leaving the paths we had walked for so long, added another.

Now we must learn to walk in new skies. Spottedleafs voice was full of confidence. She sat on a rock near the tumbling stream and wrapped her tail around her paws. We must guide our Clans to this new meeting place, where we can speak to the leaders and medicine cats. Then this will truly be home for all five Clans.

A murmur of agreement rose, and a gleam of hope shone in the eyes of the cats around her.

They will catch fish from the lake, one cat meowed.

And prey is running in the hills and beside the water, another put in. All the Clans will find food, even in leaf-bare.

The blue-gray warrior still seemed uneasy. Theres more to life than fresh-kill, she mewed.

A bracken-colored tom thrust his way to the front of the crowd. Theyre not kits, he pointed out impatiently. They know how to avoid Twolegs and their dogs. Foxes and badgers, too.

Not all trouble comes from Twolegs, Bluestar snapped.

She swiveled her head to glare into the toms eyes. And not from foxes or badgers either, Oakheart. You know that as well as I do. The Clans bring trouble within themselves.

The warriors glanced uneasily at one another, but Oakheart dipped his head. Of course. And they always will.

That is part of what it means to be a warrior.

Trouble from within greatest danger brings. A new voice spoke, deep and gravelly.

Bluestar whipped around, her neck fur rising, and stared at the newcomer standing at the top of the hollow. It was too big and solid to be a cat. Instead, it seemed as if a clot of darkness had entered the circle of thornbushes, in which the watching cats could just make out broad, muscular limbs and the gleam of small, bright eyes.

After a few heartbeats Bluestar relaxed. Welcome, friend, she meowed. StarClan owes you thanks. You have done well.

By me is little done, the newcomer replied. These cats their destiny have faced with courage.

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