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Ross - Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez. Vol II

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Transcribers note Inconsistent hyphenation and spelling in the original - photo 1
Transcriber's note:
"Inconsistent hyphenation and spelling in the original document have been preserved. Obvious typographical errors have been corrected. Accents on foreign names have been added where necessary.
The ERRATA given in this edition are indicated by dotted lines under the corrections. Scroll the mouse over the word and the original text will appear.
An abbreviation key for the table was added on page 411, as it was too large in the original to be read easily in this format.
The transcriber's note at the end of this e-book lists the other corrections that have been made.
Portrait of Lord de Saumarez.

Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty.
Dorset Street, Fleet Street.

News of the Battles of the 6th and 12th of July reach England.Rejoicings on the occasion, particularly described in a letter from Mrs. Saumarez.Promotion of Lieutenant Dumaresq.Letters from Earl St. Vincent, Mr. Tucker, and others.Remarks on the conduct of the Governor and Garrison at Gibraltar.State of the crew of the Csar.Ship refitted.Appointments of officers to the St. Antoine, and other vacancies.Correspondence with the Spanish Governor at Cadiz on the subject of red-hot balls.Accusation refuted.Letters from Lord Keith, Sir John Warren, and Captain Dixon.Squadron off Cadiz reinforced.Sir James resumes the blockade of Cadiz.His proceedings.Remarks on the result of the two Actions.
Despatches arrive from England.Sir James superseded by Sir Charles Morice Pole.Remarks and correspondence on the subject.The St. George and four sail of the line arrive.Blockade of Cadiz.Sir James continues as second in command.His appointments not confirmed.Injustice of his treatment.Letters from various persons.The Csar arrives at Gibraltar.
Preliminaries of peace.Sir James created a Knight of the Bath.Remarks on that Order.Ceremony of investiture.Action of the Pasley and Rosario.Sir James receives the thanks of both Houses of Parliament.Speeches of Earl St. Vincent, Lord Nelson, and Mr. Pitt.The freedom of the city of London,and a sword.Address from Guernsey and Jersey.Silver vases.Inscriptions thereon.
Sir James disappointed in not returning home.Extract of a letter to his brother.The French send ships to the West Indies.Squadron detached after them.Death of General O'Hara.Sir James receives orders to superintend the evacuation of Minorca.Arrival of H.R.H. Duke of Kent.Sir James arrives at Minorca.Definitive treaty of peace.Proceedings there.Island given up to Spain.The Csar arrives at Gibraltar.Proceeds to England.Anchors at Spithead.
Commencement of Hostilities with France.Sir James hoists his Flag at Sheerness.Proceeds to Guernsey.Flag in the Grampus.Anecdote of Captain Caulfield.Sir James visits Jersey, &c.Diomede arrives as Flag ship.The Admiral examines the Defence of the Island.Loss of La Minerve.Attack and Bombardment of Granville.Cerberus gets aground.Narrow Escape from a Shot.Public and Private Letters.Blockade of the Coast.Loss of the Shannon and Grappler.Conclusion of 1803.
Sir James continues in the command at Guernsey.Proceedings of his Squadron.Letter from Lord Nelson, dated two days before he was killed.Capture and destruction of La Salamandre.Sir James's benevolent conduct at Guernsey.
Sir James is called into active service.Joins the Channel Fleet as second in command.Shifts his Flag from the San Josef to the Prince of Wales.His decisive conduct.Anecdote of the Prince of Wales' Men.Change of Ministry.Sir James leaves the Channel Fleet, and returns to Guernsey.Is offered the Command in the East Indies.Letter on that occasion.
State of Affairs in Sweden.Alarm of the King.Sir James selected to command the Baltic Fleet.Correspondence with Lord Mulgrave.Sir John Moore's Expedition.Arrives at Gothenburg.Capture and destruction of a Danish seventy-four.Sir John Moore goes to Stockholm.Is arrested, and escapes.Expedition returns to England.Disposition of the Fleet.Sir James proceeds to Carlscrona.Rescue of Romana's Army.Sir James proceeds to the Gulf of Finland.Capture and Destruction of the Russian seventy-four, Sewolod.The combined Swedish and English Fleet off Baltic Port.Reconnoitres the Russian Fleet in the harbour, and determines to attack them.Prevented by change of winds.Proceeding off Baltic Port.Letter to the Emperor of Russia.Fleet returns to Carlscrona.
Sir James at Carlscrona.Arrangements.Author left in Sweden.Letter from the Swedish Admiral.Sir James leaves Carlscrona.Arrives at Gothenburg.Makes arrangements for the protection of the Trade.Leaves Rear Admiral Keats in Command.His departure from Sweden, and arrival in the Downs.Proceeds to the Admiralty, and receives their Lordships' high approbation.Proceedings of the Fleet.Revolution in Sweden.Sir James reappointed to the command in the Baltic.His correspondence with Mr. Foster.Official notice of the Duke of Sudermania being elected King of Sweden.He confers upon Sir James the Grand Cross of the Order of the Sword.
Blockade of the Russian fleet.Swedes' expedition, under Admiral Puk and General Wachtmeister, sails,is unsuccessful. Private correspondence with Mr. Foster.Armistice and Peace with Russia.Peace with Denmark.Proceedings of the Fleet.State of affairs in Sweden.Fleet returns to Carlscrona, and subsequently to England.
Sir James's third year in the command of the Baltic Fleet. Proceeds to Gothenburg and Havre.Correspondence with Mr. Foster, Admiral Krusenstjerna, and others.Swedes shut their ports.Death of the Crown Prince.Murder of Count Fersen.Restrictions of the Swedish commerce.Sir James's judicious conduct in that and in several disputes.Election of Bernadotte, and his entry into Sweden.Correspondence on the subject.Sir James returns to England, and receives the approbation of the government and the nation.
Buonaparte declares he will conquer a "Maritime Peace."Illness of George III.Prince of Wales Regent.Sir James obtains leave of absence.The Victory sent to Lisbon with troops.Attack on Anholt.Gallant defence of the garrison.Sir James continues in the Baltic at the request of ministers.Letters respecting Anholt.Letters from the Duke of Brunswick and answers thereto.Arrival in Sweden of Sir James.Letters to Mr. Yorke and Admiral Reynolds.Negotiations on the sequestration of English ships at Carlscrona.Conference with Baron Tawast.Written document from the Baron unsatisfactory.Letter from the Admiralty.Sir James remonstrates with the Swedish Government.Evasive answer.Further correspondence.Value of sequestered property.Capture of two Danish privateers.Gallant conduct of Lieut. St. Clair and Mr. Purcell.Determination of Russia not to accede to the terms of France.The Crown Prince places implicit confidence in Sir James.Arrival of Mr. Thornton.He is smuggled into the city of Gothenburg.Amicable confirmation of the Ghent treaty.Situation of the fleet.Sir James's letter.Disaster of the St. George and convoy.Admiral Reynolds's letter.Arrival of St. George at Wingo.Sailing of the fleet.St. George and Hero's convoy put back.Sail again.Melancholy wrecks of the St. George and Defence.Captain Pater's narrative.Remarks.Loss of the Hero and convoy.Proceedings of the Victory.Remarks on crossing the North Sea.Sir James arrives at Spithead.
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