The Healing Power of Water
How to Use Water as a Natural Cure

Dueep Jyot Singh
Healthy Learning Series
Mendon Cottage Books

JD-Biz Publishing
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Table of Contents
This book is for all of those people who knowthat, yes, water has been used since ancient times to cure diseasespermanently, and also have heard something about hydrotherapy,which means treatment with the use of water. I am going to touchupon the subject of hydrotherapy, without going into too much of adetail, in this book, which is going to be confined to how watercan be used as a curative for a number of diseases and also toprevent them from occurring in your body.
You are going to get to know how just thatglassful of water pure water, and definitely not bottled andmineral water, or perhaps that water which has been subjected toextensive additions of chlorine, these 21st-centurymodern innovations do not work - is going to keep you healthy, andalso get rid of all the toxins in your body.

Naturally, we take it for granted that wateris an essential part of our lives, and we thank God that we do nothave to walk miles through desert areas, and over arid lands, likeour ancestors did, searching for a source of water.
At that time, of course, the sources of waterthat were available to them were rivers, ponds, pools, littlelakes, and other natural resources along with puddles whererainwater had collected and had managed to seep back into thesoil.
Even at that time, man knew that water was anecessary a part of his life, that his whole body and system wouldshut down, if it did not have its necessary and regular intake ofwater, at regular intervals throughout the day and night.
The quality of water and its quantity allover the earth is different. That is because there is a greatrelationship between the air and water. If the air is warm, thewater availability is going to be less, which seems to be an irony,because it is during the summer that we need water more,unfortunately it has evaporated, due to all the hot air.
The quality of the water has no set standard,because natural water is going to show different qualities due tothe quantities of minerals available at different depths. So as youdig, perhaps, you are going to see muddy water for a couple of feetand then the quality of the water is going to change accordingly asyou dig deeper.
Since ancient times, people knew that anumber of diseases were caused in the body, due perhaps to thedeprivation of some particular minerals, essential nutrients, andthe other ingredients necessary to keep your body functioningproperly and naturally.
In the same manner, a number of diseases werecaused through water, especially when you drank impure orcontaminated water. This is the reason why, for centuries, mankindknew that at one particular time of the year and one season, he hadto guard against diseases, because they appeared regularly.
It was only through experience, and commonsense, that he got to know that these diseases were caused when hedrank water which was contaminated from sources like pools, drains,sewers, puddles, and even rivers. The diseases caused due to thisdrinking of contaminated water were many digestive, skin related,and blood related, because of the pathogens and the bacteria whichentered the body through the water.

Water, precious water
Once upon a time, cholera epidemics were rifein the East, and though the people in the East managed to survive,because they knew how to prevent and cure themselves during acholera epidemic, the Westerners who had gone there for tradepurposes or to soldier, died like flies every rainy season and inthe summer.
The reason was that they did not want toadmit that the native medicine was effective in getting rid of aninfection and was able to cure them. This phobia or this stubbornignorance, whatever you may want to call it cost them dearly.
Even in Kiplings time, it was written inmany of his stories that one never knew when he would be seeing hisfriend again, after he had said goodbye, because one did not knowhow fast cholera could strike.
And that is why people who knew that watercould cause diseases took precautionary measures like filtering thewater through charcoal filters, or boiling it, and then storing itin earthenware clay pots. You cannot improve the quality of thewater by boiling it, but you can make it potable.
As a youngster, I lived in an area where thewomenfolk of the family got water from the old traditional well,which had been serving that particular area for centuries. It wasthen boiled, with a little bit of cumin seed added to the boilingwater, which was then allowed to cool and placed in really hugemetal pots. Along with that, every family member had his ownpersonal water pot into which the matriarch of the family wouldplace his daily quota of boiled water, which he had to drinkthroughout the day.
Those water pots held about 3 L of water, andyou are going to say, even a little child had to drink that much ofwater, the answer is yes, the children were so busy playing andexercising, and having fun throughout the day, that they did noteven get to know that they had finished up the water pots, and sotheir bodies were never dehydrated, ever.
The water which was drunk was never boilinghot or icy cold. The icy cold water which we love today, isdefinitely not good for our health, especially when it is conduciveto giving us sore throats. Also, if you had a hot meal, you wouldnot wash it down with cold water and vice versa. According to theancients, this disturbed the balance and harmony of your system andgave rise to possible diseases and problems.
So many of us are crazy about the mineralwater, which is being sold in bottles, especially when we buy themwith their stylish labels. All right, let me tell you something.Truthfully, I have seen this expensive mineral water being made,before it is bottled in the bottling plant.
There is absolutely no natural source ofwater, which was advertised in that particular brandsadvertisements, as coming down straight from the mountains asmelted snow giving you your water, fresh and pure, and which lookedso attractive in print! Actually, it was just ordinary water, whichhad been boiled a little, so that the chlorine content did notstrike you like a sledgehammer, the moment you took a deep gulp.After that, some minerals manufactured in the lab were added tothat water, so that you thought that this tasted like a naturalmineral water, taken from natural water sources.